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Major Abiotic Factors: Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Characteristics, Types

Major Abiotic Factors: Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Characteristics, Types

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 14, 2024 11:35 AM IST

What Are Abiotic Factors?

Abiotic factors include the non-living things in an environment; conditions that are either physical or chemical in nature, temperature, humidity, light and water supply, type of soil and climatic conditions. These so-called elements have a significant role in defining the structure and dynamics of ecosystems mainly in the distribution, abundance, and behavioural patterns of organisations.

Major Abiotic Factors: Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Characteristics, Types
Major Abiotic Factors: Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Characteristics, Types

Awareness of abiotic factors is critical in ecological research because the causes organise fundamental knowledge regarding organisms’ living conditions and environmental changes, nutrient circulation, and stability of ecosystems to alterations. Through these factors, the ecologists are therefore able to anticipate the potential reactions of the ecosystems to aspects such as climate change or human interference in an endeavour to ensure that sustainable measures of ecological balance and biodiversity are achieved or maintained.


The effects of temperature are described-

Definition And Significance

Temperature is a term used to describe the amount of heat or cold measured by a thermometer or numerically. An essential physical environment component which plays an important role in affecting the biological activities of ecosystems.

Effect On Biochemical Reactions

One of the factors within organisms’ environments that influence them is temperature since it influences the rate of biochemical reaction. From the general knowledge, one can increase the reaction by increasing the temperatures because the molecule moves relatively faster as compared to the lower temperature which slows down the reaction rate.

Impact On Organisms


Each living organism can also regulate its internal temperature with the help of thermoregulating organs, for example, sweating, panting or behavioural mechanisms, for instance, looking for a shadow or the sun.


These changes through the physical characteristics can only take place through evolution thus the changes are very slow in the face of temperature differences in them. For example, polar bears have fur to protect them from freezing and blubber that provides energy in freezing climates while the cacti plants do not have leaves that cause water loss in hot climates.


The effect of light is described below-

Importance Of Sunlight In Photosynthesis

As we know, light particularly sunlight is important for the process of photosynthesis in which plants convert energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose needed for other processes such as growth and reproduction.

Light Intensity, Quality, And Duration

Intensity: There is an influence of light energy quantity available per unit area in photosynthesis. Higher light intensity therefore enhances photosynthesis to a certain level.

Quality: Light of a certain colour or at a certain wavelength affects the process of photosynthesis. To have maximum photosynthesis red and blue lights are well absorbed in plants.

Duration: Photoperiodism which is the duration of light is significant in the flowering and other developmental procedures of plants.

Photoperiodism In Plants

Photoperiodism entails the reactions of a plant to variations in day length by controlling such actions as flowering, dormancy and growth during the light-bearing season.


The effect of water is described below-

Role Of Water In Biological Systems

Water is required in the body and for most living creatures because it acts as a medium for biochemical activities transpiring in the cells, organs, tissues and various body parts through metabolism activities such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration as well as acting as a hemostatic of cells through supporting turgidity of the cells and regulating temperature in organisms.

Water Availability And Osmoregulation

Osmoregulation management of water balance of internal available water and solutes in an organism's body fluids is managed. This is relevant, especially in the areas where the water supply is no longer constant.

Adaptations Of Desert And Aquatic Organisms

  • Desert Organisms: Some of the changes are in water-use-efficiency mechanisms such as succulence tissues, decreased leaf areas, carotid root systems for water intake and nighttime activity to elude heat.

  • Aquatic Organisms: These are features such as gills which are used in the exchange of gases, osmoregulation as a strategy to counterbalance salt and water, and other floatation techniques in different depths of water.

Atmospheric Gases

The effect of atmospheric gases is described below-

Importance Of Oxygen And Carbon Dioxide

Oxygen is always important for aerobic respiration in most organisms while Carbon dioxide is equally important for photosynthesis in plants as well as algae.

Gas Exchange In Plants And Animals

Carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged by plants through small openings known as stomata found in the leaves whereby during the process of photosynthesis the plant loses carbon dioxide and gains oxygen. Gases are exchanged through respiratory systems while animals get oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.

Impact Of Air Pollution On Organisms

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are known to cause injuries to plant tissues, reduction of photosynthetic rates and respiratory issues in animals that bring about lowered fitness and population sizes.


The effect of soil is described below-

Composition And Importance Of Soil

Soil contributes to mineral particles, organic matter, water, air and most importantly free-living organisms. It gives support to the plants, absorbs and transfers nutrients, cleans and reproduces water, and is home to soil organisms.

Nutrient Cycling And Availability

It is the activity of the soil micro-organisms that break down the organic materials to release nitrogen phosphor and potash for plant uptake. The availability of nutrients depends on the soil pH, texture and organic matter of the soil layer.

Adaptations Of Plants To Different Soil Types

This paper concludes that plants that grow in soil manage to adapt to the prevailing conditions by both physical and physiological means of the root systems. Some examples are: Presence of tap roots for efficient nutrient absorption of the nutrients present deep down in the ground Presence of branched and feeble roots for obtaining water and nutrients in sandy soil.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are abiotic factors in biology?

These are the non-living factors that surround organisms and may have an impact on them in some way or the other. These are features such as temperature, light, humidity, soil moisture, nutrients, gases in the fetus such as oxygen, and carbon dioxide among others and pH. They consist of physical and chemical characteristics of the environment that function significantly determining the occupancy of habitats and controlling biological functions. 

2. How does temperature affect organisms?

Temperature affects organisms in various ways:

  • It affects biochemical reactions; in most cases, higher temperatures lead to an increase in the rates of reactions while lower temperatures decrease it.

  • All organisms have what is known as temperature tolerance, that is, ranges of temperatures within which growth and survival occur, and mechanisms through which populations attempt to stabilize their internal body temperatures to further adapt to temperature stress.

  • Stress and Strain under these conditions have an impact on the physiological processes of an organism and result in behavioural alterations to avoid conditions that are too hot or too cold.

3. What is the role of water in biological systems?

Water is essential for biological systems:

  • It is a universal media enabling biochemical reactions that are crucial to the existence of the human body.

  • Water is involved in the processes of temperature control in the body and retaining cell turgor pressure in plants.

  • An essential component necessary in the transportation of nutrients in organisms and also as the location for metabolic processes in the organisms such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

  • The features of water provision determine the conditions for the occupancy of space and direct the distribution of species, as well as the functioning of ecosystems.

4. Why is pH important in soil?

pH (acidity or alkalinity) is critical for soil health and plant growth:

  • It changes the nutrient uptake and solubility; 'the pH will determine how soluble the various nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are to the plants’.

  • As highlighted by Piasek et al, it is evident that the pH of the soil has a great effect on the activity of the microorganisms and the cycling of nutrients in the soil.

  • Particular plant species require particular pH for growth and development; any changes in the pH values hinder plant growth disturbing the functioning of the ecosystem.

5. How do atmospheric gases influence ecosystems?

Atmospheric gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pollutants influence ecosystems:

  • Oxygen is required in most living species for their aerobic respiration which involves metabolic and energy synthesis activities.

  • Without carbon dioxide, the life processes of photosynthesising organisms, including plants and algae, cannot happen hence affecting the productivity of ecosystems.

  • All the gaseous pollutants are harmless to most animals though they cause some problems to respiratory systems and all the photosynthesising organisms through effects on sulfur and nitrogen.

  • Pollution and alterations to the atmospheric gases have an impact on ecosystems, their organisms, climate, and overall environmental degradation through man’s activities such as deforestation or industrial emissions.


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