The full form of BEC is Bose-Einstein Condensate. BEC is defined as the state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons which is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero. Superfluids and superconductors are the two main materials which contain BEC. Scientists have researched that this state of matter which is known as Bose-Einstein Condensate is useful as a quantum simulator for investigating particles which have been predicted to exist but are difficult to observe or create directly. Superfluids (Helium-4), a gas of Rubidium atoms and quasiparticles are examples of Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Indian Mathematician and Physicist Satyendra Nath Bose did some calculations for the existence of a fifth state of matter In 1920. Based on his calculations, Albert Einstein predicted the fifth state of matter which is known as Bose-Einstein Condensate. Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein were the creators of BEC and hence the name of this state is based on their name, which is Bose-Einstein Condensate. The first gaseous condensate was produced in 1995 by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman. They produced this condensate with the group of Rubidium atoms and they received the Nobel Prize in Physics for achieving BEC.
In our daily life, we generally interact with three states of matter which are solid, liquid and gas. The fourth state of matter is plasma which is a high energy state and it occurs in high energy processes like during lightning or at the core of a star. The fifth state of matter is Bose-Einstein Condensate which occurs at temperatures that are near absolute zero or zero Kelvin. Bose-Einstein Condensate is one of the best ways to see the effects of Quantum Mechanics on a macroscopic scale.
The word condensate is related to the process of condensation. When we cool a gas, gas particles start to lose energy and they come together. They condense into a liquid state. This process is known as condensation under normal temperature ranges. In general, we can say that the process by which water vapour changes into liquid on cooling is known as condensation. This same thing happens with the Bose-Einstein Condensate but it happens with super low temperatures.
Each atom has its own energy in a gaseous state and is able to move freely. When we take bosons, they are allowed to have the same energy at the same time. When the gas is cooled down, the energy of the atoms decreases. Now, the atoms will behave as waves because of their quantum nature. At low temperatures, the size of the waves becomes larger than the average distance between two atoms. At this low temperature, all the bosons are able to be at the same energy in the same quantum state. So, they all form a single collective quantum wave called a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
In other words, we can say that at low densities, when a gas of bosons is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero, these bosons lose their identity and they behave like a single super-atom. So, Bose-Einstein Condensate is a state of affairs made up of weakly interacting bosons at very near absolute zero temperatures. The interesting fact is that plasmas have super hot and super excited atoms, while the atoms of BEC are totally opposite. BEC has super unexcited and super cold atoms.
The following are the few characteristics of bosons:
Bosons are those particles that have an integral spin number (0,1,2…) and they do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle.
The properties of bosons are described by the Bose-Einstein Statistics.
They contain an even number of nucleons and elementary bosons carry no electric charge.
They are made up of small bundles of light and some bosons are force carriers.
NASA launched a cold atom lab in the international space station (ISS) in 2018. The creation of Bose-Einstein Condensate on the international space station (ISS) will make the study of its properties easier. It was observed that condensates in the microgravity of the international space station (ISS) can be observed and measured longer than that on the Earth. On Earth, observation is possible only for ten milliseconds. The experiments on the international space station (ISS) will help us in
test of general relativity
searches for dark energy and gravitational waves
better navigation of spacecraft
It will also help us in prospecting for subsurface minerals on the moon and other planetary objects.
BEC is related to two remarkable low-temperature phenomena. The first one is superfluidity in which the Bose-Einstein Condensate flows with zero friction and the second is superconductivity in which the electrons move through a material with zero electrical resistance.
According to Pauli’s exclusion principle, only two electrons can occupy the same orbital and the two electrons that are present in the same orbital should be antiparallel or they must have opposite spins.
Following are the few characteristics of fermions.
Fermions are those particles that have an odd half-integer spin like 1/2, 3/2 and so on.
Leptons, quarks, neutrons and protons are a few examples of fermions.
The total number of fermions is conserved and they obey Pauli’s exclusion principle which means that only one fermion will occupy a particular space at a given time. So, we can say that fermions are solitary.
They contain an odd number of nucleons.
The properties of fermions are described by Fermi-Dirac Statistics.
A superheated matter in which electrons are taken out from the atoms forming an ionised gas is called plasma.
The motion and behaviour of the gaseous state are not affected by an electric field and magnetic field because the gaseous state has no free electrons while the motion and behaviour of the plasma state are affected by an electric field and magnetic field because their are positively charged ions and free electrons present in it.
Following are the few properties of plasma:
Plasma is a dispersive medium.
It is a diamagnetic material.
It is a conducting material.
It exhibits collective behaviour with a long range of coulomb forces.