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Air, water, and soil pollution

Air, water, and soil pollution

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 02, 2024 11:00 AM IST

Pollution is also referred to as environmental pollution. Any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or any type of energy (such as heat, sound, or radioactivity) that is introduced into the environment at a rate that is greater than the rate at which it can be dispersed, decomposed, recycled, diluted, or stored in a form that is harmless is referred to as pollution. The three main categories of pollution—air, water, and soil—are typically classified according to their effects on the environment. Particular kinds of pollutants, such as plastic, light, and noise pollution, are also of concern to contemporary culture. Pollution of any kind frequently affects the health and well-being of people, the environment, and wildlife.

Air Pollution

Air pollution refers to the contamination of the air as a result of the presence of compounds in the atmosphere that are dangerous to the health of people and other living organisms or that affect the environment or materials. Gases (such as ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane, carbon dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons), particulate matter (both organic and inorganic), and biological molecules are just a few examples of the many diverse forms of air pollutants. In addition to harming humans, animals, and food crops, air pollution can also impact climate change and cause ozone depletion or habitat degradation (for example, acid rain).

  1. Causes of Air Pollution

  • Industries and Factories: The primary source of carbon monoxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, and chemicals in industry and manufacturing These degrade the quality of the atmosphere by dispersing into it.

  • Fossil Fuel Exploitation: The combustion of fossil fuels emits a large amount of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.Carbon monoxide, produced when fossil fuels are burned inefficiently, also contributes to air pollution.

  • Automobiles: Vehicle emissions, including those from trucks, cars, buses, and jeeps, harm the environment. These are the primary sources of greenhouse gases, and they also have negative health effects.

  • Paints and home cleaning products release hazardous chemicals into the air. The fresh paint on the walls gives off the scent of the chemicals used to make the paint. Additionally, air pollution has an impact on respiration.

  • Activities in Agriculture: One of the most dangerous chemicals released during agricultural operations is ammonia. Pesticides, fertilisers, and insecticides all harm the environment by releasing harmful gases.

  • Mining Operations: Large pieces of machinery are used in the mining operation to remove the minerals from underneath the earth. In addition to polluting the air, the dust and chemicals emitted throughout the operation also harm the workers' and residents' health.

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  1. Effects Of Air Pollution

-Air pollution has caused a number of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in humans. Over the last several decades, the incidence of lung cancer has increased.Children with asthma and pneumonia are more likely to reside close to polluted areas. Many people lose their lives as a direct or indirect result of air pollution each year.

-Because of greenhouse gas emissions, the atmosphere's gaseous composition is out of balance. As a result, the earth's temperature has increased. This increase in the earth's temperature is referred to as "global warming." As a result, the sea level is rising and glaciers are melting, which might cause many cities to become submerged.

-The major cause of the ozone layer's depletion is the atmospheric release of hydrochlorofluorocarbons, halons, and chlorofluorocarbons. The ozone layer's depletion does not shield people from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays, which can lead to eye and skin disorders.

-Dangerous compounds like sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides are emitted into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned. These contaminants react with the water droplets, making them acidic and causing acid rain, which harms both plant and animal life as well as people.

-The air pollutants that are suspended in water bodies have an effect on aquatic life. Animals are often forced to leave their native habitats due to pollution. They become rare as a result, and numerous animal species have gone extinct as a result.

  1. Prevention of Air Pollution

  • Using public transportation for commuting

  • Reuse and recycling of products

  • Avoid burning trash and smoking.

  • Use clean sources of energy like solar, wind, etc.

  • When not in use, turn off electric appliances.

  • Avoid using fireworks.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is the discharge of pollutants into underground water or into lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and seas to the extent that the chemicals interfere with the beneficial use of the water or with the ecosystems' normal functioning. Water pollution can also involve the discharge of energy into bodies of water in the form of radioactivity or heat, in addition to the release of substances like chemicals, debris, or microorganisms. The four primary causes of water pollution are sewage discharges, industrial activity, agricultural activity, and urban runoff, including stormwater. Surface water pollution (either freshwater pollution or marine contamination) and groundwater pollution are two categories that fall under "water pollution."

Sources Of Water Pollution

There are two types of sources of water pollution: point sources and nonpoint sources. Point sources have a single, distinct cause, such as a storm drain, a wastewater treatment plant, or an oil spill. More widespread non-point sources include agricultural runoff. The result of a cumulative influence over time is pollution. Oil, metals, plastics, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants, industrial waste products, changes in salinity, changes in pH, elevated temperatures, excessive turbidity, disagreeable tastes or odours, and pathogenic organisms are just a few examples of harmful chemicals and stressful conditions that can cause pollution. Contaminants might include both organic and inorganic substances. When heat serves as a pollutant, it is referred to as “thermal pollution.” The use of water as a coolant by industries and power plants is a frequent contributor to thermal pollution.

  1. Effects Of Water Pollution

The impact of water pollution is determined by the kind of pollutants present and their concentration. The location of water bodies is also essential in estimating pollution levels.

  • Extreme pollution exists in the water bodies close to metropolitan cities. This is the outcome of industrial and commercial facilities discharging trash and hazardous chemicals into the water bodies.

  • Aquatic life is significantly impacted by water pollution. Their behaviour and metabolism are altered, which leads to illness and eventual death. Dioxin is a toxin that affects many processes, including reproduction, uncontrolled cell proliferation, and cancer. This substance bioaccumulates in fish, fowl, and meat. Toxic substances go up the food chain before they enter the human body.

  • Water contamination has the potential to drastically alter, demolish, and harm the ecosystem.

  • Pollution affects people, and when faeces are present in water sources, people are more likely to contract illnesses. Infectious illness outbreaks like cholera and others are always a possibility when drinking water quality is poor or inadequate.

  • The food chain may be significantly impacted by water contamination. The food chain is disrupted. Some hazardous compounds, such as cadmium and lead, can cause further disruption at higher levels after entering the food chain via animals (fish eaten by both animals and humans).

  1. Prevention of Water Pollution

  • Greater degrees of water pollution can be reduced using a variety of methods. Treatment of sewage waste prior to discharging it into aquatic bodies is preferable. By doing this, the original toxicity can be reduced, and the body of water itself can break down and render harmless any compounds that are still there. If it has undergone secondary treatment, water can be reused in sanitary systems and agricultural sectors.

  • The water hyacinth is a particularly special plant with the capacity to take in toxic elements in solution, including cadmium and other comparable substances. Establishing these in areas vulnerable to these types of pollution will significantly lessen the negative consequences.

Soil Pollution

When harmful chemicals (also known as pollutants or contaminants) are present in the soil at levels high enough to endanger both human health and the ecosystem, this is referred to as "soil pollution." Or simply said, "soil pollution" is the term used to describe changes made to the natural soil as a result of human activity. Industrial activities, agricultural chemicals, or inappropriate waste disposal methods are the main causes of soil pollution. Petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (including naphthalene and benzo(a)pyrene), solvents, insecticides, lead, and other heavy metals are the most frequent compounds involved in soil pollution. The level of industrialization and the number of chemical substances are associated with contamination. The main effects of soil pollution are health risks due to direct contact with contaminated soil, inhalation of contaminant vapour, or secondary contamination of water supplies contained within and beneath the soil.

  1. Causes of Soil Pollution

  • Dumping of industrial waste, plastics, domestic waste, and electronic waste leads to soil contamination.

  • Mining and manufacturing activities lead to a vast amount of soil degradation.

  • excessive usage of pesticides, herbicides, etc. in agricultural practices

  • Heavy metals (like lead and mercury) can become extremely dangerous for humans when they are present in soils at very high concentrations.

  • Because batteries contain hazardous chemicals, disposing of electrical products like batteries has a negative impact on the soil in the same way that disposing of plastics and other solid garbage does.

  • Acid rain can cause soil contamination.

  • Dumping radioactive waste leads to soil pollution.

  1. Effects Of Soil Pollution

  • Human health is significantly impacted by soil contamination. Most of the pollutants are absorbed by crops and plants growing in contaminated soil, which subsequently transfer them to humans. Infections brought on by soil pollution include skin and eye irritation, headaches, motion sickness, coughing, chest pain, and wheezing.

  • The fertility of the soil will be reduced and the soil's structure will be altered by the regular use of chemical fertilisers, inorganic fertilisers, and pesticides. This will result in a decline in soil quality and subpar crops. Land is no longer suitable for cultivation or for the survival of any native plants due to slowly deteriorating soil fertility.

  • Different kinds of microbes, birds, and insects depend on the soil as a vital habitat. Thus, altering the chemistry of the soil has the potential to have a detrimental effect on living things and even cause the progressive death of a large number of organisms.

  1. Prevention of Soil Pollution

  • Reduce the use of chemical fertilisers, inorganic fertilisers, pesticides, and herbicides. Use eco-friendly fertilisers to improve soil fertility.

  • Afforestation and reforestation should be encouraged.

  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle the products so that the dumping of huge amounts of waste can be prevented.

  • One of the finest sources of nutrients for the soil is natural manure. It's fully safe and natural. It promotes the general health of the soil and replenishes vital nutrients. It doesn't generate any hazardous byproducts that could endanger the ecosystem or the land.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is sewage treatment?

Sewage treatment, also known as domestic wastewater treatment or municipal wastewater treatment, is a type of wastewater treatment that aims to remove contaminants from sewage to produce an effluent that is suitable for discharge to the nearby environment, preventing water pollution from raw sewage discharges.

2. List the various types of soil pollution.

The types of soil pollution are:

  • Agricultural soil pollution

  • Industrial chemicals are causing soil pollution.

  • Soil pollution is caused by solid waste.

  • soil pollution due to urban activities.

3. Which is the most polluted river in India?

River Ganges is the most polluted river in India and the fifth-most polluted river in the world.

4. What are the most common chemicals used in the water treatment process?

Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, soda ash, sodium bicarbonate, etc. are a few of the chemicals used during water treatment.

5. How many types of ozone are present in the atmosphere?

Ozone present in the stratosphere of the earth’s atmosphere is one type of ozone that protects the earth from the sun’s harmful radiation, while ground-level ozone or ozone present in the troposphere is the second type, but this ozone is a secondary pollutant and causes respiratory diseases. Tropospheric ozone causes photochemical smog.


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