Financial Risk and Its Types

Financial Risk and Its Types

Edited By Samiksha Jain | Updated on Jul 25, 2022 01:01 PM IST

One of the main issues facing businesses in all industries and regions is financial risk. This is the cause of the Financial Risk Manager FRM Exam's enormous popularity among financial professionals worldwide. The highest certification available to risk management experts globally is the FRM. The fundamental idea of the FRM Level 1 exam is a financial risk once more. It is crucial to comprehend what risk is and what forms of hazards there are before learning how to control risk and manage risk. In this essay, let's talk about several risk types.

Financial Risk and Its Types
Financial Risk and Its Types

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Risk and Types of Risks

The likelihood of an unexpected or unfavorable outcome can be referred to as risk. Risk is any action or activity that increases the possibility of suffering a loss of any kind. A company may encounter and have to deal with a variety of dangers. Risks can generally be divided into three categories: financial risk, non-business risk, and business risk.

  • Business Risk: To increase shareholder value and profits, businesses themselves take on these kinds of risks. For instance, businesses develop new products at high expense and with high risk to increase sales.

  • Non-Business Risk: Companies do not influence this category of hazards. Non-business risks are those that result from political and economic inequalities.

  • Financial Risk: As the name suggests, the financial danger is the risk that could cause businesses to lose money. Financial risk typically results from market volatility and losses brought on by changes in stock prices, currencies, interest rates, and other factors.

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Types of Financial Risks

One of the risk categories with the highest priority for every firm is financial risk. Market changes, which can be triggered by a variety of variables, are what lead to financial risk. This allows us to categorize financial risk into many categories such as Market Risk, Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Operational Risk, and Legal Risk.

  1. Market Risk

This kind of risk develops as a result of changes in financial instrument prices. Directional Risk and Non-Directional Risk are two categories of market risk. Directional risk can result from changes in stock prices, interest rates, and other factors. On the other hand, volatility hazards can be associated with non-directional risk.

  1. Credit Risk

When one does not meet their responsibilities to counterparties, this kind of risk develops. Sovereign risk and settlement risk are two categories of credit risk. Foreign exchange policies that are challenging typically result in sovereign risk. On the other hand, settlement risk develops when one party pays but the other does not carry out the agreements.

  1. Liquidity Risk

A failure to complete transactions gives rise to this kind of risk. Asset Liquidity Risk and Funding Liquidity Risk are two categories of liquidity risk. Asset liquidity risk develops when there aren't enough sellers or purchasers to fill buy and sell orders, respectively.

  1. Operational Risk

This kind of risk results from operational failures like poor management or technological errors. Fraud risk and model risk are two categories of operational risk. Lack of controls and improper model application both increase the risk of fraud and model risk, respectively.

  1. Legal Risk

Legal repercussions like lawsuits give rise to this kind of financial danger. A legal risk exists whenever a business must endure monetary damages as a result of legal actions.

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