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Bioreactors: Definition, Types, Examples, Diagram, Techniques

Bioreactors: Definition, Types, Examples, Diagram, Techniques

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 31, 2024 10:54 AM IST

Definition Of Bioreactors

Bioreactors are tanks or other systems that are used for the growth of microorganisms or plant or animal cells under laid-down environmental conditions. They usually consist of characteristics such as temperature, acidity, oxygen tension, and nutrient concentration to help the efficient formation of the desired product.

Bioreactors: Definition, Types, Examples, Diagram, Techniques
Bioreactors: Definition, Types, Examples, Diagram, Techniques

Practical application of a broad range of bioreactors is extended to Microbiology, Biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture environment science, etc. They are employed in the synthesis of enzymes, antibiotics, vaccines, biofuels, biopolymers, wastewater and bioremediation treatment, and tissue engineering. Bioreactors are used to create suitable conditions for the development and regulation of biosystems and allow for the scaling up of processes for use in industry or experimentation.

What Is A Bioreactor?

A bioreactor can be defined as a vessel or system in which living organisms or biological processes are cultivated under conditions of maximum control. It also holds a culture suitable for cell growth, metabolism, and product formation, which are essential for driving efficient production regarding certain compounds.

Advancements in bioreactor technology have for a long time involved changes from basic batch fermenters to complex systems with better environmental controls. The application of bioreactors can be traced back to the late 1800s when progress in the field of microbiology and fermentation was the key force behind developments in the field of bioreactors.

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Types Of Bioreactors

Bioreactors can further be described in terms of size and design, and these descriptions will depend on the kind of bioreactor to be used and the purpose of its use. Different types of bioreactors are stirred-tank bioreactors, airlift bioreactors, packed bed bioreactors, membrane bioreactors, and photobioreactors. There are differences in each kind, and the applications of the aerators depend on various factors including mixing effectiveness, oxygenation, and utilization of large equipment.

Components And Working Principles Of A Typical Bioreactor

The most common structure of a bioreactor includes a bioreactor vessel or cell culture chamber, mixer or agitator, temperature and pH controller, supply of gases, feed, and nutrients input system, and measuring and control devices from the complete system. However, the general working principles of a bioreactor are to facilitate the growth of cells and/or metabolism of desired products in the bioreactor and maintain parameters like temperature, pH, DO, and nutrient concentrations to get the highest possible product titer with the highest quality.

Obtaining The Foreign Gene Product

They are central to the generation of specific products by the cells that must endorse foreign genes. This process involves the integration of genes that code for specific proteins into host organisms and these organisms are made to produce the proteins at will in bioreactors.

Importance Of Foreign Gene Expression In Biotechnology

Transgenic expression of foreign genes is a defining element of biotechnology because of the opportunity to produce various proteins useful in numerous applications, such as pharmacological products, enzymes for industries, vaccines, and diagnostics. The kind of environment offered by a bioreactor is ideal for the synthesis of these important products in a manner that is both efficient and also scalable.

Methods Of Obtaining Foreign Gene Products

Different types of expression systems are used commonly, Microbial (bacteria, yeast), Mammalian (animal cells), Plant, and insect cell cultures. Both fluids have specific pros depending on the extent of protein heterogeneity, modifications, and, ideally, repeatability.

Recombinant Protein Production

Foreign genes are thus constructed to carry the genes of interest which may include enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and growth factors among others. They find use in medicine, agriculture, industries as well as research activities; large-scale manufacture for commercial use is made through their production in bioreactors.

Optimization Of Gene Expression

Expression of genes is regulated at the transcription and translation level towards obtaining high levels of proteins, which are also of high quality. Some of the approaches include the engineering of promoters/enhancers; concepts of codon usage; mRNA stability and syndromic post-translational modifications. Optimization of the parameters of gene expression results in the corresponding effective synthesis of target proteins in bioreactors.

Strategies For Maximising Yield And Quality Of Foreign Gene Products

The strategies for yield maximation are given below-

Genetic Engineering Techniques

Techniques of genetic engineering like codon optimisation, signal peptides and fusion proteins help improve the secretion of foreign proteins. Codon optimisation increases translation rate, signal peptides enhance secretion of the proteins, and fusion proteins enhance protein stability and purification, collectively enhancing yield and quality.

Process optimisation

Culture conditions, media composition, and induction method play vital roles in obtaining good cell densities and product quality in bioreactors. Tuning of variables like pH, temperature, oxygenation, nutrient availability, and induction time facilitates the maximum growth of recombinant organisms which enhances a protein yield and quality.

Applications Of Bioreactors

The applications are given below-

Biopharmaceutical Production

Bioreactors are helpful in the generation of biopharmaceuticals for instance, antibiotics, vaccines, recombinant proteins, and monoclonal antibodies. These products have central functions in the treatment of diseases and the enhancement of human health.

Industrial Biotechnology

Bioreactors are used for enzyme manufacture, biofuel synthesis, biopolymer formation, and the generation of many other industrial bioproducts. They facilitate the attainment of eco-efficient production and the use of raw materials in manufacturing to address various uses.

Environmental Biotechnology

Bioreactors are widely used in waste treatment and bioremediation where they are used to break down pollutants and neutralize contaminated environments. They contain environmentally friendly approaches to solving the problems affecting the environment.

Agricultural Biotechnology

Bioreactors are used in plant tissue culture, microbial inoculants, and genetically modified crops for better yield, disease-resistant crop varieties, and nutritionally enhanced foods.

Research And Development

Bioreactors are widely used as cell culture systems, fermentation and bioprocessing test systems, and modelling tools in research facilities and universities. Thus, they afford opportunities to design new biotechnological processes and products for various uses.

Types of Bioreactor Cultures

The types are given below-

Batch Culture

Compared to fed-batch culture, batch culture involves the cultivation of microorganisms in a closed system characterized by a constant volume of the medium. This is defined by the one-time introduction of cells into the bioreactor and subsequent cultivation until nutrients are exhausted or toxic byproducts have been produced. Batch cultures are easy to manage; however, since nutrient exhaustion and the buildup of waste products hinder the efficiency of the process, they are most useful in small-scale production or as a research method.

Continuous Culture

Continuous culture is a kind of steady culture in which fresh medium is added, and old medium and the biomass are removed constantly. It facilitates long-term cell proliferation and product synthesis it is suitable for density cell culture and constant production of metabolites. However, continuous cultures are somewhat more difficult to control and have the disadvantage that they are more prone to contamination.

Fed-Batch Culture:

Fed-batch culture is a type of culture that has both batch and continuous culture in which fresh medium or nutrient is added to the bioreactor maintaining the volume. It allows for achieving higher cell densities and product concentrations than in batch cultures without the drawbacks of continuation. There are several fed-batch cultures applied in industrial bioprocessing, mainly for increasing the microbial growth rate and product formation.

Advantages of Bioreactors

The advantages of bioreactors are given below:

Enhanced control over culture conditions

In bioreactors, such basic factors as temperature, acidity, stirring, and oxygen supply can be well controlled to favour the growth of the organisms or cells. This particular control creates stable and repeatable environmental conditions applied to the cultures, thus, increasing the quality and quantity of the product produced.

Increased Productivity And Efficiency

Bioreactors also facilitate continuous or semi-continuous processes which offer higher cell density or product concentration compared to the batch processes. profits and positive impacts on resource utilization which ultimately equals enhanced yields

Reduced Production Costs

Because culture conditions are optimized, and productivity enhanced, bioreactors dent production costs per unit of product. Also, bioreactor systems can upscale due to which large productions help to have economical bulk that can lower prices and increase cost-performance ratios.

Scalability For Large-Scale Production

Bioreactors can be easily scaled from a laboratory small setup to a large industrial-scale equipment. This scalability may allow shifting and scaling up of the bioprocesses and prepare adequate production of products for commercialization.

Flexibility In Process Optimisation And Customisation

Bioreactors also provide flexibility in the process conditions, where the parameters can easily be changed to achieve certain goals and get the most suitable results. This flexibility is useful for the controlling of bioprocesses for varied uses as well as addressing the issue of variability in market trends.

Downstream Processing Techniques

Downstream processing in the defined context includes all the procedures that is that are followed after culture in the bioreactor to obtain purified end products. It comes after the cultivation phase in bioprocesses to help in the achievement of high-quality and pure products that can be used again or sold in the market.

In bioprocessing, downstream processing is an important aspect whereby targeted products are separated and purified from the bioreactor broth or cell culture numerate. It lowers the levels of impurities, contaminants, and by-products, to acceptable levels that meet the quality standards, safety, and other regulatory compliances.

Steps Involved In Downstream Processing

Harvesting: At this stage, the formation of cell mass or biomass is followed by sedimentation from the culture medium or broth. This separation is often efficiently done using methods like centrifugation or filtration in the case of solid-liquid separation.

Cell disruption

To obtain intracellular products after harvesting, cells should be disrupted in some way. For this purpose, mechanical methods like sonication, and chemical treatment including osmotic shock and enzymatic treatment, are used.


Matter, obtained as a result of cell disruption usually makes use of a crude extract which has a lot of insoluble material inclusive of residues. The removal of these impurities is referred to as clarification and common methods that are used are centrifugation or filtration, to get a clear liquid.


The step is areas after which the desired product is purified and isolated from the clarified extract. In purification techniques, Methods like Affinity Chromatography for selective binding, ion exchange chromatography based on charges, and Size exclusion chromatography based on size are preferred.


After purification, the product is formulated especially for storage, and packing, and then it is transported to the market. It effectively covers the need to maintain the product stable and effectually for the entire shelf life

Techniques And Methods Used In Downstream Processing:

The techniques are given below-

Centrifugation, filtration, and sedimentation for cell separation and clarification.

Such physical separation techniques are important in this process as they enable the clarification of the culture broth so that an extract can be prepared to go through other processes.

Mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic methods for cell disruption:

The “mechanical, chemical, or enzymatic” treatment is used to break cells mainly and liberate intracellular products for application in purification studies.


Chromatographic techniques present high resolution of the biomolecules according to some properties such as the affinity, size, or charge they may possess and that is why they are widely used in downstream processing.

Challenges And Considerations In Downstream Processing

The challenges are given below-

Product Stability And Degradation During Processing

A critical challenge in preserving the quality of products is the prevention of degradation of the biomolecules during the manufacturing process.

Cost-Effectiveness And Scalability Of Purification Methods

It is, therefore, necessary that the downstream processing routes be efficient and cheap to further downstream enormous production volumes that such breed demands.

Regulatory Compliance And Quality Control Requirements

In a case where a company wants to meet the expected quality requirements and safety of the products, among other qualities, it must embrace some of the regulatory standards and, most importantly, implement some of the quality control measures.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a bioreactor, and how does it work?

A bioreactor is an apparatus containing living cells or microorganisms and plant or animal cells growing or being maintained under some pre-set conditions. It does this by maintaining conditions for the organisms like temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients for the metabolism of the organisms. This kind of environment enhances production because it will be easy to produce specific products such as enzymes, antibiotics, vaccines, and biofuels.

2. What are the different types of bioreactors used in biology?

In biology, there are commonly used types of bioreactors considering specific design and operating features. Some of the well-known types include the stirred-tank bioreactor system, the airlift bioreactor system, the packed bed bioreactor system, the membrane bioreactor system, and the photobioreactor system. These two types differ from each other in certain aspects and are used for inquiring about their various roles in biotechnological processes.

3. What are the main applications of bioreactors in biotechnology?

Bioreactors are used virtually in all the branches of biotechnology in the fields of production of pharmaceuticals and health care, environmental management, and agriculture among others. They are applied to biopharmaceuticals, enzymes, vaccines, biofuel, bioplastics, and so on. Also, bioreactors are useful in wastewater treatment, bioremediation, plant tissue culture, and microbial fermentation for industrial and research intents.

4. How do researchers control and monitor bioreactor cultures?

Subculturing bioreactor cultures requires adjustments to biological factors like temperature, pH, impellor speed, aeration, and nutrient concentration in the cultures. This is done through sensors, probes, and control systems in the design of the bioreactor so that constant monitoring and control of the culture conditions can be done to ensure the best conditions for cell growth and product formation.

5. What are the advantages and limitations of using bioreactors in biological research and industrial production?

Some of the benefits of using the bioreactors include; there is more control of the culture conditions, productivity and efficiency are higher, is appropriate for large-scale production, and easy to optimize the process. However, such limitations are possible contamination, high initial cost and operational costs, difficulties in scalability, regulatory issues, and environmental problems associated with the use of bioreactors.


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