What are the good qualities of a leader?- “Leaders are not born, they’re made”
We need leaders in all areas of life. They help guide us through the uncertainties of life and towards the fulfilment of a common goal. Be it for a unique startup, a multi-billion dollar company, a cricket team, or a nation, leaders are required in all fields and at all levels. Without them, no organization or group could ever take large-scale decisions or stay competitive in the market.
But being a leader is no simple task. It comes with its own set of responsibilities and requires a specific skill set. Many of us have often wondered - “What are leadership qualities” or, more practically, “what are leadership skills”? In this article, we explain what is leadership, discuss the qualities of a good leader, and the steps that you can take to start nurturing the leader in you.
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We’re all told to work hard and be smart about our decisions. But these things alone do not make a good leader. Good leaders have certain qualities that set them apart from the rest and inspire others to be better than they are. Here are a few qualities that, when taken together, should explain what is leadership on the whole. A good leader has the following qualities:
Puts others before oneself - The ability to think beyond oneself and do what is best for the team is the hallmark of all good leaders. There is nothing that describes what is team leadership better than empowering one’s team members to do the best they can. Good leaders do this by respecting others, motivating them, and giving each member the opportunity that they need to shine.
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Communicates effectively - Good leaders are invariably good at communicating with others. Without this important soft skill, the team or the organization can suffer from a lack of clarity that leads to poor performance. Having open channels of communication and keeping everyone involved with the work and the broader goal is what constitutes a leadership role.
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Is a good listener - Good communication goes hand in hand with being a good listener. Leaders that are good at managing others do so more by listening to others and taking their point of view into consideration. This allows team members to clarify doubts, stay apprised of what’s required, and how to go forward. Such seemingly small but indispensable qualities go a long way in describing what are leadership qualities.
Takes responsibility - Being accountable for one’s actions and taking responsibility for the fulfilment of a task make up the core of what are leadership qualities. Most of us are eager to take credit when things going well, but it is a true leader who takes responsibility when things don’t work out as expected. Good leaders also know how to delegate tasks and keep others accountable as well, which is another crucial element that defines what are leadership skills.
Is passionate about work - Simply being in the executive position doesn’t make one a leader. So what is a leadership role exactly? Good leaders lead by example, and for that, they have to be passionate about their work. Having intimate knowledge about one’s work and being self-motivated to excel in one’s field are important precursors to the role of a leader.
Has high emotional intelligence - Good leaders are self-aware and can intuitively understand their own inner emotional states. This enables them to regulate their emotions, especially in difficult circumstances. Their high emotional intelligence allows them to empathise with others and gauge what their team members are feeling so that they can manage their interactions accordingly. Their social skills enable them to build healthy connections and relationships with others. Such soft skills highlight what are leadership qualities so that one can leverage the motivation levels and skills of others.
Is curious and innovative - Leaders are inquisitive by nature and are always on the lookout for new ways to approach a task or to make work more efficient and productive. Leaders cannot afford to have a strict, narrow mind. Being curious about new things, such as technology, is an essential component of understanding what are leadership skills. These ensure that one remains relevant and competitive in one’s field.
Has good problem-solving skills - Their passion for their work, conscientious and curious nature automatically gives good leaders the necessary skills to solve novel problems. They can turn obstacles on their head and find opportunities lurking within them. Such crucial elements explain what is a leadership role and what is expected of a good leader.
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Is fair, respectful and honest - People have biases and preconceptions that blind them towards the true value of a person or an event. It takes a fair bit of work to understand one’s blind spots and correct oneself. As such, good leaders know that it is better to treat others with fairness and respect and cultivate healthy relationships with them through honest interactions. Apart from ensuring that the workplace remains fair and unprejudiced, it also keeps the leaders in check when they’re being carried away.
Has a vision - Leaders are expected to provide a map towards a common goal and to carve out a way through uncertainty. This is possible only if they themselves have a vision and know how to go about achieving it. It is their ability to inspire others through their visionary qualities that guide the team through difficult times.
Knowing what are leadership qualities and how to go about developing them is a matter of time and effort and taking up roles that nurture those skills. Here are a few steps you can take to develop your leadership skills and understand what is a leadership role.
List your leadership skills - Before you begin, reflect on the leadership skills that you feel you possess and write them down. Ask yourself whether you possess those traits naturally and how they are demonstrated in your work and life. You may want to ask your friends and colleagues to clue you in on them if you’re not sure. Knowing what are leadership qualities that you possess will help you become more confident in your work and focus on the ones that you lack.
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Set goals - Leaders, more so than others, need to have goals to lead their teams towards. Setting goals will force you to prioritize your time and make the necessary sacrifices in your routine to get the task done. This will hone a variety of skills and, more importantly, explain what is leadership on the whole.
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Seek help from others - There’s no shame in seeking out others for help. In fact, it is even recommended that you do so as it will not only improve your communication skills and related soft skills but also allow you to learn from others and understand their perspectives. These are all invaluable inputs that delineate what are leadership skills and how to go about improving them.
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Put yourself on the spot - Practice is the best way to develop and hone your leadership qualities. Identify opportunities in your life that allow you to exercise your leadership skills and work on them. This could be being the head of a project, being the class prefect, captaining your sports team, or something as simple as explaining a study concept to your friends. These things will test a variety of leadership qualities and, with time and effort, will help you become a better leader.
Leaders are indispensable to our society. Wherever there are human beings working together for a common goal, leaders emerge to guide them through till the end. Good leaders are passionate and inspiring individuals who put others before themselves. They bring everyone along and know how to bring out the best in them. We hope you have now understood what are the good qualities of a leader and what it takes to be one.
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The ten good qualities of a leader include empathy, good communication skills, problem-solving abilities, responsible, humble, passionate, inspiring, being a visionary, being a good listener, and treating others with respect and fairness.
The 3 most important characteristics of a leader include being passionate about one’s work, having a vision, and communicating with others.
The 5 responsibilities of a leader include setting goals, communicating with others, leading from the front, being curious and innovative, and motivating others.
Effective leadership includes creating, planning, managing, and executing tasks that lead to the fulfilment of the organization’s goals.