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Facts about Blood Groups in Biology

Facts about Blood Groups in Biology

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 18, 2024 03:39 PM IST

What Are Blood Groups?

Blood groups are different kinds of blood which are determined by the presence or absence of surface antigens in an individual's red blood cells. The antigens are capable of inducing an immune response if the blood is transfused into someone with a dissimilar type of blood, such as from donor to recipient. Therefore, blood types must be suitably matched to ensure safe blood transfusions and organ transplants.

The ABO Blood Group System

The ABO blood group system is the most famous and clinically significant grouping system, whereby blood is divided into four main types: A, B, AB, and O. This classification is based on whether the A or B antigen is present or absent on the membrane surface of red blood cells.

Discovery And History

  • It was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1901.

  • Landsteiner received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930.

  • ABO grouping revolutionised blood transfusion practice.

Antigens And Antibodies

  • Blood type A: A antigens on red cells, anti-B antibodies in plasm.

  • Type B: B antigens on red cells and anti-A antibodies in plasma.

  • Type AB: both A and B antigens on red cells, no antibodies in plasma.

  • Blood type O: No antigens on red cells, both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in plasma.

Blood Type Compatibility

  • Type O negative is the universal donor.

  • Type AB positive is the universal recipient.

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Prevalence Of Different Blood Types Globally

  • O is the most common globally.

  • Distribution varies significantly by region and ethnicity.

The Rh Blood Group System

The second, of the critical classifications, is that of the Rh blood group system, generally the Rh factor. This is also of importance during pregnancy and transfusions, consisting of the presence or absence of the D antigen, generally referred to as being Rh positive or negative.

Discovery And History

  • 1940 by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener.

  • Named after the Rhesus monkey, in which it was first identified.

  • Explained hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Rh Factor: Positive Vs Negative

  • Rh positive: D antigen present on red cells.

  • Rh negative: D antigen is absent on red cells.

Role In Blood Transfusions And Pregnancy

  • It is crucial in preventing Rh incompatibility reactions.

  • An Rh-negative mother with an Rh-positive fetus can develop antibodies. These will have implications for the fetus in future pregnancies.

The Inheritance Of Blood Groups

Blood group inheritance is passed on by alleles passed down from parents. There is a pattern of transmission of ABO and Rh systems that can be predicted by the use of genetic tools.

Blood Group Genetics

  • ABO system: Determined by the ABO gene, located on chromosome 9.

  • Rh system: Determined by the RHD gene, located on chromosome 1.

Punnett Square Analysis

  • Tool to find the probability of offspring inheriting particular blood groups.

Patterns Of Inheritance In ABO And Rh Systems

  • ABO: Co-dominant. A and B are considered dominant over O.

  • Rh: Rh-positive is dominant over Rh-negative.

Blood Group Testing

  • Blood grouping has to be done to ensure safe transfusions and organ transplantations. Several methods are used to identify blood groups with accuracy.

  • Blood groups can be tested using the following techniques: agglutination tests, gel card techniques, and DNA methods that give an exact formula regarding one's blood group.

Procedure And Interpretation Of Results

  • Sample collection of blood, mainly.

  • Mixing with anti-A and anti-B antibodies for observation of the reactions.

  • Reading and interpretation according to agglutination methodologies.

Safety And Precautions In Blood Group Testing

  • Sterile techniques to avoid contamination.

  • Correct labelling and handling of samples.

Blood Group Compatibility And Transfusions

Knowledge of blood-group incompatibility is essential in transfusion to prevent undesirable reactions from occurring. Proper matching makes for a safe and effective treatment.

Rules Of Blood Group Compatibility

  • O negative can donate to all blood types.

  • AB positive can be received from all blood types.

  • Matching the blood types of the donor and recipient reduces the risk of reactions.

Consequences Of Incompatible Transfusions

  • Hemolytic transfusion reactions.

  • Renal failure.

  • Anaphylactic reactions.

Blood Groups And Health

There exist several associations of certain health aspects or conditions through blood groups, which constitute modifiers of susceptibility to and progression of diseases and responses to their treatment.

Association With Diseases

Blood groups that confer increased or decreased risk for a particular disease—for instance, Type O and its associated decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Impact On Transplantation

This is where compatibility plays a very important factor in organ transplants to avoid organ rejection.

Blood Donation And Storage

Blood donation is a life-saving process. The processes involved and the knowledge of the importance of its correct storage mean that blood donated is put to good use.

Importance Of Blood Donation

  • Loss of life can be avoided in emergencies and the cases of patients suffering from various illnesses.

  • It sustains the crucial supply needed for surgeries and treatment.

Blood Donation Process

  • Donor screening

  • Collection of blood.

  • Care and recovery after donating.

Blood Products Storage And Shelf Life

  • Correct refrigeration and storage conditions

  • Different shelf lives of whole blood, plasma, and platelets

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the various blood groups and their importance?

The main blood groups include A, B, AB, and O, which are determined by antigens on red blood cells. These are crucial for safe blood transfusions and organ transplants.

2. How do parents pass on blood groups to offspring?

The blood groups are passed on from the parents through alleles which are inherited from them, and the type is passed on in specific patterns according to the ABO and Rh systems.

3. What is the Rh factor and why is it important?

 The Rh factor of a person being positive or negative blood should be known for blood compatibility in transfusions and Pregnancy.

4. How do you test for blood groups?

Blood grouping is tested through agglutination tests, meaning mixing blood with anti-A and anti-B antibodies, and respective reactions are observed.

5. What blood type is the universal donor and what blood type is the universal recipient?

O negative is the universal donor, and AB positive is the universal recipient.


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