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DNA Fingerprinting: Definition, Types, Examples, Diagram, Questions

DNA Fingerprinting: Definition, Types, Examples, Diagram, Questions

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 18, 2024 03:27 PM IST

What is DNA Fingerprinting?

DNA Fingerprinting, also referred to as DNA Profiling, is a procedure that reveals the genetic makeup of any living organism. Differentiation of one person from another is made through variations in their satellite DNA regions. This has brought a revolutionary change in the field of modern science, particularly in forensic and genetic studies.

DNA fingerprinting was first discovered in the 1980s. In 1984, the British geneticist Dr Alec Jeffreys discovered a novel breakthrough technique; eventually, it created a powerful tool for genetic identification and analysis.

DNA fingerprinting is very vital in many applications and areas, namely, forensic science and paternity testing, among others. It is highly applied in the disclosure of crime scenes, diagnoses of genetic diseases, and in understanding biological evolution.

Principles of DNA Fingerprinting

  • Genetic Uniqueness

DNA fingerprinting is based on the fact that every person, except for identical twins, will have a unique DNA sequence.

  • Polymorphic Regions in DNA

DNA has very polymorphic regions, for instance, Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs), that exhibit great differences among individuals and are, therefore, hyper-informative for genetic identification.

Diagram: Structure of STRs and VNTRs


DNA Fingerprinting Steps

  • Sample Collection

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DNA could be extracted from blood, hair, saliva, and skin cells, amongst others. Care should always be taken to ensure the cleanliness and purity of the sample for the best results.

  • Isolation of DNA

DNA extraction from preserved samples did not distort or contaminate the sample in any way.

Diagram: DNA Extraction Process


  • Digestion of DNA by Restriction Endonucleases

Restriction enzymes work on cutting DNA at precise recognition sites, thereby creating a specific pattern of DNA fragments. The DNA fingerprint is then composed of these fragments.

Diagram: Action of Restriction Endonucleases on DNA


  • Separation of DNA Fragments by Electrophoresis

DNA fragments are sorted by size with the help of agarose gel electrophoresis and an electric field. This step images the DNA bands.

Diagram: Gel Electrophoresis Setup


  • Transferring (Blotting) Separated DNA Fragments to Synthetic Membranes

The DNA fragments are transferred from the gel onto a nylon or nitrocellulose membrane in preparation for hybridisation.

Diagram: Blotting Process


  • Hybridisation Using Labelled VNTR Probe

The transferred membrane strands of DNA are exposed to labelled DNA probes, which are complementary to the known DNA sequences to be measured. The unique DNA patterns are thus highlighted.

Diagram: Hybridization Process


  • Detection of Hybridised DNA Fragments by Autoradiography

Autoradiography exposes the radiolabeled DNA probes to the separated fragments of DNA on the membrane, revealing unique DNA band patterns for different individuals.

Diagram: Autoradiography Process


Methods of DNA Fingerprinting

The methods of DNA fingerprinting are described below:

  • Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

RFLP studies the variability in the lengths of DNA fragments digested by restriction enzymes. This technique, although not in use so frequently at present, was one of the earliest methods of DNA profiling.

Diagram: Steps in RFLP Analysis


  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

PCR helps to amplify desired DNA fragments, making it possible to look for analysis in very small amounts of DNA. PCR is a popular technique, as it is fast and very sensitive.

  • Diagram: PCR Process


  • Short Tandem Repeats (STR) Analysis

STR analysis is the most commonly used technique at present for DNA fingerprinting. It studies only specific areas of DNA that show hypervariability between individuals.

Diagram: STR Profiling


  • Mitochondrial DNA Analysis

Mitochondrial DNA analysis is used for studying ancient DNA and tracing the maternal lineage. It can often be the only source of DNA in forensic applications due to the lack of nuclear DNA.

Diagram: Mitochondrial DNA Structure


Applications of DNA Fingerprinting

  • Forensic Science

It is an essential technique in forensic science for use in crime scene investigations and paternity testing.

Diagram: Use of DNA Fingerprinting in Crime Scenes


  • Medical Applications

It is involved in the clinical diagnosis of genetic diseases and matching tissues for transplants to develop a personalized medicine system.

  • Biological Research

In evolutionary biology and population genetics, DNA fingerprinting studies genetic variability and the evolutionary relationship among species.

Advantages and Limitations of DNA Fingerprinting

  • High Accuracy and Reliability

DNA fingerprinting has the highest precision and reliability and is therefore useful in almost every field.

  • Non-invasive and Rapid

The technique can be done with high speed and noninvasively, only with a small sample.

  • Challenges and Limitations

There is a chance of contamination and sample degeneration that can affect the results. Also, ethical issues of genetic privacy and consent are raised.

Future Prospects of DNA Fingerprinting

The future prospectus of DNA fingerprinting includes:

  • Technological Advancements

Technological advancements have increased the precision and efficiency in DNA fingerprinting, therefore increasing its field of applications.

  • New Applications in Personalized Medicine

DNA fingerprinting is bringing forth the era of personalized medicine, whereby treatments are based on the genetic profile of the recipient.

  • Future Research Directions

Research is still ongoing for upgrading the techniques to achieve still more improvement in the fields. This includes environmental monitoring and wildlife preservation.


DNA fingerprinting is a technique by which the genetic composition of organisms is established, with enormous implications in modern science. It finds its use in forensic science, medicine, and scientific research. The future of DNA fingerprinting looks very promising, and applications will increase with more and more advancements in technology. Research and advancements in technology will make DNA fingerprinting an even more versatile tool in scientific and medical advancement.

Video Describing DNA Fingerprinting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is DNA fingerprinting?

DNA fingerprinting is the process of identifying the individual by looking at the unique DNA sequence.

2. How is DNA fingerprinting used in forensic science?

The technique is used to match DNA samples found at crime scenes to suspects, thereby assisting criminal investigations.

3. What are the key methods of DNA fingerprinting?

Key methods to be used comprise RFLP, PCR, STR analysis, and mitochondrial DNA analysis.

4. What are the advantages of DNA fingerprinting?

The advantages are high accuracy, reliability, and the ability to analyze small samples.

5. What ethical issues are associated with DNA fingerprinting?

Ethical issues stem from privacy concerns and possibly misusing genetic information.


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