ASEAN Full Form

ASEAN Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 28, 2023 03:55 PM IST

What is the full form of ASEAN?

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is the full form of ASEAN.. It is an associate alliance of ten Southeast Asian nations to indulge in economical and political cooperation. In the beginning,it was shaped by five nations: Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The main objective of this association was to ensure territorial strength and social advancement among the part nations. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations was established on August 8, 1967. The number of countries that are members of ASEAN has increased over time, having ten members currently. The countries that joined this association later are Myanmar, Laos, Brunei, Cambodia, and Vietnam. According to the ASEAN Contract, Article 31, the compartment of ASEAN every year spins following the nation names of the related nations. The nations' names are rotated in alphabetical order.

In 2018 Singapore was the chairman of ASEAN, and in 2019 Singapore handed over the position, of ASEAN chairmanship 2019 to Thailand.


Aim and Purpose

  • To work together to advance economic, social, and cultural development within the member nations.

  • To guarantee the member nations' unwavering respect for the rule of law and justice in order to foster prosperity and peace in the region.

  • To encourage active participation and collaboration in social, economic, scientific, and technical fields on issues of common interest.

  • To assist each other through coaching and analysis facilities within the education, skill, and technical fields.

  • To build and maintain relationships with existing regional or international organisations with similar aims and functions.

Basic Principles Of ASEAN

Below are the fundamental principles as printed within the TAC in Southeast Asia, the ASEAN member states adopted in 1976.

  • Common ground for the liberty, equality and territorial sovereignty of all member nations.

  • A rising Member state features a right to pursue its national life freely from outside intervention, rebellion or powers.

  • Not cause issues in each other’s internal affairs.

  • Solve conflicts or contradictions by cooperative means.

  • Oppose the risk or the use of power, and foster practical cooperation between the Member States.

Importance of ASEAN in Developing International Bonding

International associations like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations facilitate in establishing a common understanding between the member countries. The nations fix shared regard, enjoy quiet arrangements, and advance thriving.

ASEAN's goals are to promote cultural activities and uphold law and order. The countries take part effectively to globally support the speed of financial and social development. The member nations facilitate one another within the field of technical, skilled, and academic through analysis amenities and coaching. ASEAN solidifies and maintains the bonding with the prevailing international agencies with correct protocols. All in all, this body allows the member countries to flourish with robust cooperation among each.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is India an active member of ASEAN?

No, as Association of Southeast Asian Nations deals with the countries of geographic region, India is not a part of this organization. However, India participated in a sectoral dialogue partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 1992.

2. What does ASEAN Centrality mean?

It is a concept of regional security and economic processes centred on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member nations as a result of the perceived threat of outward nations like China and therefore the U.S. the idea is that as Chinese and U.S. aggressiveness within the space intensifies and alliances are made between Association of Southeast Asian Nations nations. As the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and therefore the geography grow in importance, the nations can adapt to the gathering regional pressures so that they stay in power, and unified.

3. Has Japan joined ASEAN?

ASEAN is an associate degree alliance of ten countries, and Japan isn't one of them. However, Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have established a partnership to promote stability and peace. Except for that, Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations share healthy bonding as business partners.

4. What is the ASEAN Vision 2025?

The association Vision 2025, conjointly known as the association Community Vision 2025, could be a declaration signed by association leaders in 2015 that charts the trail of the association Community from 2015 to 2025. It aims to "realise more consolidation, integration and stronger cohesiveness as a Community" by emphasising the peoples of association, awareness, dedication to elementary freedoms, human rights, and higher lives for association folks

5. Where is the headquarters of the ASEAN located?

The headquarters of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN] is in Djakarta, Indonesia. At present, Lim Jock Hoi is the electoral Secretary-General. The chairman of the ASEAN countries alternates on a written account basis.

6. Is China joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations?

China was the primary to forge a strategic partnership with the association.

China is the first to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.

7. Where was the first ASEAN summit held?

The first Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit was held in Bali, Indonesia between 23 February- 24 February 1976.

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