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Difference between Restriction Endonuclease and Exonuclease

Difference between Restriction Endonuclease and Exonuclease

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Jul 25, 2024 05:57 PM IST

Restriction endonucleases cleave DNA molecules internally at a specific site, whereas exonucleases remove nucleotides from the ends of DNA or RNA molecules and are involved in genetic engineering and molecular biology. Nucleases are therefore important in the manipulation of nucleic acids because they link the phosphodiester bonds within DNA and RNA.

Due to the considerable roles of nucleases in genetic engineering and molecular biology, it is crucial to learn about restriction endonucleases, exonucleases, and other nucleases. Among them, restriction endonucleases which cut DNA at specific sites, are essential for cloning, gene engineering and recombinant DNA technology, whereas exonucleases which remove nucleotides from the ends of DNA, are useful for DNA repair as well as replication.

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The enzymes that can rather accurately and selectively cleave, splice or join nucleic acids have thoroughly changed molecular biology and encouraged the creation of techniques like CRISPR and gene therapies; the latter may be evidence of how these enzymes are valuable in research and industry.

Difference between endonuclease and exonuclease

Let us differentiate between restriction endonucleases and exonucleases based on features in the table below.


Restriction Endonucleases



Enzymes that cut DNA at specific recognition sites

Enzymes that remove nucleotides from DNA end

Site of Action

Internal DNA sequences

DNA ends (5’ or 3’)


Recognise and cleave specific DNA sequences

Trim nucleotides sequentially from DNA ends.

Product obtained

The product obtained after cleavage is an oligonucleotide chain.

The product obtained after exonuclease activity is a monomer of nucleotides.


Type I, II, III, and IV

5' to 3' exonucleases, 3' to 5' exonucleases


Cloning, gene editing, and recombinant DNA

DNA repair, removal of RNA primers, DNA replication

Lag Period

It shows a lag period during their activity.

It does not show any lag period.


EcoRI, HindIII

Exonuclease I, Exonuclease III

Recognition Sequence

Specific palindromic sequences

Not sequence-specific

Cutting Pattern

Specific cuts produce sticky or blunt ends

Sequential removal of nucleotides

Usage in Laboratories

Creating recombinant DNA, restriction mapping

DNA repair studies, degradation of RNA primers

What are Nucleases?

Nucleases are enzymes that hydrolyze the phosphodiester bond of the nucleic acids, leading to DNA cleavage into small pieces. The enzyme mechanism involves DNA and RNA metabolism, such as DNA repair, replication, and recombination, as well as RNA decay. Nucleases can be further categorised based on their results on the nucleic acid chain, with examples being endonucleases that cut at a particular site on the chain and exonucleases that break down the DNA from the ends.

Restriction Endonucleases

Restriction endonucleases, also called restriction enzymes, involve enzyme mechanisms that hydrolyse DNA at specific restriction sites that exist within a DNA molecule. They are widely used in genetic engineering because they cut the DNA at specific places for insertion or alteration of genes.

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Restriction endonucleases were for the first time identified in the early 1960s during research on the strategies used by bacteria to fight against viral infection. Hamilton Smith and his co-workers named the first restriction enzyme discovered as HindII and it existed in the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. This finding transformed molecular biology and was the foundational innovation for constructing genetically tailored modern technology.

Types of restriction endonucleases (Type I, II, III, and IV)

There are four types of restriction endonucleases:

1. Type I: These enzymes only bind to some DNA sequences, but cut at any position that is arbitrary relative to the binding site.

2. Type II: These enzymes can bind to the DNA sequence specific to them and cut at particular locations within or just next to the recognition sequence. REases are classified into four groups; Type I, II, III and IV, but only type II REases are widely used in molecular biology.

3. Type III: These enzymes can bind with the DNA sequence, and the DNA gets cut at a fixed distance from the binding site.

4. Type IV: These enzymes cut DNA at particular sites, but for this procedure, they do not need ATP hydrolysis.

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Mechanism of Action

Recognition sites

Restriction endonucleases come into contact with the target DNAs by the direct complementary base interactions with the preferred, usually palindromic, nucleotide sequences. After becoming bound, the enzyme causes the breakdown of phosphodiester bonds within the DNA structure, thus, causing DNA cleavage and to be split into two sections.

Cleavage patterns

The specific sequences recognized by restriction endonucleases are normally palindromic, which simply implies that they read the same, from the 5’ to 3’ direction and in similar sequence from the 3’ to the 5’ direction. For instance, specific recognition site of restriction enzyme EcoRI is 5’ GAATTC 3’, it is the same for both stand of the DNA helix if read from 5 ’to 3’. The cutting patterns of restriction endonucleases differ with the enzyme under consideration as well as the particular recognition sequence. Some enzymes cut the DNA through both chains in a straight cut while others make an angular cut that gives rise to over hanging or ‘sticky’ ends

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Applications in Molecular Biology

Restriction endonucleases are widely used in molecular biology for various applications:

Genetic engineering

Restriction endonucleases are employed to cleave the DNA at definite sites so that the foreign DNA fragments can be inserted or the unwanted sequences can be deleted.


They are also involved in the formation of recombinant DNA molecules through their ability to make V shaped cuts at the restriction recognition site of the vector and the insert DNA.

DNA mapping

In molecular biology, methods like, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) and southern blotting, restriction enzymes are employed to determine sequence of DNA strands and variations respectively.

Mechanism of Restriction Endonucleases



Exonucleases are enzymes that remove nucleotides through endonucleases provided in the nucleic acids of both DNA and RNA. They have important functions related to DNA repair, replication, and RNA processing because they generate and recognise abasic sites or any nucleotide lesion.

Types of exonucleases

There are two main types of exonucleases:

5’ to 3’ exonucleases

These enzymes remove nucleotides, one at a time, from the 5’ end of the DNA or RNA strand.

3’ to 5’ exonucleases

These enzymes cut nucleotides off the 3’ end of the DNA or RNA strand in a step wise manner.

Mechanism of Action

The enzyme mechanism involves exonucleases participating in the breakdown of a phosphodiester bond of the nucleotide and the consequent release of nucleotides at the termini of the DNA or RNA strand. They also have polarity depending on which'' direction of the nucleic acid strand they originate from.

Applications in molecular biology

Exonucleases have multiple applications in molecular biology:

DNA repair

Exonucleases participate in the repair processes of DNA, which include base excision, and nucleotide excision processes for the removal of damaged, mismatched nucleotides in the DNA strands.

Degradation of RNA primers

Within the DNA replication process, RNA primers are utilised and eventually erased by exonucleases so that DNA polymerase can extend the newly created strand with DNA nucleotide.

Removal of mismatched nucleotides

Exonucleases interact with DNA mismatch repair pathways to help remove nucleotides that fail to pair with the template DNA strand in the right way thereby maintaining genome stability.

Mechanism of Exonucleases


Practical Applications in Molecular Biology

Genetic engineering techniques involving restriction endonucleases

Restriction endonucleases are among the requisites of genetic manipulation, as they allow for the fine control of DNA fragments. Processes like Recombinant DNA technology use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at designed positions with a view to meaningful insertions of foreign DNA segments into vector molecules. Restriction endonucleases are used in all the processes of gene cloning, gene editing and gene expression to produce genetically modified organisms and to study the function of genes.

DNA sequencing and mapping

Restriction endonucleases are widely used in DNA sequencing and mapping activities. Molecular techniques, including RFLP analysis and Southern blotting, involve the use of restriction enzymes that cut the DNA at specific sites, producing proto-typically patterns of fragments that can be used to establish a relationship between genes and chromosomes in addition to revealing genetic variations and thus studying the DNA structure and organisation.

Role Of Exonucleases In DNA Replication And Repair

Genomic exonucleases have critical functions in DNA replication and repair, protecting the integrity of the genome. During DNA replication, RNA primers are cleaved from the newly synthesised DNA chains by exonucleases and DNA polymerases, which then use DNA nucleotides to fill the gap. In DNA repair, exonucleases eradicate several nucleotides in a single type, mismatched to other nucleotides in a strand of DNA, by participating in the process of repairing errors and maintaining the integrity of genes.

Case Study: Use of Restriction Enzymes in CRISPR Technology

CRISPR, or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, is a function that exploits the restriction enzymes for gene editing. CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins are a group of proteins that function as programmable nucleases in which they are guided by short RNA sequences to the target DNA.

With the help of a guide RNA (gRNA) that complements the targeted DNA sequence, the Cas nuclease cuts the DNA at the specific site. This defined tool of gene editing has transformed molecular biology, as scientists can now work on the genes with a higher level of accuracy and speed.

Taken together, restriction endonucleases and exonucleases are rather valuable reagents in molecular biology, being used in such areas as genetic manipulation and DNA sequencing, DNA replication and DNA repair. These enzymes are still widely involved in research and development in the related area and help to elucidate the mechanisms of various molecular processes as well as create new potential for bio- and medical technologies.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What is the primary function of restriction endonucleases?

Restriction endonucleases’ main purpose is to cut DNA at specific known sequences, thus contributing to genetic engineering by providing methods to alter DNA molecules.

2. How do exonucleases differ from restriction endonucleases?

Exonucleases are not the same with restriction endonucleases concerning their modes of operation. Restriction endonucleases act inside the DNA molecule, breaking the chain at certain points, while exonucleases modify the molecule by eradicating nucleotides progressively, beginning from the ends of the chain, be it DNA or RNA

3. What are the applications of restriction endonucleases in genetic engineering?

Restriction endonucleases are useful in several techniques of genetic engineering, such as gene cloning, gene manipulation and DNA sequencing. They are used to cleave the DNA at certain sites to enable the addition or deletion of certain parts of the DNA.

4. Can exonucleases be used in DNA repair?

Exonucleases are also involved in DNA repair because they will be able to eliminate nucleotides that have correct sequences or are in some way damaged on one of the DNA strands. Nonetheless, their primary role is not limited to the context of DNA repair, in contrast to other enzymes enclosed in the framework of repairing mechanisms.

5. How do the mechanisms of action of restriction endonucleases and exonucleases differ?

Restriction endonucleases and exonucleases, however, display contrasted specificities and modes of action in terms of cleavage. Restriction endonucleases cut the DNA at a particular sequence, while restriction endonucleases degrade the DNA or the RNA from the ends, 5’ to 3’ end or 3' to 5’ end.


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