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Bacteria: Definition, Types, Benefits, Diagram, Classification, Risks & Examples

Bacteria: Definition, Types, Benefits, Diagram, Classification, Risks & Examples

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 18, 2024 04:18 PM IST

In general, bacteria are small single cell organisms. A bacterial cell is found in each and every place of the earth. Study of bacterial cells is known as bacteriology. Bacteriology is the sub field of microbiology which involves identification, classification and characterization of various bacterial cells. In our daily life microbiology is useful, for example during the formation of curd at that time lactobacillus bacteria forms curd from milk.

History Of Microbiology

The word microbiology, made up of 'micro' and 'biology', 'micro' means small in size and 'biology' means study of living things. Discovery of the microscope and cell increases the importance of the microbiology field. Bacterial cell was identified by scientist Antonivan Leeuwenhoek, due to this discovery it is known as the father of microbiology and Aristotle is the father of biology.

Bacteria Diagram

Bacterial diagrams illustrate the brief structure of bacteria with its nomenclature.


Characteristics Of Bacteria

Generally bacteria are divided into two types, based on gram staining. 1. Gram positive bacteria, and 2. Gram negative bacteria.

1. Gram positive bacteria characteristics

A. Outer membrane: Gram positive bacteria do not have an outer membrane, while in Gram negative bacteria outer membrane is present.

B. Color: Gram positive bacteria appear blue or purple under the microscope.

C. Cell wall: Cell wall is the structure surrounding the cell’s membrane. In Gram positive bacteria cell walls are made of multiple layers of molecules, less lipid and protein. Cell wall protects the bacteria from killing or any type of damage

D. Peptidoglycan layer: In Gram positive bacteria, the peptidoglycan is 20 to 80 nm (nanometer) thick. whereas this peptidoglycan layer is only 2 to 3 nm thick in Gram negative bacteria.

E. Shape: Gram positive bacteria come in different shapes, such as cocci shaped (spherical or round shape), bacilli shaped (rod shape), branching like arrangement and filaments like arrangement (threadlike shape).

2. Gram negative bacteria characteristics

Gram negative bacteria have different structures. Gram negative bacteria are made up of a thinner layer of peptidoglycan. They also have a lipid membrane at outer region and protects the cell from the surrounding environment. Due to this lipid membrane layer, they are more resistant to antibiotics and other drugs. Although Gram negative bacteria are more challenging to treat by drug or chemical compound.

Function Of Bacteria

Bacteria are used due to their following nature

  • Fermentative nature

  • Acid production

  • Antibiotics production

  • Metabolites production

  • Bacteria use as a probiotics

  • Helps in curd formation

  • It able to degrade complex nutrients

  • It produce vitamins, amino acid

Scientific Name Of Bacteria

Two types of names used for bacteria, first, regional name or generic name and second is globally available name or scientific name. Scientific name of bacteria requires specific identification of the particular bacteria. The International committee on systematic prokaryotes (ICPS) gives scientific names to the bacteria. The International committee on systematic prokaryotes follows a binomial nomenclature system. Scientific name of bacteria contains genus and species. Generally Latin is the standard language used to give names to bacteria.

Example Of Bacteria

Following are the some examples of bacteria

  • Escherichia coli

  • Clostridium botulinum

  • Lactobacillus species

  • Actinobacter

  • Bacillus stearothermophilus

  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis

  • Salmonella typhi

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Ultra Structure Of Bacteria

Generally all bacteria have cell walls and cell membranes. Cell membrane made up of lipid bi layer which provides fluidity to the cell membrane, And cell wall made up of peptidoglycan which provides rigid structure to the cell. Cell wall is the thick structure then the cell membrane. Cell membrane covers the cytoplasmic region of the bacterial cell, the cytoplasmic region reached with DNA, protein, ribosome, vacuoles and storage body. In some bacteria capsules are present after the bacterial cell wall, which protects bacteria from invaders. Some bacteria possess a long tail-like structure which is known as flagella and its provides motility to bacterial cells.

Mainly spherical, road like and curved shape found in bacteria. If bacteria have spherical structure then it is known as coccus or cocci bacteria. If bacteria contain road like structure then it is known as bacillus bacteria. And if bacteria have curved shapes then it is known as vibrio or spirillum bacteria. If bacteria do not contain any above shape or contain irregular shape then it is known as pleomorphic bacteria.

Classification Of Bacteria

  • According to Gram staining, Bacteria are divided into Gram positive Bacteria and Gram negative bacteria. Gram staining differentiate a bacterium in Gram positive or Gram negative nature based on cell wall composition of that particular bacteria.

  • Based on their effect on humans, bacteria are categorized into beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria. Beneficial bacteria live on the body surface and it is also known as human microbial flora. And pathogenic bacteria are able to cause disease to the human body such as tuberculosis and Syphilis disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis and Treponema pallidum respectively.

  • Based on present or absence of flagella, Bacteria can be divided into motile bacteria and non-motile bacteria.

Fascinating Bacteria

Fascinating bacteria means bacteria possessed unique characteristics, which are not shown by other bacteria. For example pigmented appearance, unique structure, able to digest complex nutrients, and surviving in extreme conditions.


A bacteria which can live in extreme conditions from the human point of view. Extreme conditions include High temperature, Low temperature, High pH, Low pH, High pressure, High salt concentration. Example of extremophiles shown in below table.

Name of extreme condition

Bacterial name which survive in a specific conditions

Example of bacteria

High temperature


Thermus aquaticus

High pH condition


Bacillus, Pseudomonas.

Low temperature


Psychroflexus, Psychrobacter

Low pH


Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

High pressure


Halomonas salaria

High salt concentration



Microbiology Courses

Any science student takes a microbiology course after completing 12th science. Microbiology course completed in 3 degree level, Bachelor degree, Master degree and Doctor of philosophy level. After completing Masters, students can do research at scientist level. Bachelor degree is a three year program, and it is called an undergraduate program. Master degree is a two year program and it is called a postgraduate program. Doctor of philosophy is a two to five year program, this time duration depends on chosen subject.

Isolation And Identification Of Microorganism

Isolation and Identification techniques used to find out novel bacterial species from different environments. Isolation means to obtain a bacterium from a diverse group of microbes. Isolation can be done by a preliminary process for example screening process. Primary screening and secondary screening is the type of screening which is used in isolation of microbes. This test only gives information about whether our desired product is formed or not.

Identification means to identify their morphological characteristics, biochemical test characteristics, serotype characteristics, antibiotic inhibition characteristics etc. Biochemical tests include various types of tests such as catalase test, Mannitol salt Agar test, Blood agar test, coagulase test, Methyl red and voges proskauer test, oxidase test etc. Biochemical tests give information about metabolic information of bacteria and nutritional requirements of bacteria.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the examples of extremophiles?

Thermus aquaticus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Psychroflexus, Psychrobacter, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Halomonas salaria, Salinibacter are the examples of extremophiles.

2. What is the use of bacteria?

For fermentative process, Use in acid production, For antibiotics production, For metabolites production, Probiotics formation, use in curd formation, Use in production of vitamins, amino acid.

3. What is the meaning of fascinating bacteria?

Fascinating bacteria means bacteria possessed unique characteristics, which are not shown by other normal bacteria.

4. Who is the father of biology?

Aristotle is the father of biology.

5. What do you mean by bacteria?

Bacteria are small in size and single cell organisms which are not seen by the naked eye.


Questions related to

Question : Comprehension:
 Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.

Key factors influencing subway air pollution will include station depth, date of construction, type of ventilation (natural/air conditioning), types of brakes (electromagnetic or conventional brake pads) and wheels (rubber or steel) used on the trains, train frequency and more recently the presence or absence of platform screen-door systems. In particular, much subway particulate matter is sourced from moving train parts such as wheels and brake pads, as well as from the steel rails and power-supply materials, making the particles dominantly iron-containing. To date, there is no clear epidemiological indication of abnormal health effects on underground workers and commuters. New York subway workers have been exposed to such air without significant observed impacts on their health, and no increased risk of lung cancer was found among subway train drivers in the Stockholm subway system. But a note of caution is struck by the observations of scholars who found that employees working on the platforms of Stockholm underground, where PM concentrations were greatest, tended to have higher levels of risk markers for cardiovascular disease than ticket sellers and train drivers. The dominantly ferrous particles are mixed with particles from a range of other sources, including rock ballast from the track, biological aerosols such as bacteria and viruses, and air from the outdoors, and driven through the tunnel system on turbulent air currents generated by the trains themselves and ventilation systems.


What is the tone of the speaker?

Option 1: Serious

Option 2: Pessimistic

Option 3: Joyful

Option 4: Informal

Correct Answer: Serious

Solution : The correct option is the first option.

The tone of the speaker is serious as it discusses various factors influencing subway air pollution, particularly focusing on the sources of particulate matter, health risks for subway workers, and the mix of particles within the subway system.

The language used is factual and analytical, examining the potential health impacts without conclusive evidence and citing observations and studies. There's a sense of concern and caution regarding the potential health risks associated with subway air pollution, which contributes to an overall serious tone in the passage.

Therefore, the correct answer is serious.

Question : Comprehension:

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

All foodstuffs change. Green fruits become ripe and eggs go bad or rotten. It is the enzymes naturally present in each food which bring about the complex chemical changes that lead first to ripening and then to rotting.

How does one control the activity of enzymes, bacteria, yeasts and moulds in food? All of them require air, moisture and a certain temperature, usually somewhere near the body temperature, to be active. Depriving them of one or more of these will suppress them. All microorganisms can be killed by heat sterilisation. This simply means heating the food to high enough temperatures by boiling, deep or shallow frying, roasting, baking and, for milk particularly, pasteurisation. After such sterilisation, if the food is sealed in airtight containers, it can be kept for a long time. A certain water content in food is necessary for microorganisms to be active. Drying in the sun is a simple way of bringing down the moisture level so low that the enzymes and microorganisms cannot flourish.

Some chemicals can suppress undesirable activity. The addition of salt, vinegar, spices and oil or sugar syrup are other ways of preventing foods from going bad. If heating kills, freezing inactivates the enzymes and microorganisms. This is what happens in a refrigerator, in which fruits, vegetables and milk can be kept for fairly long periods. For meat and fish, even colder temperatures, below freezing point, are necessary for preservation. All foods which are kept cold in this way, once taken out and returned to room temperature, are again subject to spoilage and change.

What action does freezing have on the enzymes?

Option 1: It activates them

Option 2: It kills them

Option 3: It preserves them

Option 4: It inactivates them

Correct Answer: It inactivates them

Solution : The fourth option is the correct choice.

The passage in the third paragraph mentions that freezing inactivates the enzymes and microorganisms. This helps to preserve food.

Question : Comprehension:
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.

Key factors influencing subway air pollution will include station depth, date of construction, type of ventilation (natural or air conditioning), types of brakes (electromagnetic or conventional brake pads) and wheels (rubber or steel) used on the trains, train frequency, and more recently, the presence or absence of platform screen-door systems.

In particular, much subway particulate matter is sourced from moving train parts such as wheels and brake pads, as well as from the steel rails and power supply materials, making the particles predominantly iron-containing.

To date, there is no clear epidemiological indication of abnormal health effects on underground workers and commuters. New York subway workers have been exposed to such air without significant observed impacts on their health, and no increased risk of lung cancer was found among subway train drivers in the Stockholm subway system.

But a note of caution is struck by the observations of scholars who found that employees working on the platforms of Stockholm underground, where PM concentrations were greatest, tended to have higher levels of risk markers for cardiovascular disease than ticket sellers and train drivers.

The dominantly ferrous particles are mixed with particles from a range of other sources, including rock ballast from the track, biological aerosols such as bacteria and viruses, and air from the outdoors, and driven through the tunnel system on turbulent air currents generated by the trains themselves and ventilation systems.

Inferring from the passage, what is the most practical way of reducing the health risk of subway life?

Option 1: Generating ventilation systems.

Option 2: Opting for other transportation modes.

Option 3: Wearing face masks during journey.

Option 4: Reducing subway commutation.

Correct Answer: Generating ventilation systems.

Solution : The correct choice is the first option.

The passage mentions factors influencing subway air pollution. It also discusses the observation that employees working on platforms with higher particulate matter concentrations tend to have higher levels of risk markers for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, improving ventilation systems in the subway environment could be a practical measure to reduce the health risks associated with subway life.

Therefore, generating ventilation system is the most practical way of reducing the health risk of subway life.

Question : Comprehension:

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

All foodstuffs change. Green fruits become ripe and eggs go bad or rotten. It is the enzymes naturally present in each food which bring about the complex chemical changes that lead first to ripening and then to rotting.

How does one control the activity of enzymes, bacteria, yeasts and moulds in food? All of them require air, moisture and a certain temperature, usually somewhere near the body temperature, to be active. Depriving them of one or more of these will suppress them. All microorganisms can be killed by heat sterilisation. This simply means heating the food to high enough temperatures by boiling, deep or shallow frying, roasting, baking and, for milk particularly, pasteurisation. After such sterilisation, if the food is sealed in airtight containers, it can be kept for a long time. A certain water content in food is necessary for microorganisms to be active. Drying in the sun is a simple way of bringing down the moisture level so low that the enzymes and microorganisms cannot flourish.

Some chemicals can suppress undesirable activity. The addition of salt, vinegar, spices and oil or sugar syrup are other ways of preventing foods from going bad. If heating kills, freezing inactivates the enzymes and microorganisms. This is what happens in a refrigerator, in which fruits, vegetables and milk can be kept for fairly long periods. For meat and fish, even colder temperatures, below freezing point, are necessary for preservation. All foods which are kept cold in this way, once taken out and returned to room temperature, are again subject to spoilage and change.

Which of these is NOT required for the growth of bacteria?

Option 1: Air

Option 2: Optimum temperature

Option 3: Chemicals

Option 4: Moisture

Correct Answer: Chemicals

Solution : The third option is the correct choice.

As stated at the start of the second paragraph, bacteria require air, optimum temperature, and moisture to be active. Thus, bacteria do not require chemicals to be active.

Question : Comprehension:

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

All foodstuffs change. Green fruits become ripe and eggs go bad or rotten. It is the enzymes naturally present in each food which bring about the complex chemical changes that lead first to ripening and then to rotting.

How does one control the activity of enzymes, bacteria, yeasts and moulds in food? All of them require air, moisture and a certain temperature, usually somewhere near the body temperature, to be active. Depriving them of one or more of these will suppress them. All microorganisms can be killed by heat sterilisation. This simply means heating the food to high enough temperatures by boiling, deep or shallow frying, roasting, baking and, for milk particularly, pasteurisation. After such sterilisation, if the food is sealed in airtight containers, it can be kept for a long time. A certain water content in food is necessary for microorganisms to be active. Drying in the sun is a simple way of bringing down the moisture level so low that the enzymes and microorganisms cannot flourish.

Some chemicals can suppress undesirable activity. The addition of salt, vinegar, spices and oil or sugar syrup are other ways of preventing foods from going bad. If heating kills, freezing inactivates the enzymes and microorganisms. This is what happens in a refrigerator, in which fruits, vegetables and milk can be kept for fairly long periods. For meat and fish, even colder temperatures, below freezing point, are necessary for preservation. All foods which are kept cold in this way, once taken out and returned to room temperature, are again subject to spoilage and change.

The main theme of the passage is:

Option 1: Chemicals in foodstuff

Option 2: Ripening of fruit

Option 3: Production of micro-organisms

Option 4: Preservation of food

Correct Answer: Preservation of food

Solution : The fourth option is correct.

The given passage initially talks about the changes that take place in food articles over time. Then we are introduced to some methods to check the growth of various microorganisms inside food items. And finally, some chemicals, such as salt and vinegar, are also mentioned that help in the preservation of foods. It can be concluded that the primary theme of the passage is the preservation of food.

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