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Top 17 Online Screenwriting Courses Offered by Udemy

Top 17 Online Screenwriting Courses Offered by Udemy

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 26, 2024 11:02 AM IST | #Film, Television, Digital Video Production

Video content is the most popular source of entertainment. People all around the world consume content on a daily basis. To cater to the global needs and regional requirements there is a surge for demand of content, which is a reflection of the importance of movies and television series. There are many roles involved in the creation process be it camera, director, actor and much more. The most important for any movie and television series is story and for that script is important.

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Thus there has always been an underlying demand for screenwriters, inversely creating a demand for such Script writing courses, There has been a huge demand as it is a creative process and they are well rewarded for their skills as a story creator. screenwriting course, has been hosted by various film institutes and online teaching platforms they teach students and applicants all over the world to help them make themselves eligible for creating a cinema or a series that reaches the audiences worldwide.

1. Inspirational Screenwriting. The #1 Screenwriting course!

This course is shaped as a story on the renowned writer of Warner Bros movie August Rush. With the help of this movie being used as case study explaining the importance of screenwriting. How the crafted screenplay can sell for millions of dollars. The online script writing course teaches the techniques involved in plot development, dialogue opening, structure for movie, scene construction, sequence to evoke suspense, and many other modules will be taught using real life subjects and conditions to give a comprehensive understanding of screen handling and management.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 3 hours of video content

Fees- INR 700/-

Also read: Career as Content Writer

2. Screenwriting Workshop

In this Script writing course, you will learn how to transform your ideas into a story and convert into a screenplay, it helps you create a selling pitch that will appeal to the audiences. The course will teach you on how to create a perfect screenplay with the help of a basic blueprint that will help students polish your screenplay skills. The course will go through all the movie award winning scripts and how to develop characters from paper.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 7 hours of video content

Fees- INR 700/-

Also read: Career as Copy Writer

3. Screenwriting & Storytelling Blueprint: Hero’s Two Journeys

You will learn how to make scenes and sequences that will leap from the pages and will help discover different shades of a character that will appeal to the jury and audiences. The course is open to all aspiring writers be it old or new generation. You will learn the essential goal of story writing and how to keep the audience entertained. This course will guarantee your academic and professional success and employ the key principles of the journey involved in the story writing process. The course will help to create a mindset that leads to the journey of transformation.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 6.5 hours of video content

Fees- INR 700/-

Also read: Career as Author

4. Beginning Screenwriting made Easy-2020 Screenwriting course

This online course will go through the mistakes the screenwriters make, how you should avoid them for the better. What you should learn about the incubation process of an idea and how to convert it into a bankable script. You will learn how to become a good script writer and connect with the audience, and build it at a level that resonates with the audience, and how to get feedback and indulge the changes required with effective tips and tricks to modify your script. This is a course developed for everyone to learn and it helps enjoy the process and build something worth watching.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 2.5 hours of video content

Fees- INR 700/-

5. Screenwriting 101: Writing for film and Television

This online screenwriting course is made specially for writers of all scopes and with all levels of experience. This course helps to give a fundamental concept of all the aspects of the writing process and the business part that is involved, helping to balance between the creation part and the business part that is appealing to the audiences and also cost effective. This course is curated for all the beginners teaching all the theoretical aspects involved in this line of work.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 1.5 hours of video content

Fees- INR 700/-

Also read: Career as Film Maker

6. The Business of Screenwriting Masterclass

This course will deal with all the practical and business-related details of the course in the screenwriting process. The structure and modules in the course that are covered in this course will help build a successful career as a professional writer and build a big sustaining empire digestible to understand and build a professional career as a writer. The course will also deal on how to get rights for a novel or a potential story and understanding the source material and how to deal with the finances in terms of PayScale and pitching other clients.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 3 hours of video content

Fees- iNR 700/-

7. Screenwriting and storytelling blueprint: Hero’s two journeys

If you are a budding artist or want to be one this screenplay writing course is for you. This course will help you learn the essential elements that are involved in the creation process of films and television. You will learn to maximize your potential and increase the emotional involvement of your audiences and readers, you will learn the five most important points that are responsible for any screenplay and how to bring the story of a hero from the pages to the screen and ensure your success as both an artist and a creator.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 6.5 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

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8. Movies: The Art of Films

This course will help the students get a basic overview of the ideation of cinema and how it works. You will learn a vocabulary of technical and aesthetic terms that are required in this field to converse with each other. You will be able to enjoy the art of creation and appreciate the way that the moving elements create a meaning and can be used to portray feelings. You will understand the communicative elements of cinema and learn how to implement those to create content through each element and find the soul of each film.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 3.5 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

9. Documentary Filmmaking with Soul

In this course you will learn to create modern, cinematic and story driven documentaries from the start to end. This course will teach you the planning and execution required to create stories and capture it on camera. This course will teach you to cultivate a habit to see, perceive, listen and find the beauty of things in the smallest of things available in the environment. You will develop an eye for location scouting and approaching content towards the screenwriting process.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 2 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

Also read: Career as Film Director

10. Screenwriting Masterclass: A Complete guide to screenwriting

The course will help you create a baseline for the knowledge required to venture into screenwriting. You will learn how to implement ideas, create a story around a plot line, revising your screenplay to improvise and making them better in every aspect achievable in the creative process. The learning process will also include the idea of creating fictional characters that will drive your stories and build an essence of perfection in your story.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 3.5 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

11. The Ultimate screenwriting course- All you need!

This is a masterclass which will cover all your skills that need to be in the skills of a successful scriptwriter, you will learn how to find potential clients and increase your client base by creating best pitching content. In just 30 days you will learn to create a career-changing screenplay using real-life project examples the course will revolve around the framework that involves in the creation process and help find out the loopholes in an existing idea.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 2.5 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

12. Introductory Screenwriting

By the end of this course when you will head towards completion you will be an experienced handler when writing a 30-minute television production script or a storyline. The students that are taking this course will learn to create in a 3-act structure that will be based on drama, comedy, and feature films. You will be taught how to focus on your screenplay.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 1 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

13. Master the art of Screenwriting

This course will involve the teaching process on how to get a film script through your portfolio. And how to write like a pro. The course will also explore the factors to be self-independent and create content with a creative freedom that will be appealing to all the people. You will learn how to come up with original ideas and plan a script and get all the essentials planned with the process. You will learn the process of building the script through all the phases of production, getting to know the feedback involved and create the content in a relatively effective manner.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 2 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

14. Screenwriting toolkit: The Dialogue writing masterclass

This course will deal with the process that includes the dialogues and creating screen pages with content worth the time of audiences. There are many aspects that are involved when writing dialogue, based on those dialogues you will learn how to capture the emotions on the screen by the best-selling author Karl Iglesias. He will showcase the tips and tricks that are involved in the dialogue techniques and what must be done in situations to capture all the essential elements.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 4 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

Related Resources :

15. Screenwriting Masterclass: Selling your Screenplay

This is an online scriptwriting course where you will learn from the famous Hollywood screenwriters, from the likes of Ron Bass, Akiva Goldsman, Gerald DiPego and much more. These guides will provide you with lessons that will help learn the importance of script and how to find what the audiences like. The course will teach the differences between successful screenwriters and amateurs and what would help you stand out of the normalized share of already present people in the competitive world.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 2.5 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

16. Film Screenwriting: Writing and Business of Screenwriting

The course will feature the ideal conditions of a feature film writer and the demands that are required from such a profession. You will learn how to manage rejections, reworks, drafts, people, actors, unions and much more. This course will help you evolve as a person that is well drafted and well equipped for the industry. This course will help create a mindset that helps bring more clients and increase the work span of all the fields that involve in the screenwriting process. Here you will learn the difference of film and television scripts and how different are the approaches towards both streams.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 2 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

17. Screenwriting Masterclass: Crafting Complex Characters

In this online screenplay course you will learn the basic and important three steps that are involved in the creation process that help build a connection with the viewer to the main character. You will learn the importance of empathy and how to make a character relatable that it connects to the viewers on a subconscious level. You will learn why the current practicing screenplay writers are unable to find an audience and how to improve a script. You will learn the basic mistakes that should be avoided in the creation process and how to build logical thinking and create stories that create news.

Duration- This is a self-paced course with 1 hours of video content

Fees- 700/-

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it possible to learn screenwriting in the online format?

These times have improved and innovated the way we learn; it has enabled the students to learn with the help of video content and not be bound by remote locations. Yes, there are online courses that provide courses on digital student learning platforms.

2. Do screenwriters require educational qualification?

There is no educational qualification required for the students or the course takers it depends on the credibility and the experience that can be gained with time by taking effective experience on working in real life environments and movie sets.

3. How much do movie script writers get paid?

These are promising times for screenwriters as the demand for movies and television series are at an all time high. They earn in the range of 72,000136,000 if involved in Hollywood projects.

4. What are the application areas that a screenwriter can get a job in?

Screenwriters can enter into any position that involves in creating content be it television, films, documentaries, YouTube, and many more. There are any many other creative positions that can be taken into consideration that will depend on the subjective interest of any creator.

5. Is it easy to become a scriptwriter?

It is a creative job that requires creative solutions and capturing essence in the frame of the camera. The job seems easy but at times can be incredibly challenging in terms of effective approach. There are quite limited scriptwriters that can create a long lasting connection with the audience.

6. Can I get a certificate from learning script writing through online courses?

Yes is it possible to earn a certificate by taking online screenwriting courses on different platforms, and the students will learn with a variety of learning options by working on case studies as a reference.

7. How is it possible to learn screenwriting online?

With the help of screenplay online courses, the students are able to learn from remote locations, and the courses are beneficial to students at a different level as they provide visual inputs with live interaction with students on different case studies and help create a perspective over creative screenplay.

8. How to write an effective cinema script?

You need a storyline with quite effective characters that would determine the direction of the story and must be responsible to portray the story to the major audiences.

9. Do screenwriters require to be present on set for the production?

Yes they are allowed and also responsible for explaining the scene to the entire set to create the perfect atmosphere to capture the scene. They explain the actors and directors about what is required from the situation.


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Questions related to Film, Television, Digital Video Production

Have a question related to Film, Television, Digital Video Production ?


The percentile required for admission to Instrumentation and Control, Production, or Chemical Engineering depends on the college, its cutoff, and the category you belong to. Here's an approximate idea based on common admission trends, especially for admissions through JEE Main,

1. Instrumentation and Control Engineering:

Top NITs/IITs:

  • General Category: 95–98 percentile
  • Reserved Categories: 85–94 percentile

Other NITs/IITs/State Colleges:

  • General Category: 85–95 percentile
  • Reserved Categories: 75–85 percentile

2. Production Engineering:

Top NITs/IITs:

  • General Category: 93–96 percentile
  • Reserved Categories: 80–90 percentile

Other NITs/IITs/State Colleges

  • General Category: 80–90 percentile
  • Reserved Categories: 70–80 percentile

3. Chemical Engineering:

Top NITs/IITs college:

  • General Category: 96–99 percentile
  • Reserved Categories: 85–94 percentile

Other NITs/State Colleges:

  • General Category: 85–95 percentile
  • Reserved Categories: 75–85 percentile

Improving questions on production functions typically involve analyzing and manipulating mathematical models that describe the relationship between inputs (such as labor and capital) and outputs (such as goods and services). Here are some tips to help you improve:

Types of Questions

1. *Optimization problems*: Find the maximum or minimum output given certain constraints on inputs.

2. *Comparative statics*: Analyze how changes in inputs or parameters affect the output.

3. *Graphical analysis*: Interpret and manipulate graphs of production functions.

Key Concepts

1. *Production function*: Q = f(L, K), where Q is output, L is labor, and K is capital.

2. *Marginal product*: The change in output resulting from a one-unit increase in an input.

3. *Diminishing marginal returns*: The marginal product of an input decreases as the input increases.

4. *Returns to scale*: The relationship between output and input scale.

Problem-Solving Strategies

1. *Read carefully*: Understand the problem and identify the key concepts involved.

2. *Use mathematical notation*: Write down the production function and any relevant equations.

3. *Analyze the problem graphically*: Sketch the production function and any relevant curves.

4. *Apply optimization techniques*: Use calculus or other methods to find the maximum or minimum output.

5. *Interpret your results*: Explain the economic implications of your findings.

Practice Questions

1. A firm's production function is Q = 2L + 3K. Find the marginal product of labor and capital.

2. A company's output is given by Q = L^2K. Find the maximum output when L = 4 and K = 9.

3. Compare the production functions Q = 2L + 3K and Q = L + 2K. Which one exhibits diminishing marginal returns?

By practicing these types of questions and reviewing the key concepts, you'll become more proficient in analyzing and manipulating production functions.

Have a great day

Hello Atul,

Main criteria to decide whether to choose Production Engineering at NIT Trichy or Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at NIT Agartala also involve several factors.

NIT Trichy - Production Engineering: NIT Trichy is one of the most excellent National Institutes of Technology in India, better known for its academic excellence, along with good placement records. Studying Production Engineering at the place would open diverse career opportunities in manufacturing, operations management, and supply chain management. However, the institutes have always superior resources in the form of well-equipped labs and workshops. In most cases, a larger and more established alumni network can prove helpful in obtaining internships and job placements.

NIT Agartala - ECE: On the other hand, the field of ECE is highly in demand as it has applicatory use in nearly every sector nowadays, from telecommunication, robotics, to embedded systems. If you are one of those interested persons who always have passion for the electronics and communication technologies, then this specialization may be more appropriate to your interest. NIT Agartala - Though it becomes very popular among fresh engineering graduates now, yet it is not equal to that prestige of NIT Trichy.

In the end, you should probably choose that which mainly stimulates your interest, adds to your career ambitions, and presents the nature of the opportunities each program offers. Prioritizing what is of most excitement can lead to an even both educational and professional journey that is fulfilling.


While specific data for Agartala might be limited, production engineering generally offers good placement prospects. The manufacturing sector, though not as prominent in Agartala as in metro cities, still has opportunities. Government sectors, PSUs, and private industries often recruit production engineers. However, expect the competition to be higher for core production roles compared to other engineering branches.


Production engineering is a versatile field with applications across various industries. In Agartala, you might find opportunities in:

  • Manufacturing Units: Small-scale industries and emerging manufacturing sectors.
  • Government Sectors: Public sector undertakings and government departments.
  • Consultancy: If you gain experience, you can venture into consultancy.
  • Higher Studies: Pursuing further studies (M.Tech, PhD) can open doors to research and academia.

While the scope might be relatively smaller compared to metro cities, with the right skill set and approach, you can build a successful career in Agartala.

hope this helps you!!


The tuition fee of IHHMCA, Hyderabad of the course Food Production and Patisserie is around 80,000. It is a certified course of 18 months.

Good luck.

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