ASER Full Form

ASER Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 28, 2023 02:54 PM IST

What is the full form of ASER?

ASER is the acronym for Annual Status of Education Report. ASER is one of the largest citizen - led surveys conducted in India. It has been conducted annually since 2005. It is conducted in almost all rural districts of India. As the name suggests, ASER is an annual survey which provide us the estimates of children’s schooling status every year for each state and rural district of India.This is the only survey conducted in India that provide us the data on Children’s learning outcomes.To conduct survey more efficiently, ASER Centre was established as an independent unit within the Pratham network in 2008.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of ASER?
  2. Who publishes ASER report?
  3. What does it survey?
ASER Full Form
ASER Full Form

Who publishes ASER report?

The Annual status of Educational Report is released by NGO Pratham at the official site of ASER which is . It was first published in 2005. From 2005 to 2016, it was published once in a year but post 2016, it is published once in two years i.e. Biennially.

What does it survey?

  • ASER survey to calculate the enrolment status in pre - school and school.

  • It also checks the basic reading and arithmetic skills of the children of age group 3 years to 16 years.

  • ASER ‘ Early Years’ examined the cognitive ability, early arithmetic ability, and early language learning ability among the children of the age 4 to 8 years.

  • ASER ‘ Beyond Basics’ surveyed on young children of the age group of 4 - 8 years. It mainly focuses on the aspirations of young children.

  • It mainly focuses on basic learning and access to learning resources in rural India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the geographical coverage of ASER?

ASER survey is a rural survey. Urban areas are not covered in ASER survey.

2. When was the Annual Status of Education Report 2021 released?

It was released on November 17, 2021.

3. What is the per child cost of ASER Survey?

It cost around INR 100 per child.

4. What are the four pillars of ASER assessment?

The four pillars are informal assessment procedure, observations, norm referenced tests and interviews.

5. Is ASER a school - based survey?

No, ASER is a household - based survey.

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