Powerful Visualisation Exercises - Techniques and Examples

Powerful Visualisation Exercises - Techniques and Examples

Edited By Shireen Dargan | Updated on Jul 30, 2022 10:04 AM IST

Visualisation Exercises: The act of creating a mental image of your goals for the future is known as visualisation. It entails utilising each of the five senses: hearing, touch, taste, smell, and sight. Visualisation techniques consistently serve as a reminder. Additionally, they teach your brain to react as though the consequences were actually occurring right now.

Powerful Visualisation Exercises - Techniques and Examples
Powerful Visualisation Exercises - Techniques and Examples

Visualisation meditation can take two different forms:

  • Visualising Results | Imagining the desired future outcome

  • Visualising Process | Imagining each step leading to the desired result using all of one's senses

The two visuals work best when combined to get the desired effects.

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Visualisation Exercises: How It Works

When we see something and picture it in our "mind's eye," the same neural pathways in our brains are activated as if we were actually experiencing what we are imagining. This means that every time you envision something, such as imagining yourself experiencing an exhilarating future moment or seeing yourself accomplishing a goal, you are wiring the mind. You are teaching your subconscious mind that you can and will experience these parts of your future existence.

Visualisation is a really potent tool. It can benefit you in all areas of your life, including achieving your objectives, being more productive, improving yourself as a person, lowering stress, and much more, if you practice it every day. Continue reading to know more about the benefits of visualisation meditation.

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Visualisation Exercises: Benefits Of Visualisation

Four extremely significant benefits result from using visualisation techniques to concentrate on your goals and ambitions are-

  • It awakens your creative subconscious, which will begin to produce original thoughts to help you reach your objective.

  • It trains your brain to recognise and perceive the resources you will need to realise your dreams more easily.

  • It brings into your life the people, things, and circumstances you'll need to reach your objectives by triggering the law of attraction.

  • It strengthens the internal drive you need to take the essential steps to realise your dreams.

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Visualisation Exercises: Steps For Visualisation

To get you started with your visualisation exercises for relaxation, follow these steps.

Step 1: Use All 5 Senses

Using all five senses, describe what you want in detail. Your vision will become more tangible as you incorporate additional sensory images, and you'll be more inspired to act to bring about the result.

Step 2: Use Your Emotions

Consider the emotions associated with the outcome. You'll be more convinced that the goal can be accomplished if you can see what it will feel like to achieve it.

Step 3: Take Actions Regularly

Focus on taking the desired action and accept that obstacles will arise. Plan how you'll respond to obstacles as they arise so that you can keep moving toward your objective.

Step 4: Fix Time For Visualisation

Spend a total of 10 minutes visualising twice per day. It works best right after you wake up and right before you fall asleep. This will encourage the subconscious to support your focused efforts in achieving your goal.

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Step 5: Avoid Overthinking

Remember not to overthink what you are seeking to visualise when you are practising visualisation. Instead, putting little to no mental effort into the act is the key to mastering your visualisation techniques. The practice will be more effective for you if you can just allow any images, sensations, or feelings to come to you rather than trying to find them.

Step 6: Try To Relax

It's crucial to be at ease when practising visualisation. The visuals and sentiments you're attempting to nurture in your practice will come more readily and you'll have a better experience when you're in a calm and open frame of mind.

The wonderful thing about visualising is how many different aspects of your life it can be applied to. Would you like to enrol in your dream course? Do you wish to socialise with more people at school? Do you want your presentation to be outstanding? You can benefit from visualisation in each of these situations.

For this reason, a lot of successful people employ the strategy to make their aspirations and goals come true.

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Tips For Visualising

Along with the visualisation exercises steps mentioned above, we also provided some tips and tricks on how to improve your visualisation.

Create A Vision Board

What you intend to accomplish is represented visually on your vision board. Put your board in a location that you will see every day. You'll be continuously reminded of your goals if you do it that way.

Use Guided Visualisation

There are a ton of free guided visualisation videos on YouTube. You can unwind and set aside some time to concentrate on your objectives with the help of interactive visualisation.

Employ Index Cards

Make a list of the 10-20 objectives you are presently pursuing. Keep an index card with each one written on it close to your bed. Read each card each morning and evening, then close your eyes and picture yourself accomplishing that objective.

Utilise Exposure

Imagine going scuba diving is one of your objectives. It's challenging to describe exactly what it's like if you've never done it before. Watch some footage of other individuals diving under the water. Examine internet accounts that people have posted about scuba diving. Or ask those who have used it for advice. All of these elements will broaden your understanding of it and give it a more genuine feel in your mind.

The visions that feel the most authentic in our brains are the most effective. We must have a sense of expectancy that what we see when we envision can and will occur in our life if we are to obtain the maximum benefit from it. To achieve this, we must first view in our minds what we have visualised as actual. By paying attention to the feelings we get as we picture these experiences from the future. The subconscious will become more convinced that these future events can and will occur as we see and experience them more frequently. This is the distinction between merely imagining something you want and using visualisation techniques.

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