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Medical Termination of Pregnancy MTP: Types, Examples

Medical Termination of Pregnancy MTP: Types, Examples

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 29, 2024 05:24 PM IST

Understanding Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (Mtp)

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) refers to the process of ending the pregnancy through the use of medicines or surgery. Varieties of methods are described in MTP, which relies on the duration or individual dispensation of the patient.

Why People Seek MTP

Reasons Related To Unintended Pregnancy

Bad conditions such as emotional and financial stress produced by unintended pregnancy may push someone to undergo MTP. The end of the unwanted pregnancy is aimed at restoring the usual state.

Danger To Health

MTP may be required whenever the pregnancy poses a threat to the mother's health, for example, if it's associated with severe hypertension or diabetes.

Fetal Abnormalities

Severe genetic disorders, or fetal abnormalities that are detected during screening, cause disappointment to the effect of forcing people to use MTP to save the child from a lifetime of distress.

Social-Economic Causes

However, if a person cannot afford and is not mentally prepared to bring up a child, it is likely to add on the physical burden, therefore MTP may opt out of these causes.

Medical Methods Of Mtp


Medically induced abortion needs one to swallow a mifepristone tablet, then one more of misoprostol to terminate pregnancies up to 10 months of gestation. This method is very successful and allows the individual to complete the management of their process in privacy.

Surgical Methods

Surgical methods may be used in pregnancies above 10 weeks or when medical abortion is impossible to carry out. There exist two common surgical methods;

Suction aspiration: This is a surgical method that provides vacuum aspiration to remove the contents from the uterus.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C): It is the way of opening the cervix and letting the surgical instruments gather the tissue.

Legal And Ethical Issues

Legal Status

The legality of MTP varies across respective countries, and normally it depends on the specific country's law and legislation. Some countries allow MTP for overall and wide reasons, while a few have a strict limit on gestational period.

Ethical Debates

DiscussioMTP is always accompanied by discussions with overtones of ethical, moral, and religious considerations. The same has to be balanced well with the right of access to medical termination of pregnancy, within the framework of a legal setting.

Complications And Risks

Physical Complications

MTP is a relatively safe procedure, but potential complications are :

Excessive Bleeding: Some patients may bleed excessively during or soon after the procedure.

Infection: Infection may occur if proper medical protocols and procedures are not adhered to.

Incomplete Abortion: This happens when all the pregnancy tissue has not been expelled. It usually requires further intervention.

Psychological Sequelae

MTP can be attributed to a psychological impact on the person, causing him to experience a mixed emotion of relief, guilt, or sadness. A person who undergoes MTP requires counselling and emotional support as a part of post-MTP care.

Post-MTP care

Follow-up visits

Follow-up care is also necessary to ensure that the procedure was successful and to monitor the complications. A follow-up appointment is usually one or two weeks after the procedure is conducted by the health provider.

Emotional Support

Providing emotional support and counselling, it could eventually assist one in coping with the aftermath of MTP. Support groups and therapy would help an individual ventilate intense feelings and experiences in a safe setting.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Medical Abortion vs. Surgical Abortion – What's the Difference?

 Medical abortion refers to the intake of medicines for an abortion, whereas surgical abortion is a procedure for the removal of the fetus from the uterus.

2. How safe is medical termination of pregnancy?

 It is generally safe when performed by qualified health-care providers, though there is a risk such as heavy bleeding and infection with MTP.

3. What should I do in case of complications after the procedure?

 Contact your healthcare provider immediately in case of severe pain, heavy bleeding, or fever.

4. Can I have children after an MTP?

 Most people can become fertile again after an MTP. However, one must consult a healthcare professional for the same.

5. How long does a medical abortion take?

 With a medical abortion, one can expect the process to take a few days. Surgical procedures generally require only one visit to the healthcare provider. Follow-up appointments are usually scheduled within a week or two after a procedure is performed.


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