Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 05, 2023 05:51 PM IST

What is the full form of ARPANET?

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network is the abbreviation of ARPANET. The Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense funded the ARPANET, considered the forerunner of the Internet (ARPA). While the Internet was being built, it functioned as the backbone and a proving ground for many components of internetworking technology. The innovative data transmission technique used by ARPANET was packet switching. In packet switching, host computers divide each file into smaller packets. After the packets have been sent, the pieces are put back together to form the first files.


History Of ARPANET

The US Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) launched the ARPANET in 1969. It was set up using a number of PCs at several colleges, and messages and information sharing were carried out. It was for playing as long-distance entertainment, and people were asked to provide their opinions. Defense Data Network, a distinct military network, received control of ARPANET in the year 1980.

ARPANET Characteristics:

  • It is a WAN type.
  • It took advantage of the packet-switching network concept.
  • Sub-netting was accomplished using Interface Message Processors (IMPs).
  • A host and a subnet were the components that made up the ARPANET software.

Benefits Of ARPANET

  • The ARPANET was built to operate even during a nuclear attack.
  • Email interactions were conducted with it.
  • It improved the transmission of crucial military files and data.

Drawbacks Of ARPANET:

  • Managing an increased number of LAN connections was challenging.
  • It was unable to keep up with technological advances.
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