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Biotechnology MCQs: Objective Questions with Answers

Biotechnology MCQs: Objective Questions with Answers

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 06, 2024 02:44 PM IST

A broad area of biology known as "biotechnology" uses living things and processes to create new goods that are good for people. There are uses for it in several fields, including agriculture and medicine. It takes advantage of cellular and molecular processes to create goods and technologies that aid in better human and environmental well-being.

What actually is Biotechnology?

The term "biotechnology" describes the use of biology to solve issues and create useful products. The most well-known application of biotechnology is the creation of therapeutic proteins and other medications through genetic engineering.

People have been using biological processes to enhance their quality of life for almost 10,000 years, since the earliest agricultural communities. Around 6,000 years ago, humans first used the biological processes of bacteria to produce bread, alcoholic beverages, and cheese, in addition, to preserving dairy products. But the modern definition of biotechnology, which was coined to characterise the molecular and cellular technologies that appeared in the 1960s and 1970s, excludes such procedures.


  1. The discovery of restriction enzymes was made by

  2. Smith and Nathans

  3. Alexander Fleming

  4. Berg

  5. None

  1. By slicing apart viral DNA, bacteria defend themselves from viruses.

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  1. Ligase

  2. Endonuclease

  3. Exonuclease

  4. Gyrase

  1. The Klenow fragment comes from

  1. DNA Ligase

  2. DNA Pol-I

  3. DNA Pol-II

  4. Reverse Transcriptase

  1. ELISA test is

  1. Using a second radiolabelled antibody

  2. The use of RBCs

  3. Using cell lysis caused by complement

  4. Adding a material that transforms into a coloured final product

  1. The Golden Rice variety contains a lot of

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Β-carotene and ferritin

  3. Biotin

  4. Lysine

  1. The sticky ends of the DNA fragments are the result of

  1. Endonuclease

  2. Unpaired bases

  3. Calcium ions

  4. Free methylation

  1. Which of the following justifies the use of plasmids as cloning vectors?

  1. In culture, they can be multiplied

  2. Bacterial cells that replicate themselves

  3. Can be multiplied using enzymes in a laboratory

  4. Freely replicate outside of bacterial cells

  1. The year saw the beginning of the human genome project.

  1. 1980

  2. 1973

  3. 1990

  4. 1989

  1. The vaccines prepared through recombinant DNA technology are

  1. Third generation vaccines

  2. First-generation vaccines

  3. Second-generation vaccines

  4. None

  1. Which crop has undergone genetic modification?

  1. Bt-cotton

  2. Bt-brinjal

  3. Golden rice

  4. All

  1. The PCR method was created by

  1. Karry Mullis

  2. Boyer

  3. Sanger

  4. Cohn

  1. The initial transgenic plant that has been created is

  1. Brinjal

  2. Tobacco

  3. Rice

  4. Cotton

  1. RNA interference facilitates

  1. Cell proliferation

  2. Micropropagation

  3. Cell defense

  4. Cell differentiation

  1. Which of the following describes the enhanced transgenic basmati rice's quality?

  1. A high yield is produced, but no distinctive aroma.

  2. High output and high vitamin A content

  3. Does not require growth hormones or chemical fertilisers

  4. Able to fend off illnesses and insects

  1. The first clinical use of gene therapy included a 4-year-old girl, for

  1. Adenosine deaminase deficiency

  2. Adenosine deficiency

  3. Growth deficiency

  4. Adenine deficiency

  1. A gene's insertion and deletion are referred to as

  1. Biotechnology

  2. Genetic engineering

  3. Cytogenetics

  4. Gene therapy

  1. A transgene's expression in the target tissue is detected using a

  1. Transgene

  2. Promoter

  3. Enhancer

  4. Reporter

  1. ——- is a vector that is utilised to clone into higher organisms.

  1. Retrovirus

  2. Baculovirus

  3. Salmonella typhimurium

  4. Rhizopus nigricans

  1. Which bacterium is used in the production of insulin by genetic engineering?

  1. Saccharomyces

  2. Rhizobium

  3. Escherichia

  4. Mycobacterium

  1. Who Coined the Phrase "Biotechnology"?

  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

  2. The European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)

  3. National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS)

  4. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

  1. Mention the two points of view that the term "biotechnology" encompasses.

  1. Traditional biotechnology and Modern molecular biotechnology

  2. Medical biotechnology and Agricultural biotechnology

  3. Green biotechnology and Animal biotechnology

  4. Blue biotechnology and Red biotechnology

  1. The first recombinant DNA was produced using the bacterium ____'s plasmid.

  1. Bacillus subtilis

  2. Cyanobacteria

  3. Salmonella typhimurium

  4. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  1. The act of producing several copies of the desired DNA template is referred to as

  1. Transferring

  2. Cloning

  3. Genetic engineering

  4. R-DNA technology

  1. The drawbacks of conventional hybridisation methods are overcome by _______ approaches.

  1. Modern Hybridization

  2. Immunology

  3. Cell Biology

  4. Genetic engineering

  1. What are the two main methods that made contemporary biotechnology possible?

  1. Classical and traditional biotechnology

  2. Red biotechnology and green biotechnology

  3. Genetic engineering and maintenance of a sterile environment

  4. Genetics and mathematics


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