ASI Full Form

ASI Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 14, 2023 11:50 AM IST

What is the full form of ASI?

The full form of ASI is Assistant Sub Inspector. Another full form of ASI is the Archaeological Survey of India.
ASI - Assistant Sub Inspector
ASI - Archaeological Survey of India

Assistant Sub Inspector

ASI, or Assistant Sub Inspector, is a well-known police officer in India. ASI is a non-gazetted police officer. The ASI has several responsibilities and is vital to maintaining law and order. In a police station, an ASI has a specific set of responsibilities. Similar to other government jobs, one must pass an exam to get the job.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of ASI?
  2. Assistant Sub Inspector
  3. Archaeological Survey of India
  4. Duties of Assistant Sub Inspector
  5. Procedure To Become An Assistant Sub Inspector
  6. Paper Pattern
  7. Syllabus of ASI
  8. Preparation Tricks
  9. Conclusion of Assistant Sub Inspector
  10. Formation of Archaeological Survey of India
ASI Full Form
ASI Full Form

The rank badge for an ASI is one star, a red and blue striped ribbon at the outer edge of the shoulder straps. The ASI position is below the position of Sub-Inspector and is above the post of constable in the police force. ASI is not accountable for filing charge-sheet in courts. ASI is in charge of training centers and armories in police stations.

Archaeological Survey of India

Another full form of ASI is the Archaeological Survey of India. It is executed under the Ministry of Culture. It is the leading organization for the archaeological research and protection of the country's cultural heritage. It is mainly responsible for sustaining ancient monuments, archaeological sites, and remnants of national importance.

Apart from all the other aspects of ASI, it manages the archaeological work per the provisions of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958. It aims to survey, excavate, conserve, store and protect the monuments and important national and international sites.

The Asiatic Society did the first sequential archaeological and historical activity in India. The British Indologist founded this society on January 15, 1784; he assembled a group of antiquarians to form this society.

The office of the Director General Archaeological Survey is the Headquarters or Directorate office. It is a control center for all the undertaking and functions of the Archaeological Survey of India.

To carry out its duties or the archaeological work, ASI has categorized the country into various zones known as circles. There are 24 regional circles and five regional directorates at present in India.

ASI has a sufficient workforce of professional archaeologists, conservators, scientists, and epigraphists for executing archaeological research projects in its respective circles, museums, and excavation branches.

Duties of Assistant Sub Inspector

Understanding the roles of an ASI is essential to understand some of their responsibilities.

  1. The motive of an ASI is to conduct the orders of sub-inspectors or higher-ranking police officers.

  2. The ASI plays an essential role in carrying out law and order

  3. ASI officers are in charge of Police Outposts (or "phari") and Investigation Centers.

  4. They are in charge of General Duties.

  5. ASI is primarily in control of armories in police stations.

  6. They execute as the officers of Chief Drill in training centers

Procedure To Become An Assistant Sub Inspector

In India, an exam is required just like any other position in the police force. To serve as an ASI, a person must pass an examination by the Staff Selection Commission. Each section of the exam is discussed below:

  1. Eligibility for the ASI exam:

There are some eligibility needs to become an assistant sub-inspector.

  • The age of the candidate must be between 20 and 25 years, with a relaxation of five years for the SC/ST category and three years for the OBC category.

  • A Bachelor's degree from a recognized university or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks is needed.

  • Candidates must have Indian citizenship.

  • Candidates' height must be 170 cm or above and have a chest measurement of 80-85 cm.

  1. ASI Exam Pattern:

  • The written exam comprises two papers for 200 points in each paper (100 Marks each).

  • There is this requirement that qualified candidates must also pass the written section with at least 55 percent marks, and an interview is conducted in the Physical Endurance Test.

  • The first stage of the examination consists of the Staff Selection Commission Central Police Organisation (SSC CPO) Paper-1, followed by Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET) tests in the 2nd and 3rd stages.

  • The examination is a Municipal Corporation of Delhi-based test managed in both Hindi and English, with a quarter-point deduction for every incorrect answer.

  1. Medical Test Requirements:

Medical requirements to crack the ASI examination are:

  • The candidate should fulfil the following minimum Distant Vision requirements: 6/6 for the normal eye and 6/9 for any defect.

  • Candidates must not have defects like knocked knee, flat foot, a squint in the eyes, etc.

Any visual correction standard, including glasses, must not be used on the eyes.

Paper Pattern

  • Paper 1 is conducted for two hours and contains 50 questions each in general reasoning, general awareness, quantitative aptitude, and English.

  • Paper 2 is conducted for two hours and has 200 questions, with a negative marking of 0.25 marks.

Syllabus of ASI

Sections included in the examination are given below:

  • English:

This subject includes vocabulary, spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, synonyms, sentence correction, phrases, and other topics.

  • Quantitative aptitude:

The questions from this subject assess the candidate's numerical sense. The subject covers chapters such as percentages, ratios, proportions, trigonometry, angles, and circles.

  • Reasoning:

This section tests verbal and nonverbal reasoning in the exam to determine a candidate's mental capacity. This subject covers Venn diagrams, coding and decoding, critical thinking, space orientation, and other topics in the exam.

  • General Awareness:

The section covers principal topics in general awareness that consist of current events, culture, geography, general politics, and the Indian constitution.

Preparation Tricks

  • To prepare for the papers, candidates must understand the exam pattern and concept.

  • Working on the medical aspects and exercising the body is also essential.

  • One must read the newspaper daily for general awareness.

  • Communication skills to do well in interviews are the key.

  • Practice multiple times for quantitative aptitude and reasoning questions.

Conclusion of Assistant Sub Inspector

ASI is a general designation in the police force due to its specific duties and responsibilities to look after law and order. However, to get the ASI position, one must excel in the exam conducted by the Staff Service Commission. It is also required to prepare to do well in the exam.

Formation of Archaeological Survey of India

The Archaeological Survey of India is established under the Ministry of Culture. It is the premier organization for archaeological research and protection of the country's cultural heritage.

With the wisdom of the Brahmi, Alexander Cunningham, a protégé of James Prinsep, executed a detailed survey of the Buddhist monuments that lasted for over half a century. Motivated by early amateur archaeologists like the Italian military officer Jean-Baptiste Ventura, Cunningham excavated stupas along India's width, length, and breadth.

While Cunningham contributed funds to many of his initial excavations, he realized the need for a permanent body to oversee archaeological excavations and the conservation of Indian monuments. He then used his stature and influence in India to support an archaeological survey.

While his attempt in 1848 did not succeed, the Archaeological Survey of India was eventually formed in 1861 by a statute passed into law by Lord Canning, with Cunningham as the first Archaeological Surveyor. The survey was put to an end briefly between 1865 and 1871.

This was due to a lack of funding restored by Lord Lawrence, the then Viceroy of India. In 1871, the survey was returned to a different department, and Cunningham was decided as its first Director-General.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Discuss the eligibility criteria for Assistant Sub Inspector Examination?

Eligibility criteria includes a candidate's age range and completion of a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university. 

Candidates must be Indian citizens with a height of at least 170 cm and a chest measurement of 80-85 cm.

2. What are the other full forms of ASI in Government?

Other than the Archaeological Survey of India and Assistant Sub-Inspector, ASI also stands for Annual Survey of Industries in the Government of India.

3. What does a protected monument mean?

An ancient monument declared of national importance by or under the Archaeological Sites and Remains (Declaration of National Importance) Act, 1951, or by section 126 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956, is called a protected monument.

4. Can the Government acquire a protected monument?

When the Central Government captures a protected monument that is in danger of being destroyed, injured, misused, or allowed to fall into decay, the monument may acquire the protected monument under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act 1894.

5. Can people contribute to the maintenance of protected monuments?

The Director-General may receive voluntary funds for maintaining a protected monument and is accountable for giving orders regarding the management of any funds received. The contribution received for the monument should be applied for the purpose for which it was contributed.

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