An abbreviation is a word that means “a short form of a word or a phrase”. Grammatically the word “Abbreviation” is a noun. For example, “sec” is the abbreviation for measuring time “seconds”. The use of abbreviations came into existence in the 15th century. They are widely used to avoid the repetition of long words and phrases. Abbreviations are used in places like Measurements, Directions, Business terms, Titles, Postal terms, Time, Names of organizations, Government bodies, States and Cities, etc. It is easy to use them and they make sense when used with the other words in a text or phrase. So, they have become part of social media text messaging, email texting, etc.
The word Abbreviation is a noun and its meaning is “Shorten or contraction”.
An abbreviation is a word that is used in place of long words or phrases in a sentence. This is because, writing a long word repeatedly takes more time, space, and effort for a writer.
To avoid such repeated words, Abbreviations are used.
The synonyms of the word Abbreviations are Shorten, Contraction, Initialism, Acronym, and backronym.
Abbreviations are used in the English language for reducing the complexity of writing repeated long words or phrases and making the writing to be as simple as possible to read and understand for anyone. For abbreviations, there are some rules. They are period and no period. Here, a period is nothing but a “dot” or “Full stop”.
In American English, a period is used to end any abbreviation that stands for a single word. For example, the abbreviation for the word “Government” in American English is written as “Govt.”
In British English, a period is a choice to use and it is typically avoided in certain cases. For example, “Govt” is abbreviated for the word “Government”.
There are four types of abbreviations in English. They are Initialisms, Acronyms, Shortenings, and Contractions. All these are having their own rules in both British English and American English.
Abbreviations that are pronounced letter by letter are referred to under Initialisms.
Example: CEO – Chief Executive Officer.
These types of abbreviations are formed from the first letters of a group of words.
The main rule for writing these abbreviations is “if the first letters of the group of words (especially official organizations) are Capital letters, then the abbreviation is also written in Capital letters only.
For other abbreviations, it's the choice of writing them in capitals or small letters. For example, for “frequently asked questions”, we can write “faq” or “FAQ”
Abbreviations that are pronounced as single words are referred to under Acronyms.
Example: NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
These types of abbreviations are also formed from the first letters of a group of words. But these are spelled as single words.
The rules are as similar to the Initialisms.
These abbreviations are of two kinds: real words and not real words.
Real words are those which are written and read in short form only. These words end with no period.
Example: “app” – for application in software
Not real words are those which are written in short form but read by their full version. These words end with a period.
Example: “Mon.” – for Monday
These abbreviations are of two kinds depending on the missing letters from the original words or phrases.
In these types, the abbreviations are formed by the first and last letters of a word.
Example: Dr – Doctor; govt. – government.
Some of these abbreviations are formed by “apostrophe”.
Example: I’ve – I have; She’s – She is; They’d – They would.
In writing abbreviations for single long words, the initial letters of the word or the initial and last letters of the word are used.
Example: Mister – Mr.
Writing abbreviations for phrases, the first letters or initial portion of each word without periods are used.
Example: Crime Investigation Department – CID
Some abbreviations are mostly used in that they become words on their own, and some people may be unaware that they are written in short form.
Examples: radar – (radio detecting and ranging); and Laser – (Lightwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).
Some of the commonly used abbreviations are:
Abbreviations for single words:
mph – miles per hour
cm – centimeter
km - kilometer
sq. – square
mg – milligram
ml – milliliter
kg – kilogram
Mt. – Mountain
Prof. – Professor
St. – Saint
AM – Ante Meridiem (Time)
PM – Post Meridiem (Time)
Ltd. – Limited
Abbreviations (Acronyms) for Phrases or groups of words:
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
UNO – United Nations Organisations
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
DRDO – Defence Research and Development Organisation
ROM – Read Only Memory
ATM – Automated Teller Machine
Internet abbreviations:
OMG – oh my god
BTW – By the way
LOL – Laughing out loud
BFF – best friends forever
A writer’s time is saved and space is also saved while writing an essay or article or story or anything.
Increases the speed of writing of a writer.
Helps conventional usages of words in scripts.
Makes the scripts easy to read and understand.
The abbreviation is a shortened word used in place of a long word or a phrase to reduce its repeated usage and for easy to read and write.
In abbreviations, a period represents a dot or a full stop at the end of the letters. This period is used in American English and not used in British English.
An acronym is a type of abbreviation but it is read as a single word whereas the abbreviation is a short form for the word formed by a group of letters. They are read letter by letter.
We use abbreviations because it takes less time to write or read the full version of a word or phrase in a short form.
In some cases, they may confuse unfamiliar audiences. Using abbreviations is good but sometimes they may be problematic for unknown people.