Apomixis - An Overview, Types

Apomixis - An Overview, Types

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Jan 09, 2025 03:56 PM IST

Apomixis is a biological process discussed under the Class 12 chapter Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants. The term refers to a kind of asexual seed reproduction that allows plants to produce seeds without the process of fertilization. Understanding apomixis and its types is important for the students as this provides vital insights into different alternative reproductive strategies in plants- one of the important topics from CBSE Class 12 up to the NEET level. This article will cover the concept of apomixis, types of apomixis, and apomixis in plants which is also going to be helpful for the students preparing for any entrance exam with Biology as a main subject like NEET, AIIMS, Nursing etc.

This Story also Contains
  1. Apomixis Meaning
  2. What is Apomixis?
  3. Types of Apomixis
  4. Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Studying Apomixis for Exams
  5. Types of Questions and Weightage for Apomixis
  6. Recommended Video on Apomixis

Apomixis Meaning

  • Apomixis word is taken from two Greek words, that is, “apo” possesses the meaning away from and “mixed” means the act of mixing.

  • The term apomixis was first introduced in botany by Winkler botanist in 1908

  • Apomixis is commonly observed in higher plants mostly in the case of flowering plants and these plants are those plants in which the embryo may be produced from an unfertilised egg cell.

  • The embryo can also be produced from a cell other than the egg cell within the embryo sac or can be produced from the cell outside the embryo sac.

  • The plant that is produced by apomixis is genetically identical to the mother plant from which it is developed.

  • There are more than 35 families present in the environment of plants which reproduce by means of Apomixis.

  • Examples of Apomictic seeds include Gramineae and Rosaceae.

  • It also included Compositae and Rutaceae.

What is Apomixis?

We can see many plants possessing vegetative and sexual reproduction (amphimixis). Sometimes there are some plants which show particular and special types of reproduction and these reproductions are known as apomixis and polyembryony. Apomixis is defined to be as a type of asexual reproduction and polyembryony is defined to be as a type of sexual reproduction. The apomixis, its meaning and the method of apomixis are described in the article.

When the formation of seeds occurs without the fusion of gametes (or fertilization) then it is defined as apomixis. Polyembryony is defined as the occurrence of many embryos and these embryos are present in the same seed of a flower. Apomixis and Polyembryony are observed in most of the plants. This type of reproductive process studied in botany is explained in detail below, with examples from Apomixis.

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Types of Apomixis

The types of Apomixis are listed below-


It is apomixis in which seeds are developed with no fertilisation, and the embryo arises from an unfertilised egg cell.

Examples: Dandelions, certain grasses

Adventive Embryony

In adventive embryony, directly from somatic cells, for example, nucellus or integuments, the embryos develop bypassing the gametic cells.

Examples: Citrus plants

Vegetative Apomixis

In vegetative apomixis, the new plants are produced from vegetative parts or organs such as bulbs, tubers, or rhizomes.

Examples: Onion, Garlic

Recurrent and Non-Recurrent Apomixis

In recurrent apomixis seeds are produced of the same ploidy degree as that of the parent plant; in nonrecurrent apomixis, the seeds would be of different ploidy

Examples: Poa species

Diplospory Apomixis

It is that type of apomixis in which the embryo sac is developed from the diploid cell without any reduction division. The chromosome number remains unreduced.

Examples: Poa species

Apospory Apomixis

In apospory the embryo sac develops from somatic cells, for example, nucellus cells, while bypassing the normal sexual reproduction process and not involving the megaspore mother cell.

Examples: Poa species

Apomixis Significance

There are different significance of apomixis are as follows:

Genetic Uniformity

  • Ensures offspring produced are genetically identical to the parent plant.

  • Favourable features passed down to subsequent generations remain.

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Hybrid Vigour

  • The desirable characteristics in hybrid plants remain in a non-segregated fashion.

  • High yielding and vigour in subsequent generations remained.

Apomixis in Plant Breeding

  • Reduces the repeated occurrence of hybridisation processes.

  • Time and resources are saved in breeding programmes.

Stable Production of Crops

  • Consistency in quality and performance of the crops produced.

  • Reduced variability in plant populations

  • Fast Clonal Multiplication

  • Improved multiplication of the clonal plant varieties happens fast.

  • Faster adaptation to market demand

  • Adaptability to Diverse Environments

  • Wide adaptability of well-adjusted clones to other different areas is made possible

  • Agriculture in variable climatic and soil conditions is facilitated.

Disease Resistance

  • The resistance features to pests and pathogens are maintained.

  • The pathogen-induced crop failure instances decrease.

Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Studying Apomixis for Exams

Here are some tips and tricks to prepare Apomixis for different Exams:

Study Aids

Study diagrams and flowcharts of apomixis processes with all different kinds, like agamospermy and vegetative apomixis.


Create mnemonics to aid in remembering kinds of apomixis and distinctive characteristics of the main kinds, AVAN for example: (Agamospermy, Vegetative apomixis, Adventitious embryony, and Non-recurrent apomixis).

Real-Life Examples

Watch videos or animations on apomixis, to understand how plants like dandelions or mangoes exhibit these particular reproductive strategies.

Practice Diagrams

Practice drawing and labelling diagrams that illustrate apomixis in plants, within the Class 12 syllabus content, since these topics are appearing more and more frequently in exams and NEET preparations.

Types of Questions and Weightage for Apomixis

Exam TypeTypes of QuestionsWeightage
CBSE ExamsShort answer questions on types, significance, and examples of apomixis3-4%
NEETMultiple-choice questions (MCQs) on apomixis processes and their classifications2-3%
AIIMSAssertion and reasoning questions on apomixis mechanisms and plant reproduction2-3%
Nursing ExamsTrue/False questions on apomixis, including its types and examples1-3%

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Recommended Video on Apomixis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the main importance of apomixis?

Apomixis plays the most important role in the  formation of infection-free embryos. It is required for the development of polyploidy.

2. Name the different type of apomixis?

There are mainly three different types of apomixis :

  • Recurrent Apomixis
  • Adventive Apomixis
  • Non-recurrent Apomixis
3. What is the main difference between polyembryony and apomixis?

When the seeds are produced without the fusion of gametes (or fertilization) then it is defined  as apomixis. It is a kind of asexual reproduction .Polyembryony is defined as the occurrence of many embryos that are present in the same seed. It is a kind of asexual reproduction.

4. State some causes that are responsible for apomixis?

This can be due to cleavage of proembryo.

  • When there is development of many different embryos from other cells of embryo-sac but not from egg.

  • When there is formation of many embryos because of the presence of more than one embryo sac in the same ovule. 

  • When there occurs a formation of many embryos from the structure outside the embryo sac

5. How does apomixis benefit plant breeding?

Apomixis is a process of reproduction in plants with desired attributes whereby genetic variation is absent hence uniformity and stability in crop output.

6. How is apomixis applied in agriculture?

Apomixis in agriculture creates uniform and stable crops which carry desirable traits necessary for efficiency and reliability in crop production.


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