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Differences between Lichens and Mycorrhizae: Definition, Differences, and Functions

Differences between Lichens and Mycorrhizae: Definition, Differences, and Functions

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 14, 2024 07:21 AM IST

Lichens are symbiotic organisms formed by a mutually symbiotic relationship between one fungus and algae or cyanobacteria, while mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations of fungi with roots.

What Are Lichens?

Lichens are symbiotic organisms made from a combination of an alga and a fungus. The symbiotic relationship may be mutualistic or, more of a parasitic form since the fungus benefits while the algal partner may be harmed. There are three kinds of lichens: foliose, which is leaf-like; fruticose, which is shrub-like; and crustose, which is crust-like. In the former, the fungus provides structure and protection, and the photosynthetic partner provides food via photosynthesis. Examples include Cladonia rangiferina, the reindeer lichen, which grows in tundra areas, and Xanthoria parietina, the sunburst lichen, common on rocks and tree bark in temperate areas.

Differences between Lichens and Mycorrhizae: Definition, Differences, and Functions
Differences between Lichens and Mycorrhizae: Definition, Differences, and Functions

What Are Mycorrhizae?

Mycorrhizae accompany roots as symbiotic associations with fungi. There are two general categories: ectomycorrhizae, sheathing roots, and endomycorrhizae, called arbuscular mycorrhizae because they penetrate inside root cells. Such relationships are very important in the biological activities of plants, consequently enhancing nutrient exchange, more in phosphorus and nitrogen, improving water absorption, and promoting better growth and resistance to stress in plants. Examples of mycorrhizal plants include most trees, several of which form ectomycorrhizae, such as pines and oaks, and most crops, which form endomycorrhizae, such as wheat and maize.

Differences Between Lichens And Mycorrhizae



Symbiotic Partners

Fungus with algae/cyanobacteria

Fungus with plant roots

Function and Benefit

Mutualism for survival in extreme environments.

Facilitate Nutrient uptake and improve the growth of plants.


Thallus structure with distinct layers

Fungal hyphae extending into plant root cells

Types and Diversity

Diverse forms based on growth habit (foliose, fruticose, crustose)

Different types based on fungal association (ectomycorrhizae, endomycorrhizae)

Similarities Between Lichens And Mycorrhizae

Lichens and mycorrhizae are symbiotic in nature. Their symbiosis takes the form of mutually beneficial relationships with fungi and another organism: either algae or cyanobacteria, as it is in lichens, or plant roots, as it is in mycorrhizae. In this way, they share ecological importance in playing roles that are paramount to a nutrient cycle and the health of an ecosystem. On the other hand, mycorrhizae support the enhanced uptake of plant nutrients, confer resilience against stress, support plant growth, and stabilise soils.

Importance In Ecology And Environment

Lichens and mycorrhizae perform some very important ecological functions in terrestrial ecosystems. Lichens are involved in soil formation, serve as food and habitat to many organisms, and generally act as bioindicators of environmental quality. Mycorrhizae enhance inorganic nutrition, improve soil structure, and increase the stress tolerance of plants, hence supporting plant diversity and productivity. The diversity of lichens and mycorrhizae has a huge effect on global biodiversity, as these interactions support complex interactions within ecosystems with increased stability and the maintenance of a lot of species.

Applications And Significance

Lichens are bioindicators, they provide very valuable information on air quality as they are sensitive to Sulphur dioxide and heavy metals. By monitoring lichen populations, it therefore depicts the environmental health status and detects pollution levels. Mycorrhizae are also an important component in sustaining agriculture since they enhance plant uptake of nutrients, mainly phosphorus, through improved structure of the soil and increasing crop resistance to stress. The symbiosis of plants and mycorrhizae reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and increases environmentally friendly farming methods that ensure agricultural sustainability.


Lichens and mycorrhizae are mutualistic, fungal-based associations. What differs is the nature of their symbiotic partners and the roles they play. Lichens associate fungi with algae/cyanobacteria for survival under extreme environmental conditions. Mycorrhizae associate fungi with plant roots, promoting nutrient uptake. Although very different, both possess high ecological importance in terms of nutrient cycling, the stability of an ecosystem, and biodiversity. Knowing these interactions is of prime importance in ecological conservation and sustainable agriculture. In other words, one can say that the symbiotic relationship between two organisms in an ecosystem is important for well-being, which helps further in developing sustainable agriculture.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the main difference between lichens and mycorrhizae?

While lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and algae/cyanobacteria, mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between fungi and plant roots.

2. How do lichens and mycorrhizae benefit their partners?

Symbiotically, lichens give a stable environment to algae or cyanobacteria, while mycorrhizae enhance the ability to capture nutrients for plants.

3. Where can lichens and mycorrhizae be found in nature?

Unlike mycorrhizae, which are normally found in soil ecosystems along with plant roots, lichens can be seen in temperate diverse habitats ranging from arctic tundras to deserts.

4. Are lichens and mycorrhizae harmful to plants?

No, both lichens and mycorrhizae are associations, which more or less benefit both partners, increasing the ability of nutrient uptake and also protecting them.

5. How can lichens be used as bioindicators?

Lichens are indicators of air pollution and can be used to monitor the quality of air in urban and industrial localities.


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