Odisha JEE Board

Odisha JEE Board

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 16, 2020 12:43 PM IST

Odisha JEE Board - Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Board (OJEEB) conducts Odisha JEE to offer admission to various Undergraduate courses in Pharmacy, integrated MBA, B.Tech, B.Arch, lateral admission to second year Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy/MCA as well as Masters Degree courses in Computer Application (MCA), Business Administration (MBA) and M.Tech/M Pharm/M.Arch/M.Plan/M Arch (Exe) programmes offered by the University, Government Colleges and Self-Financed Institutes in Odisha. Candidates must note that admission to B.Tech and B.Arch courses in government and private Engineering Colleges in the state are done based on JEE Main scores. However, in order to get admission to other courses, candidates have to appear and qualify OJEE. The application for OJEE is released tentatively in the first week of February. Odisha JEE Board conducts OJEE in first week of May. Read on to know in detail about the Odisha JEE Board and exams its conduct: Exams Conducted by Odisha JEE Board

This Story also Contains
  1. OJEE Engineering
  2. OJEE B.Pharma
  3. OJEE M.Tech
Odisha JEE Board
Odisha JEE Board
  • OJEE B.Tech

  • OJEE B.Pharma

  • OJEE M.Tech

  • OJEE M.B.A

Key Highlights of Odisha JEE Board



Conducting Body

Odisha Joint Entrance Examinations Board

Full Exam Name

Odisha Joint Entrance Examination

Short Exam Name


Entrance exam for courses

B.Tech, B.Pharma, M.Tech, M.B.A, M.C.A.

Frequency of Conduct

Once a year

Exam Level

State Level Exam



Mode of Application


Application Fee (General)

1000 Rs [Online]

Mode of Exam


Mode of Counselling


Participating Colleges


OJEE Engineering

Odisha JEE Board conducts OJEE counselling for candidates seeking admission into B.Tech courses based on JEE Main courses. To participate in the web counselling of OJEE, candidates have to follow steps such as registration, payment of the registration-cum counselling fee, choice filling etc. The application form of OJEE is made available tentatively from the third week of June. Also, Odisha JEE Board conducts Special OJEE 2020 tentatively in the third week of July for non-JEE Main qualified candidates. The authorities will declare the result tentatively in the third week of July in online mode. Allotted candidates through JEE Main scores will have to pay the admission fee and will have to reach the nodal centre for document verification. OJEE candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria before filling out the details for registration.

Read OJEE B.Tech to get information about its application process, eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, result, counselling process and more.

OJEE B.Pharma

Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Board (OJEEB), Bhubaneswar conducts OJEE for pharmacy applicants seeking admission to B.Parma courses in the State. Candidates who will appear and qualify OJEE B.Pharma, held by Odisha JEE Board will be eligible for admission to 1339 Bachelors of Pharmacy seats in 17 colleges. Odisha JEE Board releases OJEE B.Pharm application form tentatively in first week of February. Odisha JEE Board conducts OJEE B.Pharma in computer based test (CBT) mode tentatively in first week of May. Based on the scores obtained in OJEE B.Pharm, admission to 17 pharmacy colleges will be granted. To fill the online application form of OJEE B.Pharma, candidates will have to follow steps like registration, submitting requisite details, uploading of documents, payment of application fee and downloading the confirmation page.

OJEE B.Pharm Key Highlights



Exam Name


Conducting authority

Odisha JEE Board

Exam Type

Computer based exam

Exam purpose

For granting of OJEE B.Pharm 2020 admission

Question Type

120 MCQs

Exam Duration

120 minutes

Seats intake

1339 B.Pharm seats

B.Pharm course duration

4 years

Read OJEE B.Pharma to get information about its application process, eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, result, counselling process and more.


Odisha JEE Board conducts OJEE PG for admission into various M.Tech courses offered the colleges in the State. The application form for OJEE M.Tech is released tentatively in first week of February in online mode. However, candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria before filling the OJEE M.Tech application form. Based on the result, Odisha JEE Board releases the merit list which will be followed by the counselling of OJEE PG.

Read OJEE M.Tech to get information about its application process, eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, result, counselling process and more.


Odisha JEE Board conducts the entrance examination, OJEE for candidates seeking admission into MBA courses.OJEE MBA is a state level examination which is conducted for admission to Government colleges, universities and self-financed institutes of the Odisha. Odisha JEE Board held OJEE MBA both in Computer-Based (CBT) and Paper Based mode for all the eligible candidates. The application form of OJEE MBA can be filled by candidates in online mode tentatively from the third week of April. Only candidates who will register online successfully along with the payment of registration fee will be able to download the admit card.

Key Highlights of OJEE MBA



Name of the Exam

Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Name of conducting body

Odisha JEE Board

Category of exam


Exam type

State level


Twice in a year

Test purpose

Test for admission into Government colleges, universities and self financed institutes of the Odisha

Duration of exam

120 minutes/ two hours

Pattern of OJEE MBA exam

Multiple choice questions

Mode of OJEE MBA exam

Computer Based Mode and Paper Based Mode

Sections in exam

Six sections namely:

  • Verbal reasoning

  • Analytical reasoning

  • General Knowledge

  • Comprehension

  • Computer and Business Fundamentals

Read OJEE MBA to get information about its application process, eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, result, counselling process and more.


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