OOP vs POP: Difference Between OOP and POP

OOP vs POP: Difference Between OOP and POP

Edited By Samiksha Jain | Updated on Apr 27, 2022 12:57 PM IST

Computer programming languages are designed to operate with high-level structures that have been pre-defined. The 'Programming Paradigm' is a term used to describe these structures. The programming paradigm describes how a computer program's structure and elements are organised. OOP and POP are two paradigms for categorizing programming architectures.

OOP vs POP: Difference Between OOP and POP
OOP vs POP: Difference Between OOP and POP

Both of these programming techniques are used in a wide range of applications. They each take a distinct approach to their task. On one hand, the OOP programming style separates a programme into objects, whereas the POP programming style divides it into functions. A programmer utilises programming languages when there is no straightforward solution to a problem.

His blog post highlights the fundamental differences between OOP and POP and how one is superior to the other based on a number of factors. These programming paradigms are used in the creation of software, websites, applications, and games, among other things. To achieve the correctness of a program's result, one of these structures is chosen depending on the programme length.

OOP Definition

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a type of high-level programming language that divides a programme into objects. The programmer can create realistic settings by using objects. An object is a class instance with state and behavior. The attributes, or data, are the state, whereas the behaviour is referred to as a method.

C++, Java, and Python are examples of programming languages.

The two essential ideas of OOP are objects and classes.

1. Objects: An object is a member of a class that collects data and performs data manipulation methods.

2. Classes: A class specifies the properties of the objects that are associated with it.

In OOP, there are four pillars, as listed below.

1. Abstraction: Abstract classes and interfaces hide internal details while displaying functionality.

2. Inheritance: Inheritance refers to an object that uses the methods and properties of another object. It improves the reusability of code.

3. Encapsulation: Encapsulation secures data and ties attributes and procedures together.

4. Polymorphism: Polymorphism refers to an object's ability to perform multiple functions. Overloading and overriding methods are two examples.

POP Definition

Procedural Oriented Programming is a programming style that focuses on the functions or procedures needed for computation rather than the data itself.

The programme is broken down into functions, and each task is completed in order. The global data or variables are shared by these functions, and data is exchanged between them.

C, Pascal, and FORTRAN are examples of programming languages.

Initially, all computer programmes are procedural. A programmer must provide the computer with a set of instructions that will allow the code to transition from one state to the next. Because the functions share global data, they move throughout the system separately from one function to the next, exposing the software to data breaches. The object-oriented programming idea, which ensures data security, is introduced to overcome this problem.

Real-world scenarios are challenging to mimic with POP. All functions must be updated in order to accommodate new data.

Data is transformed from one form to another using functions. When creating a programme, POP uses a top-down programming method.

OOP Vs POP: Comparison Table

Sr. No.






OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming.

POP stands for Procedural Oriented Programming.



OOP follows bottom up approach.

POP follows top down approach.



A program is divided to objects and their interactions.

A program is divided into functions and they interacts.


Inheritance supported

Inheritance is supported.

Inheritance is not supported.


Access control

Access control is supported via access modifiers.

No access modifiers are supported.


Data Hiding

Encapsulation is used to hide data.

No data hiding present. Data is globally accessible.



C++, Java

C, Pascal


The two major programming paradigms mentioned in this article, OOP and POP, are the most widely used languages. While POP is a common programming style, OOP is a step ahead of it and solves POP's limitations. We've attempted to clarify these ideas by providing numerous examples of OOP and POP differences.


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