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Human Health and Disease

Human Health and Disease

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 09, 2022 05:35 PM IST

In Biology, Human Health and Disease is an important chapter that covers information related to various diseases, their agents, immunodeficiency, etc. Reading the whole chapter before the exam takes time as students have to learn other things. Therefore, the selected material in the main points of this chapter is always useful.

Types of Diseases

Human diseases fall into two categories:

Congenital: A condition that has existed since birth

Acquired: Disease that occurs during a person's lifetime


The immune system refers to the body's ability to fight off infections by invading viruses or foreign bodies. There are two types, such as-

Innate Immunity

This protection is available from the time of birth and provides barriers to attack by any foreign agent that causes infections. In addition, there are four types; this includes -

  • Physical barrier.
  • Physiological barrier.
  • Cellular barrier.
  • Cytokine barrier.

Acquired immunity

This type of resistance is directly related to the pathogen, and a person acquires it during his or her lifetime.


Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to certain things such as pollen, medicines, food, etc. The human immune system can distinguish between foreign molecules and bodies.

However, there are cases when the body beats its own cells. As a result, it is harmful to the body and is called autoimmune disease. An usual example of such a given effect is rheumatoid arthritis.

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The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is responsible for causing AIDS.

The first ever case of AIDS was reported in the year1981. In addition, HIV transmission to humans occurs mainly through the following:

Sexual intercourse with an HIV-positive person.

Sharing an infected syringe or needle.

However, it should be noted that HIV transmission does not occur through water or air, pets or insects, saliva, tears, sweat, kissing and sharing food, beverages or toilets.


Cancer refers to the uncontrolled and abnormal replication of cells. These cells capture and kill neighboring tissues, and the continuous proliferation of cancer cells causes neoplasms or tumors. In addition, plants can be divided into two categories, such as:

Benign Tumors

These tumors remain trapped in their original position and do not spread to other parts of the human body and are considered non-cancerous.

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Malignant Tumors

Malignant tumor cells grow rapidly. Also, they travel across the surrounding tissues and enter the lymph and blood. As a result, it can reach other parts of the body. This is called metastasis, and only dangerous neoplasms are classified as cancer.

Causes of Cancer

Often, the exact cause or cause of cancer remains to be determined. But many factors may contribute to the growth of cancer cells. These elements or agents are called carcinogens.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Drug abuse commonly includes cannabinoids, coca alkaloids and opioids. Few medicines can be found in the fungus and especially in flowering plants. Opioid drugs also bind to the opioid receptors present in the human GI tract and the CNS (Central Nervous System).

On the other hand, cannabinoids interact with cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Examples of such drugs are hashish, marijuana, and chara.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What Are the Key Thoughts in Human Health and Disease in Chapter?

The key concepts in human health and disease are the types of diseases, common infectious diseases, infections, AIDS, cancer, etc.

2. What Are the Different Ways of Transmitting the Human Immunodeficiency Virus?

Different ways of transmitting the virus are through sexual contact, blood transfusions of infected people and the use of one needle for more than one person.

3. What is called the Treatment and Study of Neoplasms?

The field of neoplasm - benign and malignant research is known as oncology.

4. What are the types of innate immunity?
  • Physical barrier.
  • Physiological barrier.
  • Cellular barrier.
  • Cytokine barrier.
5. Name the virus that causes AIDS.

The Human ImmunoDeficiency Virus (HIV) is responsible for causing AIDS. 

6. Write about the types of disease.

Human diseases fall into two categories:

Congenital: A condition that has existed since birth

Acquired: Disease that occurs during a person's lifetime


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