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Photoperiodism, Vernalisation, And Seed Dormancy – Definition, Meaning, Stages, Importance, Facts

Photoperiodism, Vernalisation, And Seed Dormancy – Definition, Meaning, Stages, Importance, Facts

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 27, 2024 04:17 PM IST

Definition of Plant Growth

Details of plant growth and development describe a continuous stream of complicated processes that start from the time of germination, proceed through maturity, and end with plant reproduction. It controls the phases of growth and the transitions between them that are impelled by internal genetic programs and external environmental cues.

An understanding of photoperiodism, vernalization, and seed dormancy is important in making a plant aligned to its seasonal environment: flowering and hence reproduction occur at the most appropriate time to maximize reproductive success, while plants survive periods of unfavourable conditions. In this way, such mechanisms will turn out to be very instrumental in manipulating agricultural practices toward better crop yields and hence food security and sustainable agriculture.



Photoperiodism is an organism's physiological response to the duration of day or night, mainly in plants. It is the duration of illumination that affects several developmental procedures like flowering. This is because plants do measure light duration to know the time for reproduction and growth.

Types of Photoperiodic Responses

Short-day plants

Short-day plants, for example, poinsettias or chrysanthemums, bloom when the day length is shorter than a critical length.

Long-day plants

Long-day plants, including spinach and radishes, need longer daylight periods to be induced to flower.

Day-neutral plants

Day-neutral plants, examples include tomatoes and cucumbers, their flowering does not depend on day length. It can flower in any light condition.



Vernalization is a process wherein plants require some period of cold temperature before they initiate flowering. This cold exposure ensures that the flowering procedure is timed appropriately during the spring season and not during the winter period.

Examples of Vernalisation

Winter wheat and other biennials, such as carrots or beets, need periods of cold to break dormancy so they may flower the next season.

Agricultural Applications

Vernalisation is used in agriculture to ensure that the time of planting and harvesting coincides with the correct part of the year. It is more useful during winters, especially in temperate climates, this aids in ensuring flowering and fruiting at the correct time.

Seed Dormancy


Seed dormancy is the period when seeds fail to germinate even when the environment is very conducive to their growth. It is considered to be of different kinds: intrinsic due to genetic programs, enforced due to environmental factors, and induced due to exogenous factors.

Breaking Seed Dormancy

Stratification, scarification, other techniques of cold, and physical or chemical treatments in breaking dormancy support germination. These methods allow control of seed germination in an agricultural environment to establish crops successfully.

Ecological and Evolutionary Significance

Seed dormancy is a very vital attribute to plant survival since avoiding germination at the most inappropriate time of the year, makes a coincidence in time so that seeds germinate at the right time. It avails evolutionary advantages since it is tailored for various environmental situations.

Interconnections between Photoperiodism, Vernalisation, and Seed Dormancy

These processes interact to coordinate the life cycles of plants concerning growth, flowering, and seed germination at appropriate times for the environment. Photoperiodism and vernalisation interact in flowering and growth, and mechanisms of seed dormancy ensure that seeds survive until the conditions are appropriate for germination. All together, they help plants adapt to seasonality and environmental variables.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the role of photoperiodism in plant flowering?

FT determines day length, which is responsible for flowering timing, an aspect that is crucial for reproductive success.

2. How does vernalisation benefit winter crops?

Vernalisation ensures that the winter crop undergoes a cold period to institute the correct flowering and seed-producing time.

3. What are the main hormones involved in seed dormancy?

Abscisic acid, ABA induces dormancy and Gibberellins, GA release dormancy and induce germination.

4. Can photoperiodism affect crop yield?

Photoperiodism can be explained and manipulated for optimal flowering times. This in turn helps produce better crop yields.

5. What are some methods to break seed dormancy?

Seed dormancy can be broken by common cold stratification—that is, chilling of the seeds—or scarification, which is a mechanical injury to the seed coat.


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