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Power of Positive Thinking - Benefits, Quotes, FAQS

Power of Positive Thinking - Benefits, Quotes, FAQS

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Dec 15, 2021 12:35 PM IST

Power of positive thinking - We face challenges on a daily basis, be it in academics, at work, or in life in general. As our world has grown increasingly globalized, competition has become fierce. People that succeed know how to overcome their challenges and make the most of what they have, all the while having a clear smile on their face and an attitude of positivity. But for many, it isn’t clear how one can ward off dejection and demoralisation in the face of greater odds.

Power of Positive Thinking - Benefits, Quotes, FAQS
Power of Positive Thinking - Benefits, Quotes, FAQS

Though it pays to be competitive and have the wherewithal necessary to work in your chosen field, your mind has to be attuned to working and achieving in the first place - and that is where the power of positive thinking comes in. What is it, what are its benefits, and how can you manifest the power of positive thinking in your life today? Read on to find out.

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What is positive thinking?

All things begin with a thought. Whether it is about concentrating on your studies, finding a good job, furthering your career, or developing healthy relationships, how you think and approach your goals has a direct impact on how they will manifest. The human brain will find what it expects and prepares for, which will turn the different aspects of the body and mind into synchronicity and motivated action. It is only natural, then, that we manifest the quality of our thoughts.

Positive thinking is more than just being optimistic or reading a few power of positive thinking quotes. It is a mental attitude that encourages belief in one’s abilities, finding opportunities in difficult situations, visualising growth and positive outcomes, and having the mental fortitude to withstand tough situations with a smile.

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Positive thoughts, by definition, lead to positive action. The statement “I can do what it takes to become an engineer” anticipates success. It necessitates one to establish a framework to achieve the goal. Once such an outlook is projected, one can move forward with the required steps. In this example, this could mean scoring well in high school, creating a plan of action to get into the desired college, taking up additional roles and responsibilities in the form of internships, developing useful habits that aid that endeavour, etc. Negative thoughts, on the other hand, are restrictive and debilitating. “I can’t become an engineer” is a non-starter. It doesn’t set up any motivation for action, nor does it lead anywhere. It only limits and kills any potential that there could have been.

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Benefits of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking for young people can manifest in many ways. Here’s a brief look at its benefits.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety - Being in a positive state keeps stress and anxiety at bay, allowing you to take things in strides and function to your potential.

  • Increased confidence and motivation - Positive thinking every day restores belief in one’s abilities and instils a measure of self-esteem that motivates one to be more, to go beyond one’s current abilities, and to have a fulfilling life.

  • Improved mental and physical health - Studies have found that people who have a positive outlook are better protected from the inflammatory damage of stress hormones and are, thus, less likely to suffer from health conditions such as cardiovascular problems and heart attacks than those with a negative outlook. There is also sufficient evidence of its boost to immunity, endurance, awareness, and an improvement in the mental health of students.

  • Become more optimistic - Research suggests that humans are optimists for most of life, but that it isn’t always the case, nor is it innate. Consciously engaging in positive thinking every day and practising it can help you, over time, make the shift in perspective and get out of negativity.

  • Improved interpersonal relationship - Where negativity forces us back in our shells, positivity opens us up to other people, allowing us to forge connections and broaden our networks.

  • Success and fulfilment in life - Most societies are geared towards productivity and rewards positivity and openness. The power of positive thinking provides a framework to interact with the world and identify opportunities in the face of hardship and suffering.

Negativity robs people of their vigour and enthusiasm to embrace life and casts them in a state of anxiety, depression, and indifference. The antidote is positive thinking every day, and here’s how to achieve it.

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How to manifest the power of positive thinking?

Here are a few practices that you can incorporate in your life today to change your thoughts for the better:

  • Smile more - Smiling is the antidote to stress and negativity. It reduces blood pressure and heart rate and allows one to deal with stressful situations better. Even faking a smile can be beneficial. Consciously smile more often or try some humour therapy by listening to your favourite comedians while you’re waiting in line or commuting to work. There is wisdom in looking at the brighter side of things and in the power of positive thinking that will make you more positive in your outlook.

  • Reframe your problems - Our problems are embedded in the wider narrative of life and it is easier to rise above them by reframing them and identifying their boundaries. For instance, if you’re stuck in traffic, there’s nothing much you can do. So, instead of stressing about it, appreciate the extra time that you have which you can use to listen to music a little longer or catch up with the news.

  • Be resilient - Resilience is dealing with stressful situations with equanimity and calm. Realize the things that you can change and take action instead of waiting for the problems to disappear on their own, and accept the things that you can’t. This will fortify the mind against negativity and give you that extra mileage when going through tough times. Maintaining relationships with friends and families is another way to harness the power of positive thinking, for young people especially, and create a resilient mind.

  • Learn from your mistakes - Taking action doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to get what you want. More often than not, you will make mistakes. So, instead of being frustrated with yourself, maintain positivity and learn from your mistakes to get valuable information from them. Appreciating their lessons will make you all the wiser about them.

  • Visual positive outcomes - Visualisation is one of the most crucial things that you can do to usher in the power of positive thinking in your life. Imagining situations and anticipating future events can help you prepare for them, and get you in the right frame of mind.

  • Set up a reward system - Rewarding yourself for positive action can make you more likely to be positive in the future. For instance, you can reward yourself with a movie after completing your weekly quota of studying. Over time as it becomes a habit, the positive action will become a reward unto itself.

  • Have a positive learning space - If you want to make the most of learning, keep your learning space clean and devoid of distraction. To remind yourself of the things that you need to do, write down your goals and a few power of positive thinking quotes to keep you motivated and put them up where you can clearly see them.

  • Goal setting - Setting your goals is indicative of affirmative action, but it also leads to positive thinking. The goal encourages one to prioritize one’s time and focus on things that lead to success.

  • Health and exercise - Last but not least is exercising and eating a nutritious diet to keep yourself healthy. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body which further manifests the power of positive thinking for young people.

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Power of positive thinking quotes

There is enough information to be gained on the subject of positive thinking. For instance, reading a positive thinking book can help you dive deeper into it and gain valuable insight. But there are also highly inspirational quotes on the power of positive thinking that can serve as beacons of hope and positivity. Here are a few power of positivity quotes by some of the world’s brightest minds:

  • “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

  • “God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” - Reinhold Niebuhr

  • “Things have a way of working themselves out if we just remain positive.” - Lou Holtz

  • “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” - Aldous Huxley

  • “If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” - Mary Engelbreit

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The power of positive thinking for students is immense when they begin to believe and have confidence in their selves. Such an attitude towards life’s problems can build you up, help you succeed in your career, and make your life more fulfilling. We hope you now have a better understanding of how to usher in the power of positive thinking and how to use it to live and learn at your fullest potential.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What are the powers of positive thinking?

The powers of positive thinking include reduced stress and anxiety, increased confidence and motivation, improved mental and physical health, optimism, improved relationships, and success and fulfilment in life.

2. How can a person be a positive thinker?

Positive thinking can be learnt by appreciating the things you have, learning from your mistakes, smiling more often, visualizing positive outcomes, setting goals and working towards them, and being healthy.

3. Why is positive thinking so important?

Our society complements productivity and openness for which it is important to have a positive frame of mind. It also wards off negativity and makes you more resilient in spite of life’s difficulties.

4. How does positive thinking affect the brain?

Positive thoughts and emotions affect our brain chemistry, leading to creativity, improved problem-solving, focus, and mental acuity.

5. Does the power of positive thinking really work?

Various studies have documented the power of positive thinking on the body as well as the mind. It can also create a ripple effect in one’s life, adding real value to events, relationships, and ambitions.

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