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Body Fluids and Circulation

Body Fluids and Circulation

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Aug 14, 2023 04:38 PM IST

The human circulatory system, or cardiovascular system (as well as body fluids), is very important. Together, they serve as a means of transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other vital substances

What is Body Fluid?

Body fluids are various different types of fluids that are present inside the body. Usually, such fluids are excreted out of the system or circulated in the body.

In a broad sense, body fluids are divided into two intracellular fluids and extracellular fluids (e.g. Lymph, intravascular fluid, transcellular fluids, and interstitial fluid).

Usually, there are 7 body fluids, namely -

  • blood
  • gastric juice
  • cerebrospinal fluid
  • saliva
  • semen
  • mucus
  • urine

In that note, let us continue to find out about essential body fluids.

Types of Body fluids

Without a doubt blood and lymph are the most important body fluids. Human blood is the fluid of connective tissue that includes white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

Due to the presence of hemoglobin, blood is usually red in colour.

Blood flows in two ways - from the heart to the muscle and from the muscles to the heart.

Lymph, on the other hand, is a clear fluid that circulates within the lymphatic arteries and is also known as tissue fluid and interstitial fluid.

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Body fluids functions

These are among the few functions of body fluids.

→Transport of essential nutrients and oxygen to all vital organs.

→Removal of toxic waste.

→Body temperature control.

→Control of metabolism.

What is Circulation?

Circulation is the flow of blood throughout the bloodstream that carries the respiratory gases and even the nutrients. These movements are also responsible for removing various wastes from different parts of the human body.

Apart from this, the circulatory system is also responsible for transferring hormones from endocrine glands to various organs. They also help to destroy germs and help remove metabolic waste from the body.

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Usually there are two different types of circulatory system -

→ Open circulatory system

→ Closed circulatory system

In humans, the heart is usually responsible for pumping of blood throughout the human body. It consists of two upper chambers - the atria or auricles and the two lower chambers known as the ventricles.

Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all other parts of the human body. On the other hand, the veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart from different organs. Pulmonary artery is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs. Pulmonary vein is the only vein that carries oxygen-rich blood to the heart from the lungs.

Maintaining blood pressure and increasing blood flow to the muscles are among the outstanding benefits of double circulation. Also, it creates enough pressure to pump blood throughout the system.

Circulatory System Disorders

These are some of the common diseases associated with this program -

→ Hypertension or high blood pressure.

→ Heart failure.

→ Angina.

→ Coronary Artery Disorder.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Give some functions of body fluids.

Some functions are: - 

  • Transport of essential nutrients and oxygen to all vital organs.

  •  Removal of toxic waste.

  • Body temperature control.

  • Control of metabolism.

2. What Is The Importance Of Double Circuit or Double circulation?

It ensures proper blood circulation inside the body without getting oxygen-rich blood mixed with deoxygenated.

In addition, the separation between the two types of blood even supplies oxygen to blood cells and increases the flow of blood.

3. What Are the Parts of the Blood Circulation System?

Its major components include - the heart, Blood, lungs, arteries, veins, capillaries, portal and coronary arteries.

4. Name some of the components of blood and name one major function of each.

The components of a blood component are as follows:

  • Erythrocytes or RBCs red blood cells - Carry oxygen and contain pigment.

  • Haemoglobin - Haemoglobin combines with its oxygen and forms Oxyhaemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the oxygen-deprived areas of the human body.

  • Leukocytes or WBCs or white blood cells - Lymphocytes are usually known to synthesise antibodies which reduce or kill germs. Neutrophils act as a defence against viruses known as phagocytosis.

  • Thrombocytes or platelets in the blood - help the blood to coagulate

5. What is the importance of plasma proteins?

Importance of some plasma proteins:

Globulins - Involved in the body's immune system, also called immunoglobulins

Albumins - help maintain the body's osmotic balance

Fibrinogens - play an important role in blood clotting


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