Pollen-Pistil Interaction & Outbreeding Devices: Outbreeding Devices, Mechanism

Pollen-Pistil Interaction & Outbreeding Devices: Outbreeding Devices, Mechanism

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 28, 2024 02:44 PM IST

Definition Of Pollen And Pistil

This complex series of events, called pollen-pistil interaction, gets initiated right after the pollen grains land on the stigma of a pistil; in the end, it guarantees successful fertilization. The interaction is what therefore determines compatibility and assures genetic material transfer from pollen to ovules during plant reproduction.

This is the process: recognition, adhesion, hydration, and germination of the pollen tube, and finally, the sperm cells are delivered to the ovule. One of these mechanisms is that of self-incompatibility and structural modification like heterostyly, which favours cross-pollination, thus securing genetic diversity.

Pollen-Pistil Interaction

The pollen-pistil interaction is described below-

Structure of Flower and Reproductive Organs

Description of pistil

The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a plant, comprising the stigma, the pollen-receptive area; a style, which essentially is the stalk connecting the stigma into the ovary; and the ovary itself, containing the ovules.

Description of pollen

They are the male gametophyte, which contains the male genetic material. They germinate on compatible stigmas into a pollen tube that grows down the style towards the ovary.

Mechanism of Pollen-Pistil Interaction

Pollination process

This includes both self-well and cross-pollination. The former occurs in the self-same flower, while the latter is between flowers. Mediation takes place through wind, water, or even pollinators.

Pollen adhesion to stigma

Falling on the stigma, the pollen grains get adhered to the sticky surface of the stigma.

Pollen hydration and germination

The pollen grain takes up water from the stigma and germinates to form a pollen tube.

Growth of pollen tube

The pollen tube grows chemically guided down the style into the ovary towards the ovule.

Interaction with style and ovary

The pollen tube extends through tissues of the style and finally reaches the ovule before fertilisation.

Molecular and Cellular Interactions

Role of chemical signals

The growing pollen tube towards the ovary is guided through chemical signals from the pistil.

Pollen recognition and rejection mechanisms

The stigma recognises compatible pollen for germination and incompatible pollen through various biochemical mechanisms for rejection.

Role of S-genes in self-incompatibility

The expression of the self-incompatibility phenomenon by S-genes ensures that there won't be any self-fertilisation but cross-pollination. This is achieved by rejecting the pollen from the same plant or from any other plant that has the same genotype.

Outbreeding Devices

The outbreeding devices are described below-

Definition and Importance

Explanation of outbreeding devices

These are the mechanisms which avoid self-fertilisation and achieve genetic diversity due to cross-pollination.

Importance in genetic diversity and evolution

It sustains genetic diversity within the plant population and enhances the adaptability and evolution of plants.

Types of Outbreeding Devices


Temporal separation of male and female reproductive phases within the same flower avoids self-pollination.


The physical separation of the anther and stigma reduces the opportunity for self-pollination of the flower.


The genetic mechanism that prevents the pollen from fertilising its own plant's ovules.

Dioecy and Monoecy

Dioecy refers to plants with separate male and female individuals, whereas monoecy refers to plants having separate male and female flowers on the same individual.


The presence of different flowers morphs with styles and stamens of different lengths that will enhance cross-pollination.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is pollen-pistil interaction?

Pollen-pistil interaction: The interaction of pollen grains with the pistil of a flower in bringing about fertilisation and seed formation.

2. What are outbreeding devices in plants?

Outbreeding mechanisms: These are mechanisms which prevent self-fertilisation and hence promote cross-pollination to ensure genetic diversity.

3. How does self-incompatibility work in plants?

Some genetic process prevents self-pollen from fertilising the ovule. This process promotes inter-crossing.

4. What is the difference between dichogamy and herkogamy?

In dichogamy, there is temporal separation, while in herkogamy there is spatial separation of the male and female reproductive organs.

5. Why is genetic diversity important in plants?

It plays a huge role in adaptability and population resiliency for survival against changes in the environment and fighting diseases.


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