ASCI: New advertising guidelines for educational institutes

ASCI: New advertising guidelines for educational institutes

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Dec 15, 2013 12:25 PM IST

The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has decided to provide self-regulatory guidelines on Advertising of Educational Institutions. Before these Guidelines are finalised, the ASCI Members, Educational Institutions, General Public and others concerned are requested to provide their valuable comments and suggestions on the following Draft Guidelines within the next 15 days ie by Sept 6, 201,0 which then will be considered before the Guidelines are finalised by the ASCI’s Board. 


Educational Institutions such as Universities, Colleges and Coaching Classes which offer programs of education and training play a vital part in building the intellectual capital of India. Parents place a very high value on the education of their children and are known to make great personal sacrifices to enable their children to get the right education. Unlike a tangible product where it is frequently possible to judge the value of what is being offered by inspection and demonstration, in the field of  education and training the value of a program is judged mainly by means such as nomenclature of degrees, diplomas and other qualification nomenclatures, abbreviations, icons, logos, claims, affiliations, testimonials, accreditations, admissions, job and compensation promises – of which the variety being advertised are many. A significant amount of advertising activity is currently happening reflecting the vast variety of educational programs which are being offered.

Further to complying with the general rules of The ASCI’s Code for Self – Regulation in Advertising, the Advertisements of Educational Institutions and Programs shall comply with the following Guidelines:
1.  The Advertisement shall not state or lead the public to believe that an institution or course or program is official, recognized, authorized, accredited, approved, registered, affiliated or has a legal defined situation, unless the advertiser is able to substantiate with evidence.

2 a) Advertisement offering a Degree or Diploma or Certificate which by law requires to be accredited or recognised or approved or endorsed by an Institute or Authority shall have the name of that Institute or Authority

2 b) In case the advertised Institution or Program is not accredited, recognized or approved by any mandatory Authority, but is affiliated to another
Institution which is accredited, approved or recognized by a mandatory Authority, then the full name and location of the said Affiliated Institution shall also be stated in the Advertisement

2 c) The name and logo, if any, of the Affiliated Institution, as indicated in 2b, shall be in same font size as that of the Advertised Institution or Program in visual media such as print, internet, hoarding, leaflet, prospectus etc, including television. In audio media such as radio or TV the name of the Affiliated institution (if applicable), must be stated.

3. Advertisement shall not state or lead the public to believe that enrolment in the institution or program or preparation course or coaching classes will provide the student a temporary or permanent job, admissions to institutions, job promotions, salary increase etc unless the advertiser is able to submit  substantiation to such effect and also assume full responsibility thereof in the same advertisement..

4. Advertisement shall not make claims  regarding extent of the batch placed, highest or average compensation of the students placed, admissions of students to renowned educational institutes, marks and ranking of students passed out, testimonial of topper students,  affiliation with a foreign institution etc unless they are substantiated with evidence.   

Please send your suggestions to The Secretary General, ASCI at the email ids:  or


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