KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai is one of the best colleges in Maharashtra for pursuing management courses. In NIRF and Careers360 ranking, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai is ranked amongst the top management institutes in India. The NIRF and Careers360 ranking of the colleges in India is determined based on different factors after taking them into consideration like college infrastructure, placement record, postgraduate degree result, faculty profiles, teaching methodology and facilities, basic amenities amongst other factors. The NIRF and Careers360 rankings of KJ SIMSR in India are mentioned in the article below.
The KJ Somaiya Institute of Management has been ranked 71st in the management category by the National Institutional Ranking Framework for the year 2022. In 2021 KJ Somaiya Institute of Management has been ranked 56th in the management category by NIRF. In 2020 it held the same position that is 56th in the management category. Check the KJ SIMSR NIRF ranking in the management category for the previous years in the table below:
Year | NIRF Ranking |
2022 | 71st |
2021 | 56th |
2020 | 56th |
2019 | 54th |
Also read: KJ SIMSR Facilities
The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was adopted by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) in 2015. Several checkpoints have been laid out by the ministry based on which different universities and colleges around the country are ranked in a variety of categories like management, medical, engineering, etc. Parameters taken into consideration for determining the KJ SIMSR NIRF ranking are mentioned below:
Research and Professional Practice
Graduation performance
Peer Perception
Learning Resources
Teaching Resources
As per the Careers360 ranking methodology, KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai is ranked 20th in the list of MBA colleges in India. This rank has been given to KJ SIMSR in the Masters of Business Administrator (MBA) category based on a variety of factors from a pool of great management colleges.
From the list of all the management institutes in India. Careers360 shortlists thousands of universities and colleges across a variety of domains every year. Out of the selected which have made it to the Careers360 list Of only those colleges are rated or ranked which provide transparent data as requested by Careers360. The KJ SIMSR Careers360 ranking is done based on the cumulative score of the institute that it received on different parameters. Private and government institutions are ranked separately by Careers360. Factors that affect Careers360 ranking of KJ Somaiya management college are listed below.
Applications-Intake Ratio
Student-Faculty Ratio
Cut-off score
Living Facilities (for Students and Faculty)
Core Faculty
Max, Average, Min Salary
Ph.D Faculty
Publication Count
Job Position
Return on Investment
Productivity, etc.
Also Read: KJ SIMSR Courses and fees
KJ Somaiya has multiple recognitions, collaborations and accreditation with national and international universities and organizations. The list of KJ SIMSR accreditation and collaborations are listed below.
National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
Bureau Veritas Quality International has certified it as ISO 9001:2015 and 2990:2010.
KJ SIMSR is a member of the AACSB.
University of Navarra
Daule Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
University of Applied Sciences Upper
Imperial College, London
THI Business School, Ingolstadt
Eotvos Lornard University
The University of Edinburgh
Aston University
Vega School of Brand Management, Capetown
Uniglobe College
Management Development Institute of Singapore
Wintec, New Zealand,
University of Indonesia, and more
Also read: KJ SIMSR cutoff
KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research offers admission to postgraduate and doctoral management programs. The institute awards postgraduate and doctoral degrees to its students in the field of management and research. For postgraduate admission to KJ SIMSR, candidates must either qualify a national level entrance test like CAT/ GMAT/ CMAT/ NMAT/ XAT for MBA and for MCA admission they should have appeared for MAH MCA CET/ PERA CET/ GATE. The final merit list for admission to KJ SIMSR postgraduate programmes is prepared based on the last qualifying examination, entrance test score and other factors. Admission to the Ph.D. program is based on candidates past academic record, research work and work experience.
Also Read:
The placement data of KJ SIMSR management programs has been compiled and displayed in the table below for applicants who wish to take admission in KJ SIMSR.
Particulars | Statistics |
Batch Size | 549 |
Students Placed | 99% |
Highest salary | Rs. 26.50 Lakhs |
Average salary | Rs. 10.98 Lakhs |
Median salary | Rs. 10.25 Lakhs |
Average salary of top 100 offers | Rs. 15.82 Lakhs |
Average salary of top 200 offers | Rs. 13.55 Lakhs |
Average salary of top 300 offers | Rs. 12.54 Lakhs |
No. of Recruiters | 201 |
No. of New Recruiters | 45 |
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Application Date:11 November,2024 - 08 April,2025
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai (SIMSR) has closed its PGDM 2020 admission process. Now the GD/PI process is continuing for final selection. The college has closed its PGDM 2020 admission on February 6, 2020. The institute has started its GD/PI process for final selection. The classes for new batch will commence in July 2020. Keep visiting the official website for more details.
Hope this helps!
Hello Shaikh
The expected cutoff for K.J. somaiya college is 1124-1454,
Below this it will be difficult to get admission in this college.so study hard as the cutoff is really high.
Best of luck.