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Reproductive Health

Reproductive Health

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 10, 2022 03:28 PM IST

It is a state of mental, social and physical well-being in all matters pertaining to the reproductive system".
The essence of reproductive and sexual health includes freedom and the ability to procreate when one decides and how, without having to maintain a "satisfactory and safe sexual life".

Parts of Reproductive Health

Reproductive health defines the following components -

Family Planning

WHO (World Health Organisation) describes family planning as “the overall ability of individuals and even couples to expect and achieve the desired number of children and the time and place of their birth. It is obtained through the use of contraceptives and the treatment of infertility ”.

Pregnancy and childbirth are among the most common aspects of family planning. Successful pregnancies between the ages of 25 and 34 have become a major issue these days.

Sexual Health

The use of contraceptives is not only one of the best key factor in preventing unwanted pregnancies but also in preventing sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted diseases are major risk factors for reproductive health in both men and women. Although HIV is very difficult to treat, Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia can be prevented and easily treated.

Maternal Health

Women should get medical help during pregnancy and the postpartum and postnatal stages.

Apart from these key components, various factors such as the menstrual cycle, healthy relationships and choice and safety are important pillars of reproductive health.

An estimated 12 million girls between the ages of 15-19 and about 777,000 girls under the age of 15 give birth each year in the developing world. Of these, at least ten million are unintended pregnancies. Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are a major cause of death for teenage girls worldwide.

Health Cycle System in Reproductive Health

In deciding what a reproductive life is, it is important to consider the course of the life cycle.

The different stages of the reproductive life cycle are:

  1. Childhood and Childhood (0 - 9 years)

The different components of reproductive health in childhood and adolescence are - sexual orientation (leading to infanticide), female genital mutilation, discriminatory nutrition and health care.

  1. Adolescence (10 - 19 years)

Concerns about reproductive health during adolescence are - physical changes, early marriage and childbirth, abortions, sexually transmitted infections (AIDS / sexually transmitted diseases), anemia, sexual orientation, abuse or violence and sexual discrimination.

  1. Production Period (15 - 45+ years)

The problems are -

  • forced marriage
  • unplanned pregnancy,
  • sexually transmitted diseases
  • infertility
  • malnutrition
  • pregnancy problems
  • child rearing
  • violence and abuse, among others.

NCERT Books Link:

  1. Reproductive Time (45+ years onwards)

In the postpartum period, there are other physical illnesses that may arise outside of reproductive health.

These include

  • cancer
  • cardiovascular disease
  • osteoarthritis / osteoporosis
  • sexual dysfunction
  • diabetes
  • infertility
  • menopause
  • etc.

NCERT Notes Subject Wise Link:

The Importance of Reproductive Health

The reproductive system is probably very weak in the human body. An unhealthy lifestyle in previous years can cause damage to overall health, other than sexual and reproductive health. The biggest problem that arises is fertility.

Prenatal care and reproductive health are intertwined. Reproduction and related health concerns are best managed by having safer sex, preventing unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

NCERT Solutions Subject wise link:

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Subject wise link:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is reproductive health?

Mental, physical, and individual well-being pertaining to reproductive system issues, processes and activities builds reproductive health.

2. What are sexually transmitted diseases?

Diseases that are only acquired through sexual intercourse (sexual reproduction) are called sexually transmitted diseases.

Such as gonorrhoea, HIV, etc

3. What are the key components of reproductive health?

The main components of reproductive health are - 

i)family planning

ii)sexual health 

iii)maternal health.

4. Why is reproductive health important?

The main objectives of raising reproductive health awareness are: It helps educate all young people about sexual and reproductive health. ... Helps prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV / AIDS. It protects both the mother and the baby from infections and gives birth to a healthy baby

5. What does reproductive health include?

Reproductive health means that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sexual life and have the power to procreate and the freedom to decide how, when and how often. 


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