7 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language

7 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Oct 18, 2023 04:40 PM IST | #Foreign Language

Half the world's population speaks two languages, but only 25 percent of Indians can communicate in another language. It is always good to know and learn a foreign language due to so many different reasons. If you wish to learn a foreign language now it has become incredibly easy as well. If you are wondering about the reasons to learn a foreign language, there are several free foreign language certification courses online that teach you valuable language skills that not only pay you well but also allow you to hold more diverse roles moving ahead.

7 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language
7 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language

If you are wondering about all the reasons to learn a foreign language, there are several advantages of being familiar with a foreign language, some of which we have curated after elaborate discussions with language experts, thereby helping you understand why you should learn a foreign language.

Also Read: Best Foreign Approved Online Certification Courses that you can pursue in India!

7 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language

1. It makes you wiser

Scientific studies have proven that knowing multiple languages can lead to better thinking, and problem-solving skills, along with thinking and brainstorming skills. It also helps people to deal with unfamiliar and out-of-the-box situations. One of the most important reasons to learn a foreign language is that the use of another language often delays the onset of dementia.

Apart from that knowing an extra language gives you access to all the literature and content available in that particular language. Going through it can help you increase your wisdom quotient. And now it is much easier to learn a language just through your gadgets by registering for an online foreign language course.

Also Read: 20+ Foreign Language Courses to Pursue

2. Increases academic achievement

Learning a foreign language through any foreign language certification courses supports academic success as well. This is especially true for English-speaking students learning another language through any other foreign language certification courses, as well as English language students in bilingual programmes and immersion. It also enhances academic results at the college level and it is really easy to be a part of foreign language certification courses.

Not only that, there are several countries where an individual can study and/or work only if he or she is aware of the local language used there. For example, in places like Germany, it is compulsory for an individual planning to work or study there to have a decent knowledge of that language. One of the most important reasons to learn a foreign language is that if you are someone who dreams to study or work in a foreign country it is always advantageous to learn the native language of that country. Not just in cases if it compulsory but also it will make your life a hundred times easier on a daily basis.

Bilingualism has been shown to be especially beneficial for children of low-income families as it helps them in being able to streamline and concentrate their attention in the presence of distractions." Some studies have found that children with families who speak a second language at home received better mental health tests than those with families who speak only one language.

3. Provides employment and employment benefits

Knowing a foreign language can be instrumental in increasing job opportunities for aspirants. As per a study, the demand for bilingual workers in a country like the United States has increased 2x from 2010 to 2015, where about 11 million opportunities in the USA have stemmed from exporting goods and services & because America's top trading partners use languages other than English. While not all export positions are in need of a second language, it becomes vital to know that some of the companies working in India are based out of countries like China, Spain, Japan & France.

They are dependent upon their workforce which has skills other than English to support their business communication as they have lost business because of a lack of language skills.

In a country like India where the national language is Hindi, there is a huge population who is not well versed in it, especially in the southern parts of the country. One of the most important reasons to learn a foreign language is that people who have a good command of English have a better chance of getting good jobs in the country since it is a universal language.

You must make sure to know the language important in the country he or she plans to work or study in. You can enroll in a foreign language course accordingly.

Also Read: 15+ Courses to Learn Turkish Online

4. Provides comprehensive access to education and information

If you speak another language, you can easily pursue a degree in another country, which may end up being the cheapest way to get a college education. If nothing else, it at least allows you to enjoy studying abroad and learn more than you can do if you speak only Hindi or English.

Furthermore, if you wish to actually understand what daily conversations, movie dialogues or text actually mean in their original, local context, it will serve you better to learn foreign languages which will further enhance your employability as well, given that you may also someday be promoted to handle global operations or lead a global team in a new, foreign land.

Victor Hugo's reading of Les Misérables will surely be most fulfilling if you enjoy the original French text while the venerable Kafka of Haruki Murakami on the Coast will retain the nuances of the original Japanese text, for a better reading experience.

Apart from shows and books, listening to foreign music will be much better if you understand the words well.

The same is true with regard to news reports. Only those who speak English can have direct access to news and ideas in parts of the world where other languages are prominent. There has always been a stigma attached in India about English where people use it as a measure of excellence while it is a universal language. If you happen to know it you have the ability to read, watch and learn about so many different things which otherwise you won’t be able to understand. Therefore, you must not deprive yourself of the knowledge you can gain by just not knowing a language. It is always easy to enroll in online foreign language courses and be familiar with the language, thanks to a plethora of online foreign language courses that offer top-notch foreign language certification courses to learners globally.

Also read - 21+ Courses to Learn Mandarin Chinese Online

5. It gives you social and international skills

With over 60 million people in India speaking a language other than Hindi at home, those who speak only English lack the ability to communicate directly in the mother tongue of many friends and neighbors. Language learners also tend to develop a positive attitude both about the language and culture of the country in which it is spoken. This is one of the main reasons to learn a foreign language.

Learning a new language gives you a sense of accomplishment. In a context where language can be part of our own values and cultures, building on the knowledge of that language enables us to reconnect with the experiences of previous generations of the family. Knowing a foreign language can help you know and connect better with people who know that language. It will help you make friends easily if you are out of your home country. Your socialising experience will be a lot better than people who don’t know the native language of the country you are in.

Having knowledge of a secondary language leads to better cross-border business work across the seven continents as well. In all, 75 percent of the world's population does not speak English. Those who speak only English can be limited and tend to associate with others around the world to deal with world problems.

Also Read: Futurelearn Foreign Language Courses and Certifications

6. Increases national security

On the national security side, various agencies and departments responsible for national security, including the FBI, CIA, and Departments of Security, Homeland Security, and Defense, need more ambassadors and staff who can speak and understand another language. This need was emphasized after the 9/11 attacks when it emerged that a shortage of Arabic linguists led to the U.S. Missing critical messages sent by the perpetrators about the attacks a day before they happened was a huge blow to their national security. There have been several other occasions as well where the lack of knowledge about a language has been a major cause of destruction. Therefore if you want to be someone doing good for the country then acquiring knowledge about a foreign language can make you a part of the national security team. You can begin now by joining a foreign language course online.


If you speak any other language then you could earn a degree in another country, which could end up ultimately being a less expensive way to get a college education in a different country. Various language learners tend to develop a positive attitude towards that particular language and culture of that country. This is one of the main reasons to learn a foreign language thereby inculcating the interrelation between human nature and language.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is French or German more useful?

As a general answer, one would say French would be the most useful. And here are the reasons: You can talk with German people in English; most of them speak both quite fluently. No such luck with French people.

2. Why English is important in the hospitality industry?

As English is the language of the globalized business world, effective and excellent communication and adequate English language competency is essential for better guest experience and hence better efficiency, productivity and, in the long run, profitability of the industry.

3. Why French language important in the hospitality industry?

If you have studied the French culture then the fluency of the language can help you in the Booming Tourism Industry. Therefore, problems in intercultural communication may arise if sufficient use of the target language is not accompanied by the ability to understand, think and act accordingly to the target culture.

4. Can you become fluent in a language without living in the country?

Yes it's definitely possible to become fluent without living in your target language's country. With the internet, you can easily skype with natives.

5. How long does it take to learn a language in a foreign country?

Usually, 88 weeks are ideal to learn a new foreign language in a country other than your own. If you want to learn it quickly, spend time on learning it on a daily-basis.

6. How many hours a day should I study a foreign language?

For most people, around 30 minutes of active study and 1 hour of language exposure a day is a schedule that will give you great results.


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Questions related to Foreign Language

Have a question related to Foreign Language ?

I want to take admission in foreign language. Is there time to fill up the form now ?

Hello Roshan,

I will list down the names of private foreign language University or colleges in India :-

  • Manipal University (MAHE) - Manipal Academy of Higher Education,Manipal,Karnataka

Link for more details - https://www.careers360.com/university/manipal-academy-of-higher-education-manipal/ba-foreign-language-and-intercultural-studies-course

  • Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur,Madhya Pradesh

Link for more details - https://www.careers360.com/university/shri-krishna-university-chhatarpur/ba-foreign-language-course

  • KR Mangalam University, Gurgaon, Haryana

Link for more details - https://www.careers360.com/university/kr-mangalam-university-gurgaon/ba-chinese-hons-course

Hope it helps.

Thank You


Recruitment is an evergreen field and HR is also one such. However many foreign countries (especially the western world) has a surplus of this talent area. Getting jobs for these area is Europe or US or Australia will be difficult.

Having said that, foreign language is always a benefit. Traditionally German or Spanish or French would have been an advantage. Now I would even suggest Japanese or Chinese if you have the stamina for this. It is a trending area for Indian expats now.

But, in a global recruitment environment, I would think it should be sufficient to know and speak English, because anyone seeking employment in your country should have to be able to speak English at least. Still, which language helps you will depend on the kinds of clients or companies you work for and where the majority of their target talent exists. It will also depend on which city/country you wish to be employed in.

  • Spanish is the easiest language because its syntax, grammar and even the words are similar to that of English. It is the third most widely spoken language next to English. 5.6% of the world population speaks Spanish.
  • French occupies the second place. The pronunciations can be tricky, but syntax is similar to English. French is the second highest learnt foreign language in the world and first in India.
  • Next in line is German. Takers for German language are far low when compared to French or English due to its complex syntax and applicability. 1.8% of the world population speaks German. Germans have seen to have no inclination to learn any foreign language. Per force, foreigners working or studying there need to learn German.
  • Chinese comes from a very different language root and hence takes time to learn. To understand a new language, it must have some similarity with a language that we know. Chinese is mostly learnt by students, business professionals and translators.
  • Though Chinese and Japanese look familiar, they are very different when spoken. Of the lot, Japanese is the most difficult language to learn. Since the language does not have any significant reach in Europe and the Americas, only executives and interpreters learn Japanese for their jobs.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.


YES, you can learn French in department of French, Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore.

The popularity of the French language has taken off with the Nirmalites after being introduced as language. Till 1978, the department was headed by Mrs. Kasturi Thilagam and Mrs. Gnanamalar headed the department for 30 years from 1978 to 2008. From 2018 onwards, Mrs. Anuja Koothottil is the facilitator of the department.

Since its inception, the department has always instilled for French language and has provided an ideal setting to discover the French culture and civilization. It encourage learners to cultivate a deeper connection to the cultures of French-speaking nations and thereby to improve cultural tolerance and intercultural sensitivity. Also motivate learners to actively participate in various intercollegiate competitions and in programs organized at Nirmala College for Women, to strengthen their creative and linguistic competences. By constantly updating the course content and teaching methodology, their aim is to achieve ‘learner-centered’ acquisition of French language skills.

The department of French offers French as an optional, Part I language for I UG and II UG students and help the learners acquire basic French language competences for interaction: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Objectives of the Department

  • To sensitize students about the significance of learning a foreign language.
  • To instill French language and to assist in acquiring basic language skills to communicate effectively in French.
  • To present the different cultures and civilizations of the principal French-speaking people and to develop familiarity with the cultural traditions of France.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

Dear Monisha,

Yes , Science students can study BA Foreign Language course. The eligibility criteria for most of the Colleges is candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent exam in any stream from a recognised Board or College.

Best BA Foreign Languages courses available in India are given below.

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

University of Delhi, New Delhi

Zakir Husain Delhi College

Jesus and Mary College

Mumbai University, Mumbai

EFL University, Hyderabad

To get more information, go through below mentioned link.


May this information was useful to you.

Good Luck!!

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