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Acclimatization - Overview, Defination & Meaning

Acclimatization - Overview, Defination & Meaning

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Sep 28, 2024 02:40 PM IST

Acclimatization is one of the very important biological adaptation processes that help organisms survive and function excellently in modified environments regarding altitude, temperature, and humidity. The topic falls under the Ecosystem chapter of the Biology course. The reason for its study is that it pertains to the way species adapt to changes in their surroundings. Acclimatization is one of those concepts whose meaning needs to be learned by a student preparing for entrance tests such as NEET, JEE Main, or AIIMS. Since issues relating to physiological adaptation and acclimatization vs. adaptation occur quite frequently here, such knowledge becomes the trump card for the biology student.

The meaning of acclimatization is crucial for understanding how species adapt to changes in temperature and altitude over time.

What Is Acclimatization?

If you are to ask the question what is acclimatization then the correct answer would be - Acclimatization is a process that is defined as a cycle through which a creature changes its way of behaving or physiology due to occurrence changes in its current circumstances. The acclimatization pronunciation can be broken down into syllables such as "ak-luh-muh-tuh-zay-shun" to aid in learning the correct articulation. The changes in the physiology and conduct of energy in a creature occur in a very short timeframe inside its lifetime. The process is reversible across most cases, that is, organisms can go back again to their normal state. Acclimatization is the process through which an organism adapts to changes in its environment, allowing it to function effectively under new conditions.

Understanding the acclimatization pronunciation can help students communicate effectively about ecological adaptations when learning about biology. The change that takes place in physiological, anatomical, or morphological features in an organism due to changes in environmental pressure is known as Acclimatization. In ecology, the acclimatization meaning encompasses the physiological and behavioural adjustments that organisms make in response to environmental stressors. Understanding what is acclimatization is essential for ecologists studying how different species cope with climate change and habitat alterations.

  • The changes are usually reversible when the living organism is again put down in its environment, the changes get reversed.
  • This process usually occurs in a short period (days to a week).
  • When this process is done in vitro that is in artificial conditions in a lab known as Acclimation.
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When we define acclimatization, we also recognize that it can involve both short-term adjustments, such as increased heart rate and breathing, and long-term adaptations that may occur over days or weeks in response to environmental stressors.

Acclimatization in Humans

The concept of what is acclimatization highlights the importance of flexibility in biological systems, allowing organisms to thrive in diverse environments. Researchers study the acclimatization meaning to better comprehend how animals and plants cope with climate change and habitat loss. Acclimatization physiology involves the physiological changes that organisms undergo to adapt to new environmental conditions, such as increased oxygen demand at high altitudes.

What are the 3 stages of acclimatization to high altitude?

The process of high-altitude acclimatization typically takes several days, during which individuals may experience symptoms like headaches and fatigue as their bodies adapt. When we travel to higher altitude locations, we see there is a process taking place called acclimatization, and it is defined to be as one of the best examples of the acclimatization process in humans.

Some of the common changes which usually takes place in body , when they posses acclimatization on high altitude are:

  • Our body usually increases synthesis of Red blood cells

  • There is also an increase in pressure in pulmonary arteries – so that blood forcibly flows into sections of the lungs which are usually not used during normal breathing at lower altitudes.

  • Due to this process there is increase in the depth of respiration

  • Due to this process there is increased depth (volume) of breath during the inhalation process.

Proper high altitude acclimatization can help prevent altitude sickness, which can occur when individuals ascend too quickly without allowing their bodies to adjust.

  • In other humans who can not acclimatize, there may be acute mountain sickness when they are above 5000 meters from sea level. They may feel motion sickness. But in normal conditions, there may be very normal conditions seen in the body that can be overcome if the body is given enough time to acclimatize.
  • Understanding the principles of high altitude acclimatization is crucial for mountaineers and travelers to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in high-altitude environments.
  • The main reason that is present behind all these incidents is less air pressure that is available at high altitudes as well as the lower oxygen levels. In one of the thousand cases, it causes major disorders inside the body. This disorder is termed as High Altitude Cerebral Edema, where fluid gets deposited in the brain and it now becomes a life-threatening condition and needs a current medical procedure.
  • Athletes often focus on high altitude acclimatization to enhance their performance, as training at elevated elevations can lead to improved endurance and stamina.
  • In acclimatization physiology, the body also adjusts its cardiovascular system to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues during environmental stress.

2. Deep Diving:

Deep-sea divers also possess a case who undergo the acclimatization process when they get above from a certain depth. In this kind of acclimatization process, another process which takes place behind them is termed as decompression. This is the case in which, the dissolved inert gasses are usually spread out from the diver’s body by stopping them at several stops during the dive to the water surface.

If drivers continue to descend in that case, it leads to an increase in hydrostatic pressure and also increase in ambient pressure. So, due to this only reason, the breathing gas which is usually present with the dive is supplied in the case of ambient pressure. In this case, the gasses start to dissolve in the diver’s . When the pressure is removed , the dissolved gasses now begin to form bubbles inside the body, which can cause unbearable pain. In some of the cases, it can also cause coma or even death.

Difference Between Acclimation And Acclimatization

Acclimatization vs. Acclimation are terms often used interchangeably, but they refer to different processes. The acclimatization meaning highlights the importance of flexibility in biological systems, allowing organisms to thrive in diverse ecosystems. Teachers often emphasize the importance of proper acclimatization pronunciation during lectures to ensure clarity in scientific discussions. Acclimation occurs in relatively controlled space areas-for instance laboratories-and also is very frequently induced by this specific possibility of regulation. Acclimatization, in turn, often acts autonomously, reacting to stressors of the environment.





Change in response to controlled conditions.

Adjustment to natural environmental changes.


Days to months.

Hours to weeks.


Generally reversible.

Also reversible.


Occurs in labs or controlled settings.

Happens naturally in the wild.


Fish adapting to aquarium temperatures.

Humans adjusting to high altitudes.

While both acclimatization vs. acclimation involve physiological changes, acclimatization is more commonly associated with natural environments, whereas acclimation can occur in controlled settings, such as laboratories.

Understanding the differences between acclimatization vs. acclimation is crucial for researchers studying how organisms adapt to climate change and other environmental stressors.

Difference Between Adaptation And Acclimatization

The difference between adaptation and acclimatization is basic, in knowing how organisms adapt to environmental changes. Adaptation implies long-term genetic changes occurring over many generations so that a species evolves traits that allow improved survival in certain environments. Acclimatization, on the other hand, is a short-term physiological adjustment made by an individual organism to respond to immediate changes in the environment, such as temperature or altitude. While adaptation permanently alters a population, acclimatization is often reversible and allows organisms to cope with temporary stressors. The table below provides the major differences between the two processes:

It is a gradual and long-term process that occurs over many generations.
It is a short-term and rapid process that occurs within an individual organism's lifetime.
Adaptation results in genetic changes that contribute to the evolution of a species.
Acclimatization does not involve genetic changes; it is reversible and specific to the individual's response to environmental changes.
Examples include the development of thicker fur in polar bears over generations to survive in cold climates.
An example is a person increasing their breathing rate and red blood cell production when ascending to high altitudes.
Adaptation is often a result of natural selection acting on heritable traits.
Acclimatization allows organisms to cope with immediate environmental changes without altering their genetic makeup.
Adaptation can lead to the emergence of new species as populations evolve over time.
Acclimatization helps organisms maintain performance and survive temporary environmental stressors, such as temperature or humidity changes.

The difference between acclimatization and adaptation as stated above are very important from exam point of view.

Temporary Acclimatization Genshin

The temporary acclimatization Genshin Quest Impact takes players on an engaging adventure through Chenyu Vale, where they can uncover hidden secrets and interact with familiar characters. To initiate the temporary acclimatization quest, you first need to fulfil all the prerequisite quests: among these are "Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade" and "In Expert Company Part 2." During this quest, the NPC Woliu asks for one's help in finding items for her research, which include hydrology instruments and some others. In the process, one must face Treasure Hoarders. It raises the level of acclimatization to pass obstacles in a temporary one, and this will grant you some good items, such as Mora and Hero's Wit. At the end of this challenge, you will be rewarded with "The Conformist" achievement when you collect five Primogems, so players seeking the lore from the manga Genshin Impact will need to try the temporary acclimatization quest.

Acclimatization Revision Tips And Tricks

These tips and tricks can help you effectively prepare for exams on acclimatization by enhancing your understanding and retention of the material.



Use Mnemonics

Create acronyms or phrases to remember key concepts, such as "HAP" for High Altitude Physiology (Hemoglobin, Acclimatization, Pulmonary changes).

Visual Aids

Draw diagrams or flowcharts to illustrate processes like acclimatization in humans at high altitudes versus deep diving. Visual representations can enhance memory retention.

Practice Questions

Regularly solve practice questions related to acclimatization to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that may appear in exams.

Teach Others

Explain the concepts of acclimatization to a peer or family member. Teaching reinforces your understanding and highlights areas needing further review.

Break Down Material

Divide the topic into smaller sections (e.g., definition, examples, physiological changes) and study them one at a time for better comprehension.


Create flashcards with key terms and definitions related to acclimatization. This is an effective way to review and test your knowledge quickly.

Simulate Exam Conditions

Take practice tests under timed conditions to build confidence and improve time management skills during the actual exam.

Stay Updated

Keep abreast of any new research or findings related to acclimatization, as this can provide deeper insights and enhance your understanding of the topic.

Mnemonics for Acclimatization Concepts




Physiological Changes at High Altitude

"Breathe Red Pairs"

Breathing rate increases, Red blood cell production rises, and Pulmonary pressure increases.

Signs of Altitude Sickness

"Nausea, Headache, Fatigue" (NHF)

Remember NHF to recall common symptoms of altitude sickness: Nausea, Headache, and Fatigue.

Acclimatization Steps

"Slowly Climb High" (SCH)

Spend time at each altitude, Climb gradually, and Hydrate well.

Adaptation Mechanisms

"Fast Red Pulmonary Enzymes" (FRPE)

Faster breathing, Red blood cells increase, Pulmonary capillary pressure rises, and Enzyme production enhances oxygen release.

Hydration Importance

"Drink Water Daily" (DWD)

Emphasizes the need to drink water daily to avoid dehydration while acclimatizing.

Altitude Climbing Strategy

"Climb High, Sleep Low" (CHSL)

This phrase reminds climbers to ascend to higher altitudes during the day but return to lower elevations for sleep to aid acclimatization.

These mnemonics can serve as useful memory aids to help you recall essential information about acclimatization processes and strategies effectively.

Weightage Of Topics In Acclimatization Different Entrance Exams

Weightage and the type of questions may change from exam to exam. So, getting aware of the exam pattern and syllabus relevant to the exam to be prepared for is quite an important thing.



JEE Main


Definition and Overview




Examples of Acclimatization




Acclimatization in Humans




Acclimatization vs. Adaptation




Factors Affecting Acclimatization




Type Of Questions Asked On Acclimatization In Various Exams

Question Type


JEE Main


Multiple Choice




Short Answer








Case Study




Also Read:


Among other things, acclimatization is that process which enables an organism to survive in changing environments. The meaning of acclimatization the difference between adaptation and acclimatization, and the importance of acclimatization at high altitudes, will become more sensible to the students who understand better how living organisms respond to their environment. Knowledge of such matters is therefore important in any branch of biology and entrance tests like NEET, JEE Main, and AIIMS. Questions based on such matters are often seen to come up on such tests.

By exploring the acclimatization meaning, scientists can develop strategies to support wildlife conservation efforts in rapidly changing environments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Name the types of acclimatization that is usually present?

Usually two types of acclimatization are present , that is  heat and altitude acclimatization. Heat acclimatization is also known as heat training. This method is generally used to enhance the performance of an athlete.

2. Name the 3 stages of acclimatization that is usually present at high altitudes?

When we travel to higher altitude locations, we see there is a process taking place called acclimatization, and it is defined to be as one of the best examples of the acclimatization process in humans.

There are 3 stages :

  • Preparation Stage

  • Ascent stage

  • Descent stage.

3. What is the main difference between Adaptation and Acclimatization?

Adaptation is usually a lifelong process and is irreversible but acclimatization is a short lived process. It is a reversible process. When organisms return to their natural environment then they become de-acclimated.

4. How does the process of acclimatization take place in plants?

when a vegetable for sometime can not grow in an environment then they become acclimatized to develop in that area. Crop plants also make adjustments according to photoperiodism but they however survive in that area by acclimatization.

5. Explain some of the characteristics of acclimatization?
  • Increase in sweating is a type of acclimatization.

  • Reduce heart rate during heat training acclimatization.

  • Decrease in the metabolic rate to slower down body function is an example of acclimatization.

6. What is Acclimatization?

Acclimatization is the process by which an organism adjusts its physiology and behavior in response to changes in its environment, such as temperature, altitude, or humidity. This adaptation occurs within the individual's lifetime and is often reversible, allowing organisms to maintain optimal functioning under varying conditions.

7. Which is an Example of Acclimatization?
An example of acclimatization can be observed when individuals travel from sea level to high altitudes. As they ascend, their bodies undergo various physiological changes, such as increased red blood cell production and enhanced respiratory efficiency, allowing them to cope with lower oxygen levels effectively.


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