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Antibody - Role of Antibodies, Structure, Types And Functions

Antibody - Role of Antibodies, Structure, Types And Functions

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:34 PM IST

Antibody: When we take a walk or get in touch with our surroundings, numerous microbes come into contact with us. Notably, some of these microorganisms aren’t harmful, whereas others can make us unwell. The immune system is always at work to protect us from these harmful microbes. When individuals delve into the intricate areas of immunology, they will understand the amazing part that antibodies play, their structure, types, as well as functions.

What are Antibodies?

Definition: Antibodies, called immunoglobulins too, are Y-shaped proteins made by the body's immune system or B cells to help fight off diseases so that people do not get sick again with things they have already had before. They work by finding out what is harmful without harming healthy cells - they find out where things should not be then go ahead to kill them making sure we are safe at all times.

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Basic Function of Antibody

  • The immune system uses antibodies for two main purposes - they identify antigens, and they alert other immune cells.

  • Since an antibody attaches itself to a harmful object, such as a virus, thereby identifying it as prey for macrophages or T-cells, among others, this action helps other parts of the immune system destroy dangerous foreign organisms.

  • In fighting harmful invaders, the immune system needs to target them accurately and kill them effectively, which remains impossible without the help of such interactions.

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Antibody Structure

To understand how antibodies function in the immune system it’s essential to know its structure. Their polypeptide chains and particular regions having been joined together create a distinctive Y-shape they use for finding and rendering harmless harmful substances called antigens.

Heavy and Light Chains

Antibodies consist of four polypeptide chains, these chains are specifically two heavy chains and two light chains, the chains are held together by disulphide bonds so that they form a y-shaped structure.

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Heavy Chains

  • The heavy chains are bigger polypeptides, which make up the antibody structure’s main section.

  • Every single heavy chain includes a variable area located at its peak as well as an unchanging part, occupying all other parts of this chain.

  • This IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, or IgD determines the class of an antibody, such as the effector actions entailed in the latter while being present throughout its lifespan, which is determined by this consistent area.

Light Chains

Light chains are small polypeptides that are attached to heavyweight chains, thus, two types exist; kappa (κ) and lambda (λ) which play similar roles in the binding of antigens. Each of these also comprises a variable portion and a constant fragment.

Variable and Constant Regions

Antibodies contain regions for variable (V) and constant (C) sections which respectively perform different roles within the operation of antibodies.

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Variable Regions

  • Located at the ends of the Y-shaped structure are the variable regions, which are constituted by heavy and light chains.

  • It is these regions that distinguish them from one another in terms of specificity and allow them to attach to particular antigens.

  • The differences in amino acid sequences are what make variability possible in these areas leading to the production of an individualized distinctive antigen-binding site in them.

Significance in Antigen Binding

The point in the body where the antibody joins to the antigen is made up of the different regions on the heavy and light chains on the variable parts. That part of the antibody interacts physically with the antigen as it recognizes and binds to specific molecular structures The wide range of antibodies produced by the immune system can specifically bind to many different antigens thanks to such a high degree of diversity.

Constant Regions

The rest of the antibody structure is composed of constant regions. In the heavy chains, the class of the antibody (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, or IgD) is determined by the constant region and the region is what enables effector functions e.g. binding to cell surface receptors and complement activation.

Significance in Immune Function

Determining the biological activity of the antibody, the constant regions are influential. For example, IgG antibodies protect a fetus by passing through a placenta, while IgA antibodies protect mucosal surfaces. Interactions between other immune system components such as phagocytes, and natural killer cells enhancing immune reactions involving the whole body also take place owing it this same region.


Types of Antibodies

Five main types, namely IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE and IgD are the categories into which antibodies; sometimes referred to as immunoglobulins fall.” each of these types has its attributes and is located in different parts of the body whereby they perform different tasks during an immune response.

Table of Antibody Types:

Antibody Type

Concentration in Blood

Main Functions

Primary Locations



Long-term immunity, neutralizing toxins, opsonization

Blood, extracellular fluid, crosses the placenta



Mucosal immunity, preventing pathogen attachment

Mucous membranes, saliva, tears, breast milk, gut, respiratory tract



Initial immune response, forming antigen-antibody complexes

Blood, lymphatic fluid



Mediating allergic reactions, defending against parasites

Lungs, skin, mucous membranes



Initiating and regulating immune responses

Blood, surface of B cells

IgG antibodies

  • In the blood and extracellular fluids, IgG is the most common kind of antibody, accounting for roughly 75-80% of all antibodies in the human body.

  • The most important function of IgG is in protecting an individual against repeated infections due to pathogens, it provides long-term immunity and immune memory.

  • Its importance lies in its ability to neutralize toxins, tag pathogens for destruction by phagocytes (this process is called opsonization) and activate complement by all three pathways.

  • IgG antibodies, which are mainly found in the blood and extracellular fluid can cross the placenta to give the fetus passive immunity.

IgA antibodies

  • Immunoglobulin type A is about 10-15 percent of all antibodies present in the body.

  • Its main role in this respect is safeguarding the body surfaces exposed to outside elements, i.e. mucosal immunity where its primary function is preventing pathogens from attaching themselves onto epithelial cells found lining various body cavities such as the respiratory tract or intestines, among other places.

  • These are present in secretions like mucus, such as sweat or tears and also on the mucosa lining the gut and airways.

IgM Antibodies

  • IgM exists as one of the first categories of antibodies produced by the body when infections are detected.

  • This first type constitutes about 5-10 per cent of all antibodies present in the organism.

  • It acts mostly at its primary levels of defence against pathogen-causing agents by quickly forming immune complexes and initiating complement system activation through different pathways.

  • IgM can be predominantly located within blood vessels or in lymphatic vessels/fluids.

IgE antibodies

  • IgE’s effect is great, although it exists at low levels within the circulating blood.

  • It is associated with allergic responses and fights off parasites.

  • It combines with antigens to stimulate the secretion of histamine from mast cells or basophils that cause allergy symptoms.

  • It is present in the lungs, skin and mucosa.

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IgD Type Antibodies

  • IgD is the least known antibody and it comprises a small proportion of those present in the body.

  • It is primarily found on the surface of those who have not been exposed to immunogens.

  • Thus, its function is largely associated with triggering and controlling the immune system.

  • Besides being present in small quantities within blood bloodstream, IgDs are also attached to those B-cell outer membranes.

Functions of Antibody

Antibodies are necessary components within the immune system that perform numerous protective functions against harmful microorganisms or foreign invaders. Production of these antibodies as well as their modes of operation constitute specialized procedures aimed at ensuring a defense system with optimum protection.

Production of Antibodies

B Cell Activation

The onset of activation starts with the interaction of various antigens (foreign substances) which then trigger a response from white blood cells called B-lymphocytes.

  1. Antigen Recognition: B cells have B cell receptors that bind to specific antigens on their surface. When a receptor attaches antigen, it activates B cell.

  2. Helper T Cell Interaction: Activated B cells usually need more stimulation from helper T cells, which identify the antigen presented by B cells and secrete cytokines to promote B cell proliferation as well as differentiation.

  3. Differentiation into Plasma Cells: After B cells have been activated they differentiate into plasma cells, whose main specialisation is the large-scale production of antibodies that target the same antigen which has prompted them to be activated.

Clonal Selection and Expansion

Clonal selection is a vital process that ensures that the immune response discriminates highly against the invading pathogen.

  1. Selection: Only B cells whose BCRs specifically join with the encountered antigen are selected for activation.

  2. Clonal Expansion: Selected B cells proliferate and generate clones that extend with many identical B cells releasing the same specific antibody.

  3. Memory B Cells: Among these clones, specific B cells turn into memory B cells residing for many years within the body and thus confer faster and stronger secondary responses to similar antigens.

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Mechanism of Action

Antibodies work to make sure pathogens are removed and destroyed using different methods.


When antibodies attach to pathogens, they counteract them and keep them from contacting cells in the same organism. This inhibits viruses and bacteria from going into and attacking cells, ensuring they do not cause harm.


Pathogens are covered in antibodies during opsonisation. So phagocytes like macrophage cells or white blood cells known as neutrophils can then destroy them. The Fc region of an antibody binds to Fc receptors that are located on phagocytes and therefore boosts the uptake and destruction of pathogens.

Complement Activation

Once antibodies attach to pathogens (such as bacteria), the first step is to trigger the activation process of a group of proteins termed complement to get them lysed by them. This process kicks in when the proteins bond to antigens in what is referred to as the classical pathway for complement activation.


When antibodies join with antigens on the pathogens they stick the different pathogens together hence leading to agglutination i.e. clamping of pathogens. This makes it simpler for the phagocytes to decipher pathogens which makes them be removed easily from the body. The process by which antibodies join with pathogens in the process called agglutination which is known as clamping.

Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC)

Antibodies in ADCC draw natural killer cells to destroy infected and malignant cells, with the antibody’s Fab region binding the antigen on the target cell and the Fc region binding it to Fc receptors on NK cells.

Difference Between Antigen and Antibody

Antigens and antibodies, addressing different roles in immune defence mechanisms, are core body immunity elements. Grasping their distinctions is important if one hopes to comprehend how the body protects itself against harmful microbes.






Substances that induce an immune response

Proteins produced in response to antigens


Trigger immune system activation

Neutralise or eliminate antigens


Proteins, polysaccharides, or lipids

Y-shaped proteins with variable and constant regions


Initiate immune response

Bind specifically to antigens, neutralise, and mark for destruction


Found on pathogens or foreign substances

Produced by B cells, circulate in blood and body fluids


Recognised by immune cells

Bind to antigens to facilitate immune response

Definition and Role


Antigens are things that make a body react in a certain way. Antigens are often thought of as coming from places other than the body, and they come in many different forms like proteins or carbohydrates from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites among others.

Antigens primarily serve as immune system triggers. Upon detection of an antigen, immune cells are activated and produce antibodies which are exclusive only to this particular type of antigen.


Antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) are Y-shaped proteins produced in response to antigens by B cells. Each antibody is specific to a particular antigen as it binds with high specificity to this antigen.

Antibodies have to either neutralize or rid of antigens which they do by sticking to them, flagging them for elimination by other immune cells, or else by neutralizing toxins etc., so that pathogens cannot infect host cells.

Structural Differences


Proteins, polysaccharides or lipids are commonly found in antigens. These molecules are characterized by considerable variation in size and complexity. The structure of pathogens, for instance, may contain antigens like the surface proteins on a virus or the bacterial cell wall's constituents.


Antibodies which are Y-shaped proteins comprising two light and two heavy polypeptide chains joined by disulfide links at its top are of fundamental importance. The top of the Y shape contains variable regions binding particularly on antigens; conversely, the stalk possesses constant regions responsible for immune cellular interactions.

Functional Differences


The immune response is triggered by antigens. When the immune system detects antigens, it starts working by activating many immune cells like T cells and B cells that in turn generate antibodies as well as other defence mechanisms for disposing of the foreign molecule.


Antibodies act to neutralise or eliminate antigens. They also function in other ways such as preventing entry of pathogens into cells, marking pathogens for destruction by phagocytes (opsonization), activating complement cascade when needed, clumping together similar pathogens (agglutination) or recruiting NK cells to kill infected cells (antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity).

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Applications of Antibodies

There are numerous applications where antibodies are useful in diagnostics as well as treatment methods thereby serving as very useful instruments in today’s health sector. Their effectiveness arises from the fact that they attach themselves only to certain types of infections thus ensuring accurate scanning for particular illnesses before conveying necessary medications to infected areas.

Diagnostic Use

In various diagnostic tests, antibodies are important for detecting the existence of particular antigens that are linked to diseases.

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

ELISA is a frequently used test in scientific laboratories where it detects antigens through antibodies with relative ease. Its applications such as identifying viral proteins or antibodies against them from a patient’s circulating serum make it possible to diagnose diseases like hepatitis B virus infection, and AIDS/HIV infection among others.

Rapid Antigen Tests

Rapid antigen tests are utilized for identifying pathogens in point-of-care surroundings rapidly. They are crucial for the following reasons, especially in COVID-19 Testing: detecting SARS-CoV-2 antigens by using nasal or throat swabbing as well as checking if you have flu infection through the performance of rapid tests targeting viral protein in nasal or throat swabs.

Therapeutic Use

The treatment of some diseases has been improved greatly by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that allow for directing the therapy with a lot of precision.

Cancer Treatment

Monoclonal antibodies specifically target cancer cells and do not damage normal cells such as Rituximab (Rituxan) targets CD20 on B cells: It is the key element used to cure non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as well as chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

Autoimmune Disorders

Monoclonal antibodies help to control the immune system in cases of autoimmune diseases. Used for the treatment of Crohn's disease or multiple sclerosis, Natalizumab, which is Tysabri, stops the migration of white blood cells to the brain.

Infectious Diseases

Additionally, monoclonal antibodies can be used to treat infectious illnesses. Palivizumab (Synagis) is used to avert the infection of respiratory syncytial virus in high-risk infants, for instance.


An image is shown for the depiction of monoclonal antibodies that are used in targeting cancer cells; they bind to a specific receptor located at the surface of such cells.

Antibody Engineering and Innovations

The development of new treatments has been completely changed by antibody engineering technology. The making of monoclonal antibodies and boosting of antibody properties are some of the achievements in this field.

Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies are derived from a single clone of B cells. These antibodies are designed in such a way that they can attach themselves specifically to one type of antigen, hence offering targeted therapy for different diseases.

The treatment landscape has been revolutionised for many illnesses with the intervention of monoclonal antibodies since they are highly efficient and specific.

Genetic Engineering

Advances in genetic engineering have made antibodies more specific, with stronger bonds between antibodies and antigens. This resulted in the development of improved therapeutic modalities in the form of next-generation antibodies.

In phage display, bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) are applied to target antigens to change the antibodies with high specificity. Phages are hung with the genes of the antibodies, which are then selected.

Bispecific antibodies are custom-made to attach two dissimilar antigens concurrently, so they can lock on two different targets or get two different cells to touch each other, e.g., T cells can contact tumour cells.

Resistance and Autoimmunity

Pathogen Resistance

Antibody-based treatments’ efficacy could be compromised when pathogens become resistant to them, as is common with antibiotics-resistant pathogens due to mutations that occur.

  • Mechanisms of Resistance: Pathogens can escape antibody detection by altering their surface antigens or developing ways to break down and hide from antibodies.

  • Combatting Resistance: Methods of overcoming resistance include using combinations of antibodies that target various antigens, making antibodies that get conserved areas less susceptible to mutation, and applying next-generation sequencing to quickly detect and respond to new strains of resistant organisms.

Autoimmune Reactions

At times, antibody therapies can elicit autoimmune reactions, in which the immune system of an organism mistakenly assaults its cells or tissues.

  • Mechanisms: Autoimmunity could happen because a few cure antibodies will be able to cause reactions when they come into contact with human tissue or else mess up the body's natural defences.

  • Mitigation Strategies: In order to lower the chances of autoimmunity, there are three things that scientists do. They are making the specificity of antibodies better, carrying out preclinical trials carefully, and watching patients for adverse reactions. Another way to decrease immunogenicity is through humanising monoclonal antibodies.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Write about the role of IgG?

Functions of IgG

  • IgG antibodies give advantage of long-term protection against many different agents such as bacteria, viruses, and bacterial toxins.

  • IgG is found to be one of the most potent complement activators when taken in respect to all other antibodies.

  • The binding ability of IgG to antigens is more specifically effective because of the reason that it enhances phagocytosis.

2. Which antibodies play a role in fighting against allergic reactions?

IgE is  the major antibody that plays a role in many allergic reactions where it binds to reintroduced antigens and focuses on the release of pharmacologically active agents. It also helps to show response to allergens and antigen preparation that is helpful in desensitization immunotherapy.

3. What is the main function of immunoglobulin A

IgA is found to be the first line of defense due to the reason that it protects the body from the entry and infection of mucosal surfaces by different foreign particles.

4. How many regions are present in an antibody?

Antibody is made up of variable regions and a constant region.  The variable region is called so because it changes to various structures totally dependent upon the differences in the antigen. The constant region is called so because it cannot change its shape according to the antigen. These two chains are responsible for making the structure of antibodies.

5. What are monoclonal antibodies, and why are they significant in modern medicine?

Monoclonal antibodies are a group of antibodies that are identical and are produced by a single clone of B cells. These cells act by simply binding to one definite antigen on its epitope. This feature has made them very useful in modern medicine, where they are used to provide highly specific treatments for diseases like cancer, autoimmune disorders and various infections.

6. How can pathogens develop resistance to antibody-based treatments, and what strategies can combat this resistance?

Alteration of surface antigens by pathogens leads to therapy resistance as a result of versions in their surface protein structure or the development of means to dodge these antibodies. Measures to be taken here entail multiple antibody combinations targeting conserved areas less susceptible to mutation as well as fast recognition and response to additional resistant strains in any system through next-generation sequencing.

7. What are the 5 different types of immunoglobulins?

Antibodies, or immunoglobulins(Ig) are classified based on their H chains. IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE. There are five types of immunoglobulins.


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