Lung diseases are comprised of various disorders taking place in the lungs, the organs that assist our breathing. They hinder respiration and cause lots of problems. Therefore, it is crucial to know more about lung diseases, their causes, symptoms, and remedies for respiratory health.
These are paired, spongy, air-filled organs located in the cavity of the thorax on either side. The trachea, or the windpipe, conducts the inhaled air down to the lungs through a tubular branch called the bronchi. Each of the bronchi further subdivides and forms smaller and smaller branches known as bronchioles that terminate in rather small sacs called alveoli, where the gas exchange takes place. The lungs are major organs whose work is indispensable in putting oxygen from the atmosphere into the blood and removing carbon dioxide from the blood into the atmosphere.
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Two important types of lung diseases are acute and chronic. The acute forms of lung diseases generally come up very rapidly and persist only for a short period; on the other hand, chronic lung diseases persist for a long period and usually remain along with the concerned patient throughout his or her life.
Asthma: It is a chronic inflammatory disease that maturates in the swelling of airways and their narrowing, leading to breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A group of chronic lung disorders characterized by progressive reduction in airflow, expressed as increasing breathlessness and involving emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Pneumonia: There is an acute infection and inflammation in the airbags of one or both lungs, which are filled with fluid or pus. It presents with a cough and production of mucus or pus accompanied by fever, chills, and shortness of breath.
Tuberculosis: This is a much serious infectious disease that affects the lungs, due to the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Lung Cancer: A type of cancer that begins in the lungs, and normally affects those who smoke.
Pulmonary Fibrosis: irreproachable damage and scarring of lung tissue, leading to difficulty breathing.
Cystic Fibrosis: A failure in some of the cells producing mucus, sweat, and digestive juices themselves at the gene level that causes bad damage to the lungs and digestive system.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): A serious life-threatening medical condition wherein the lungs fail to take in sufficient oxygen to satisfy the demand of the vital organs of the body.
They can be due to genetics, environment, infections, and choices in the way of life of human beings.
Genetic Factors: Cystic fibrosis is a genetic/inherited lung disease.
Environmental Factors: Air pollution, inhaling harmful chemicals, and occupational hazards are responsible for lung diseases.
Infections: Most other bacterial, viral, and fungal infections result in pneumonia and tuberculosis.
Lifestyle Choices: Therefore, smoking is the primary cause of most lung diseases, to which count COPD and lung cancer.
Though varying from one another, in general, all lung diseases present with the following signs and symptoms:
Persistent cough or measurement
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Blood in the cough
Lung diseases are diagnosed based on the history of the patient, his physical examination, and a series of diagnostic tests and procedures.
Medical History and Physical Examination: The intellectuals of the onset of the disease because of symptoms, the smoking history of the patient, and environmental toxin exposure.
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures:
Chest X-ray: This test is done to produce images of the lungs to detect any anomalies.
CT Scan: Done to obtain sliced pictures of the lung data set.
Pulmonary Function Tests: record the status of the lungs w.r.t. whether functioning or not.
Bronchoscopy: Inside conditions of bronchi are examined through a long flexible tube equipped with a camera at its end.
Blood tests are done for the detection of infection, among many more causes.
Lung diseases require different modalities of treatment according to the nature and seriousness of the disease. The common modes of treatment are:
Medications: Inhalers, antibiotics, and others for management, and to counteract infections.
Oxygen Therapy: Ensure that patients who have problems related to advanced lung diseases are properly cared for.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Betterment of one's lung ability by use of exercise, education, and support.
Tuberculosis: Course of antibiotics over some months.
Lung Cancer: Operations, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
As a way of preventing lung diseases, healthy living standards should be observed alongside limiting one's exposure to hazardous materials and gases.
Avoid Smoking: Cessation of smoking is the best mode of preventing various lung diseases.
Exposure to Pollutants: Avoid locations in which All Source Natural Ambient Air Quality Standards are exceeded and take precautionary measures properly by using protective equipment in dangerous places of work.
Vaccinations: Flu and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination
Good Hygiene: Keeping good hygiene by frequently washing hands and avoiding direct contact with cold people or those who suffer from any other air-borne diseases.
Regular Medical Check-up: Early detection of lung disease enables one to prevent further complications from the disease.
The recent research has resulted in developments in diagnosis and lung disease treatment.
New Drugs and Technologies: Developed new drugs, invasive surgical procedures, and advanced therapies.
Diagnostic Innovations: Image enhancement techniques and early detection biomarkers.
Continuing Research: Research in the genetic/molecular basis of lung diseases that will expedite the development of active treatments be pursued.
The most common would have to be chronic cough, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, wheezing, and fatigue.
Avoid smoking, decrease exposure to polluted air, vaccination, good hygiene, and regular check-ups with the doctor.
Chronic lung diseases are those which develop over a long time and are generally persistent, but acute lung diseases have abrupt onset and last for less time.
Diagnosis includes a medical history and physical examination supplemented by diagnostic tests, chest X-rays as required, CT scans, pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy, and blood tests.
Long-acting bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, pulmonary rehabilitation, and oxygen therapy justify medical management for COPD.
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