Absorption spectrum, action spectrum. and Differentiate between the absorption spectrum and the action spectru

Absorption spectrum, action spectrum. and Differentiate between the absorption spectrum and the action spectru

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 27, 2024 11:03 AM IST

Absorption Spectrum

Absorption spectrum refers to a graph of the length ranges of light absorbed by a pigment or group of pigments. It accounts for specific wavelengths at which a pigment absorbs light and which it reflects. In the case of chlorophyll, its absorption spectrum details peaks in the blue-violet and red regions corresponding to the effective wavelengths of absorption.

Concept And Definition Of Absorption Spectrum

The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll usually shows strong peaks of absorption in the blue-violet region, at approximately 430-450 nanometers, and in the red region, at about 660-680 nanometers. This can also define peaks of wavelengths where chlorophyll is best absorbed.

Lower views of absorbance were generally used in the green wavelength range of 500-550 nanometers, which is reflected to turn out a green colour for the plants. It helps outline the exact wavelengths that light could be captured for photosynthesis by chlorophyll.

The amount of light absorbed by the pigment in different wavelength ranges is recorded on an absorption spectrum using a spectrophotometer. Place a sample of chlorophyll in the path of light, and it shows the intensity of light, which gets transmitted through the sample at different wavelengths. This graph-plotted information forms the absorption spectrum.

Mechanism Of Absorption

Interaction of light with pigments.

As a result of this interaction, photons are going to be absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules, thereby raising the energy of electrons to a higher level. This energy will drive the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. The wavelengths that get absorbed correspond exactly to the energy levels required to quench the electron, thereby driving this process of conversion of light energy into chemical energy.

Role of chlorophyll and other pigments.

Chlorophyll, along with other accessory pigments, like carotenoids and phycobilins, absorbs light energy and subsequently translocates it to photosynthetic reaction centres. Chlorophyll is responsible for primarily absorbing in the blue-violet and red portions of the spectrum.

Other accessory pigments, including chlorophyll b and carotenoids, capture light within other ranges of wavelengths, and hence the zone of light absorption by the photosynthetic apparatus is considerably extended. These pigments cooperate in optimizing light absorption and safeguarding the photosynthetic apparatus.

Importance In Photosynthesis

The absorption spectrum is important in providing information on how different pigments contribute to photosynthesis. From the spectrum, scientists could obtain information on which wavelengths of light were absorbed most efficiently and relate them with photosynthesis efficiency. The knowledge helps in optimising conditions for the growth of plants and enhancing artificial photosynthetic systems.

Action Spectrum

The action spectrum refers to the graph showing the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of light in driving the photosynthetic process. An action spectrum differs from an absorption spectrum in showing the amount of absorption by pigments at specific wavelengths but measures the actual rate of photosynthesis or physiological responses of plants for different wavelengths. It gives information regarding those wavelengths that best facilitate photosynthesis.

Concept And Definition Of Action Spectrum

The action spectrum generally refers to the various changes in photosynthesis rates under different wavelengths of light. It is characterised by peaks where the photosynthetic rate is highest for the wavelengths that most effectively drive photosynthesis.

In this case, such a spectrum would normally correspond to the absorption spectra of photosynthetic pigments, though often extra peaks or variations occur depending on how different wavelengths may contribute effectively to the photosynthetic process on the whole.

How it is measured

The action spectrum is the measurement of a plant's physiological responses, such as growth rates and oxygen production, about the light of different wavelengths. In this case, it normally takes place in a growth chamber or photosynthetic apparatus with light filters that limit the amount of illumination at particular wavelengths.

Normally, one would monitor the photosynthesis rate by the evolution of oxygen or carbon dioxide uptake to know which wavelength was best at promoting photosynthesis.

Mechanism Of Action

The relation to the amount of light absorbed and the physiological effects was based on how it is absorbed by chlorophyll and other pigments, resulting in excited electrons that trigger the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

Relationship between light absorption and physiological effects.

Different wavelengths of light may have different effects on efficiency. For example, those wavelengths corresponding to peaks of the action spectrum are more efficient in photosynthesis since they align better with the absorption characteristics of the pigments involved.

Influence of different wavelengths on photosynthesis.

The various wavelengths of light have different extents to which they influence photosynthesis. Wavelengths that best correspond to peaks in the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll and other pigments will tend to increase photosynthesis maximally. For example, the normal peaks of maximum effectiveness are blue and red light, and green light has a lesser effect since it is reflected rather than absorbed.

Importance In Photosynthesis

Knowing the action spectrum is of central importance for optimising photosynthesis concerning use in agriculture and ecology. It allows the selection of appropriate light conditions for controlled environments to ensure maximal photosynthetic efficiency—for example, in greenhouses or under artificial lighting systems. Light conditions could be tuned toward the optimization of plant growth and productivity by taking into account the action spectrum given by the scientist/grower.

Differences Between Absorption Spectrum and Action Spectrum


Absorption Spectrum

Action Spectrum


Light absorption by pigments

Overall biological response to light


Specific to individual pigments (e.g., chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b)

Includes multiple pigments and their combined effects

Experimental Approach

Methods: Use of spectrophotometer to measure light absorption at different wavelengths.

Methods: Measurement of physiological responses (e.g., photosynthesis rate) under different wavelengths.


Real-life Examples: Different chlorophyll types (e.g., chlorophyll a and b) in various plants.

Real-life Examples: Variation in photosynthesis rates in different plants under various light conditions (e.g., greenhouses vs. natural sunlight).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the absorption spectrum and how is it measured?

The absorption spectrum describes the degree to which any pigment absorbs different wavelengths. It does so by graphing which wavelengths of light a pigment—such as chlorophyll—absorbs the most. The graph is derived by passing light through a sample in a spectrophotometer, recording the amount of absorption at different wavelengths, and graphing out the results.

2. How does the action spectrum relate to photosynthesis?

It is the action spectrum that describes how, concerning photosynthesis, the photosynthetic rate varies with the different wavelengths of light. That is to say, it would be a measure of the relative effectiveness of light at various wavelengths in driving the photosynthetic process, integrating the contributions of the different pigments which capture light energy. The action spectrum will, therefore, tend to reflect the more effective wavelengths in inducing photosynthesis and the impact that light of different colours has on the general rate of photosynthesis.

3. What are the main differences between the absorption spectrum and the action spectrum?

The major difference is:

  • Focus: While the absorption spectrum describes how individual pigments absorb light at particular wavelengths, the action spectrum measures their efficiency in driving photosynthesis as a function of wavelength.

  • Scope: Absorption spectra relate to the nature and type of pigment absorption. In contrast, the action spectrum will represent the summative effects of different pigments and their contribution toward photosynthesis.

  • Measurement: With the help of a spectrophotometer, the absorption spectrum is obtained as the amount of light that the pigments absorb. Action spectra are obtained by measuring physiological responses like photosynthetic rates at different light wavelengths.

4. Why are absorption spectra important in plant physiology?

Absorption spectra are important in plant physiology because they identify those wavelengths of light that are most easily absorbed by the pigments, for example, chlorophyll. Information of this kind is required if one is to understand the real capturing of light energy by plants for photosynthesis and how to optimize light conditions for growth, not least in the design of artificial lighting systems used in agriculture and for research purposes.

5. How can action spectra be used in agriculture?

Optimisation of light conditions for plant growth can be realized in agriculture by using action spectra. Thus, knowing the wavelengths of light that most stimulate photosynthesis, a grower will tune light systems in greenhouses or controlled environments to optimize plant growth and productivity. Given the action spectra, one can choose the light conditions suitable for various plant species to have good crop yields using a minimum of resources.


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