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Top 10 Online Courses for Engineering Students

Top 10 Online Courses for Engineering Students

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 23, 2024 02:27 PM IST | #Skill Development

Engineering graduates are always keen to learn new skills or updates/polish existing one. To stay in the industry, it is important for them to keep themselves updated with the latest developments. This is where online engineering courses come into the picture. There are a wide range of online certification programs for engineering pass outs. Over the past few years, it has been seen that the best certifications for engineers online are highly valuable as these online certificate courses in engineering brush up their existing skills, help develop new skills, and make resumes more impressive. The best part about these top engineering certifications is that they are shorter than the engineering courses offered by colleges, covering every topic in detail.

There are numerous best online courses for engineering students which are easy to access, covering different fields from mechanics to networking, nanotechnology to aeronautics and more. If you are one of the engineering graduates looking for online certificate courses in engineering then this article is for you. Careers360 has penned down some of the best online certification programmes for engineering pass out with detailed information in this article below. Read on and find the best online engineering certifications for yourself.

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10 Certification Courses for Engineering Pass Outs

The table below lists the top 10 certificate courses for engineering students.

Course Name

Available On


Matrix Algebra for Engineers


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics


Stanford University

Technical Report Writing for Engineers


University of Sheffield

Embedded Systems- Shape The World: Microcontroller Input/ Output


University of Texas

Optimization Strategies and Energy Management Systems



Applications in Engineering Mechanics


Georgia Institute of Technology

Building a Future with Robots


University of Sheffield

Manufacturing Process with Autodesk Fusion 360



Logistics Fundamentals



Cyber Security Basics: A Hands-on Approach



10 Online Certification Programmes For Engineering Pass Outs

Following is a list of the top 10 online certification courses for engineering students. The list includes the best online courses for engineering students in different areas like civil, electrical, mechanical, and others. So let's get started.

1. Matrix Algebra for Engineers on Coursera - If linear algebra excites you and you are weak at it, you should take this certification for engineering. This one of the best engineering certificate programs emphasises linear algebra that an engineer should know. This online course for engineering pass-outs introduces some special types of matrices. It describes the Gaussian elimination algorithm and teaches to solve systems of linear equations. Students get an introduction to vector spaces, learn about the theory of determinants, and learn to solve the Eigenvalue problems in this engineers certificate course online.

Overall, this best certification for engineers online solidifies the understanding of engineers and strengthens their vocabulary of linear algebra. Though derivates and integrals are not used in this online course, enrolling students are expected to have a certain level of mathematical maturity. Therefore, this online certificate for engineering students can be taken by anyone who wants to learn the basics of matrix algebra but it is more helpful for engineering pass-outs. Civil, mechanical, or electrical engineers can take this online certification for engineering students.

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2. Artificial Intelligence for Robotics on Udacity - Udacity is the best website for engineering students offering the top online certificate courses for BTech students and others. It would not be wrong to say that the future of technology lies in the hands of Artificial Intelligence, especially in the field of Robotics. The pace of its development is increasing rapidly and so is its scope. So to make a smart move and decorate your resume with this skill, an engineer with IT, robotics, or computer science specialisation is advised to take up this one of the best online engineering certificate programs on Udacity. This is an advanced-level certification course for engineering pass outs provided by Stanford University that includes rich learning content, well-renowned instructors, and interactive quizzes.

This online course for engineering students covers basic methods in AI such as probabilistic inference, planning, search, localization, tracking, and control, all focusing on robotics. All these methods will be taught to apply in the context of building self-driving cars (robotic cars). All of this can neither be taught nor learned in a week. Hence, this online certificate for engineering students may take up to two months. The duration may vary as Udacity offers a self-paced learning feature. You should definitely enrol in this course after engineering it will give a definite direction to your IT career.

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3. Technical Report Writing for Engineers on FutureLearn - If you are an engineer and love to communicate your ideas via technical reports then this one of the best online engineering certifications is for you. This certification course for engineering students can be of great advantage in their careers. This online certificate for engineering introduces the art of technical writing and teaches engineers the techniques to construct impressive engineering reports. This online certificate in engineering management covers all the basic and advanced areas of a technical report such as presenting equations, diagrams, data in your report, referencing, citations, units, precision, errors, use of appropriate language, and correct tenses.

This 6-week long online engineering certificate course helps to develop the skill of technical writing in engineers. The enrolled engineers also get an opportunity to interact with educators who share their experiences and give tips on technical report writing. After completing this engineers certificate online course, an engineer will have expertise in writing a technical report to communicate his ideas.

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4. Embedded Systems- Shape The World: Microcontroller Input/ Output- Have you ever thought of developing an electronic gadget? All the electrical engineers out there are taught how to design electronic gadgets that may shape the world but this online certificate for engineering students allows you to learn by doing. It does not constrain your knowledge only to theoretical concepts. You gain hands-on experience in it. Offered by the University of Texas at Austin on edX, this is another of the best online engineering courses that will teach you to solve real-world problems using embedded systems. In this certification course for engineering pass-outs, you will learn all the basic to complex concepts that include interfacing switches, building a digital lock, a microcontroller-based pacemaker, and more.

Your debugging skills will be developed using software instrumentation and logic analyzers. For this online course for engineering pass outs, you will be required a microcontroller kit and a few other electronic components. You should take this engineers certificate course without any second thought if you are keen to understand the landscape of embedded systems with a focus on microcontroller input/output.

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5. Optimization Strategies and Energy Management Systems on EMMA - Being an engineer, you must be aware that energy needs to be managed. To manage it resourcefully, you will have to learn about its production, storage, distribution, and consumption. You can learn all these processes in this one of the easy engineering certifications offered by EMMA. EMMA is the best website for engineering students offering this 4-week-long certificate for engineering students on energy management systems. This online certificate in engineering management will teach you different principal algorithms for linear, discrete, and dynamic optimization.

This one certificate for engineering will teach you to recognise and create different optimisation problems in operation management, control of energy systems, and formulation of their solutions using existing software. Along with this, you get an introduction to different tools like classic mathematical methods, meta-heuristics, and more to solve optimization problems. The entire process is taught using illustrative examples that include classical optimisation problems, MLP models, etc. This course is specially designed for civil engineers. So, all civil engineers should make the most of this one of the free engineering certification programs online.

6. Applications in Engineering Mechanics on Coursera - This is one of the free online engineering certifications by the Georgia Institute of Technology available on Coursera. This online certificate for engineering students teaches how to analyse real-world engineering structures. It works on the modelling and analysis of static equilibrium problems. This online certificate for engineering focuses on real-world engineering systems using problem-solving skills. This online certificate for engineering students expands the horizons of your knowledge on the topics like multi-force members, Truss structures, shear force, and bending moment diagrams. Though you learn about mechanics in your engineering curriculum, this one of the certificate courses in engineering emphasises hands-on experience.

To do this engineers certificate online course, you should have basic knowledge of Engineering Mechanics. So, every student who enrols in the course is advised to revise the basics to learn its dynamics in real-life applications.

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7. Building a Future with Robots on FutureLearn - This is one the best certifications for engineers by the University of Sheffield offered on FutureLearn emphasises the current and future developmental outlook in robotics. This certificate in engineering management is specially designed for robotics, automotive, and mechanical engineers. It is a three-week online certificate for engineering students after engineering. During these three weeks, you will learn to describe the challenges of working with autonomous systems and the ways to overcome those challenges. You will learn how robots work with human beings, how they respond to nature or the world around them, and how they take inspiration to complete their tasks. For this, you will be taught the fundamentals of robotic design.

By the end of this one of the online engineering certifications, you will know the real-life robotic applications and learn to apply your knowledge in robotics development. This online course for engineers will make them more enthusiastic about the world of robots.

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8. Manufacturing Process with Autodesk Fusion 360 on Coursera - This is amongst the top engineering certification programs online by Autodesk on Coursera primarily focusing on designing and optimising the design. The design of a product is a vital step in the entire process of production. But designing can only be done when you know how to manufacture a product. This online certification course for engineering students after mechanical engineering helps them to develop their technical skills. They get to learn about the trends that will influence the future of manufacturing. During the course, they learn the processes of manufacturing a product; generating codes for computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines, and working with a CNC machine.

This online certificate for engineering makes you understand that both CAD and CAM are important for designing a product. Overall, this best certification for engineers teaches you the integrated CAD/CAM influence on Fusion 360, 3D printed design assembly and testing. You can continue to develop your Fusion 360 knowledge and skills by getting recognition through Industry challenges conducted by AutoDesk Design. It is a great way to brush up on your skills and develop your portfolio as this certification course for engineering students allows you to gain practical experience.

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9. Logistics Fundamentals on edX - This one of the online engineering courses on edX by logycaX educates engineers about logistics. You can enrol in this online certification course after engineering to understand how logistics plays a significant role in a company and our daily life. This engineers certificate course online gives you a holistic picture of logistics within a company. You get to learn its basic concepts and their application in our life. During the course, you will learn about the management processes, outsourcing, and logistic suppliers, and strategies to tackle the entire operation. It adds to your practical knowledge and skills.

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10. Cyber Security Basics: A Hands-on Approach on edX - This online course for engineering on the basics of cybersecurity offered by UC3Mx on edX introduces you to the world of cybersecurity. Specially designed for engineers with IT or Computer Science backgrounds, this is one of the best online courses for engineering students emphasises the major existing cybersecurity threats and the ways to protect you against them. It makes you learn a practical approach to understanding attacks by making you think like a hacker. This course tries to make you a security expert. By the end of this amongst the top online engineering certificate programs, you will learn about computer forensics, common vulnerabilities, and their management.

You will be able to manage and monitor cybersecurity attacks. This online certification course after engineering will stress on your practical skills. So, this one of the online engineering courses with certificates should be taken by engineers who want to secure their careers in the security section of IT professions. To sum up, engineers should invest their precious time in any of the above-mentioned certification programmes for engineering graduates. Such online certification programmes for engineering pass outs polish their skills and make their resumes impressive. It increases their chances of getting hired by a good company.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Will I get a printable certificate for completing an online?

Yes, you will get a printable certificate only after completing the entire course. You will not get it if you leave the course in between.

2. Are all online engineering courses free of cost?

No, not all online certificate courses are free of cost. Some websites may offer free courses but you will have to pay a definite amount for a printable certificate.

3. Which free online courses should I take if I am from an IT background?

You can enroll for certificate courses on cloud computing, deep learning, AWS, Google IT Support, or Moz SEO.

4. Can I get an online course to get certified as a mechanical engineer?

Yes, many websites offer online courses to make you a certified mechanical engineer. But you are advised not to enroll in such courses. It is recommended to do a regular mechanical engineering course from a college and then take up any online certification skill course.

5. Are online courses valuable to get a job as a Big Data Engineer?

Of course! All the online courses are valuable and increase your chances of getting hires provided that you do it on a verified and certified platform.

6. Will I get an increase in my salary if I take any online courses?

Well, online courses add to your skills, and ideally, you should get a raise for acquiring new skills and using them in your projects. But still, it depends on the company to decide if you should be given a raise or not.

7. Are all the online engineering courses meant for engineering pass-outs?

No, you can pursue any of the online engineering courses during your engineering as well. You just need to check the prerequisites of the course and check if you are eligible for the course.

8. How are we examined after completion of a course?

There are no exams like regular courses. You are assigned certain assessments and given grades by the instructors. Some websites may take online objective tests.


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