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Respiratory Quotient And Aerobic Respiration: Characteristics, Related Terms and Application

Respiratory Quotient And Aerobic Respiration: Characteristics, Related Terms and Application

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 27, 2024 11:41 AM IST

Definition Of Respiratory Quotient And Aerobic Respiration

The Respiratory Quotient is a measure of the ratio of produced carbon dioxide and consumed oxygen metabolism. It is expressed as produced CO₂/consumed O₂. This quotient indicates the substrate being metabolised: an RQ of about 1.0 usually indicates the metabolism of carbohydrates, whereas an RQ closer to 0.7 would indicate the metabolism of fat.

RQ is important because it demonstrates the metabolic processes taking place in an organism; it is an important parameter in biological and physiological work. It helps researchers understand energy metabolism, respiratory activity, and nutritional status in an organism.

Aerobic Respiration is a process by which cells generate energy in the presence of oxygen, converting glucose and other nutrients into ATP, water, and carbon dioxide. This is very important, since in eukaryotic cells, respiration is quite effective. The RQ is very essential in showing the direct relationship between aerobic respiration, in the sense that under aerobic respiration, the RQ values will depict the substrate source of the respective metabolic process.

Under aerobic respiration, the RQ is at around 1.0, indicating the complete oxidation of glucose as the metabolic substrate. Understanding RQ in the context of Aerobic Respiration helps in assuming the metabolic rates and energy expenses fairly at different physiological conditions.

The Process Of Aerobic Respiration

The main three phases of aerobic respiration are glycolysis, Krebs Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle, and Electron Transport chain (ETC) with Oxidative Phosphorylation. All the steps of these three phases are completed at particular sites in the cell and follow distinct biochemical process each. These three steps cumulatively get the glucose converted into ATP, water, and carbon dioxide.

Stages Of Aerobic Respiration

The steps of glycolysis are:


Location: Cytoplasm

Key steps and products

  • Glucose Phosphorylation: Glucose is phosphorylated into glucose-6-phosphate by ATP.

  • Isomerisation: Glucose-6-phosphate is isomerised to fructose-6-phosphate.

  • Phosphorylation followed by cleavage: Fructose-6-phosphate is subsequently phosphorylated to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate the latter is then cleaved into two molecules of three-carbon fragments—as dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

  • Energy generation: Each of the three-carbon fragments is oxidised to pyruvate.

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

Location: Mitochondrial matrix

Key steps and products

  • Isomerisation: Citrate is to isocitrate,

  • Oxidation and Decarboxylation: Isocitrate is oxidized and decarboxylated into alpha-ketoglutarate, which produces NADH and CO₂.

  • Further Oxidation: the alpha-ketoglutarate rearranges into succinyl-CoA where in between; one NADH and one CO₂ are produced.

  • ATP Formation: The succinyl-CoA rearranges itself into succinate. In this process, a molecule of ATP is produced or GTP.

  • Regeneration of Oxaloacetate: In the last step, the fumarate is oxidised into fumarate, and later, malate. In turn, the malate finally oxidised into oxaloacetate, which produces FADH₂ and NAD

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Electron Transport Chain (ETC) And Oxidative Phosphorylation

Location: Inner mitochondrial membrane

Key steps and products

  • Electron Transport: NADH and FADH₂ deposit their electrons in the electron transport chain, which is composed of protein complexes (I-IV) and small mobile electron carriers.

  • Proton Pumping: Positively charged protons are pumped from the matrix of the mitochondrion to the area between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. This action creates an electrochemical gradient.

  • ATP Synthesis: Protons diffuse into the matrix. This flow of protons provides the power to produce ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.

  • The function of Oxygen: Oxygen is the final acceptor of electrons. Energised electrons are combined with protons and oxygen to produce water.

Overall Equation For Aerobic Respiration

C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + Energy (ATP)

Respiratory Quotient (RQ)

The Respiratory Quotient (RQ) gives a measure of metabolism by taking into account the ratio of carbon dioxide given off to oxygen consumed in respiration.

Definition And Calculation Of RQ

The use of the following equation finds this ratio:

  • RQ = CO₂ produced / O₂ consumed

The above-defined ratio will generally give one an idea of the kind of substrate most predominantly in use by the organism and so a general idea concerning metabolism.

  • Normal values and what they indicate

  • RQ = 1.0: Usually means that the carbohydrate slopes have been metabolised since squarely fashioned RQ value is because produced CO₂ is approximately equal to consumed O₂

  • RQ < 1.0: Mostly indicates metabolism of fats. The fat slopes are yielded because the metabolism of fats produces less CO₂ against O₂ consumed compared to carbohydrate metabolism.

  • RQ > 1.0: This can happen during anaerobic metabolism. When the body experiences anaerobic processes like lactate fermentation or when there is overfeeding– for instance while excess carbohydrates are being metabolised

Factors Affecting RQ

Type of substrate

Carbohydrates: It has about 1.0.

Fats: It exhibits an RQ of about 0.7.

Proteins: It has an RQ that is variable in general about 0.8 or 0.9.

Metabolic state

Rest: In resting conditions, the combustion of fat is usual, and the RQ would be less than 1.0.

Exercise: In heavy exercise, carbohydrate combustion is increased, and the RQ can become slightly higher, and again come close to 1.0.

Nutritional status

Starved or Fasted: There is again a lower RQ when the body is involved in it: mainly combustion of fat.

Overfed: If there is a high intake of carbohydrates, in such cases, RQ will also be high, and at times will surpass the level of 1.0.

Interpretation Of RQ Values

  • RQ = 1: A value representing the metabolism of carbohydrate. Glucose is the predominant source of energy; therefore, the ratios of CO₂ and O₂ are in a proportion that is seen with carbohydrate oxidation.

  • RQ < 1: The meaning would have to represent the metabolism of fat. Less CO₂ is relatively released compared to O₂ consumed since fats require more O₂ to oxidize than carbohydrates.

  • RQ > 1: Can indicate anaerobic metabolism when instead of CO₂, lactate is produced, or overfeeding when excessive carbohydrates are being metabolised.

Significance In Different Organisms


The determination of RQ is a means of evaluating metabolic rates and substrate use, thus bringing in relevance to the understanding of human energy expenditure, nutritional requirements, and metabolic disorders.


RQ may be used in estimating respiration rates for a plant at some stage in its growth cycle and under varying environmental conditions, yielding valuable knowledge on energy metabolism.

Other animals

The determination of RQ has been used for metabolic adaptations, energy expenditure, and nutritional states in animals, and this information is helpful in studies of an ecological and physiological nature.


The RQ measurement in the clinic is a brilliant indicator of an individual's metabolic state and health:

Applications Of RQ Measurement

Clinical diagnostics

  • Metabolic Disorders: Diagnosis by abnormal values in RQ assists in diseases like metabolic syndrome or respiratory disorders. For example, constantly high RQ may indicate some problems in glucose metabolism.

  • Respiratory Function Monitoring: Essentially this shows the efficiency of gas exchange in a person's lungs, being significantly essential for monitoring patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

  • Nutritional Status Assessment: RQ can be utilized in assessing nutritional status and hence energy expenditure and thereby facilitate dietary modification for obesity, malnutrition, and critical illness.

Nutritional studies

  • Diet studies: The effect of feeding different diets-for example, high carbohydrate versus high fat- on energy and substrate metabolism is an active area of research.
  • Weight Management: RQ allows for the understanding of the effects of macronutrient ratios on weight reduction or increase so that such information may give a base for dietary advice and interventions.
  • Metabolic Flexibility: Through its indication of how fast and easily the body of a person can shift between carbohydrate and fat metabolisms, RQ provides information about metabolic flexibility, an ability important to general health.
  • Athletic training and performance

Measuring RQ helps athletes and coaches in the following ways:

  • Performance Optimisation: Monitoring RQ is of great help in individualising training programs, which gives efficient use of energy and builds up endurance. Knowing, for instance, that an athlete is more carbohydrate or fat-dependent, the coach would have to tinker with their diet and train accordingly.

  • Recovery and Adaptation: Immediately post-exercise RQ measurements can be used as a marker for recovery or adaptation of the body to various intensities and different durations of training.

  • Personalised Nutrition: RQ data can easily be used to create nutritional intake matching the metabolic needs of the athlete, optimising his performance and recovery profile.

Ecological and environmental studies

RQ measurements are done for a large number of metabolic studies across ecosystems. For example:

  • Ecosystem Respiration: This keeps the researchers updated regarding the metabolic processes of plants and animals in various environments, hence providing insight into ecosystem health and carbon cycling.

  • Impacts of Environmental Change: Any changes to the RQ will detect environmental changes in temperature or CO₂ content that indeed affect the metabolic rates of an organism. Such awareness is important to research on climate change.

Biomonitoring: There is an essential requirement for the assessment of RQ in wildlife to make sure that scientists observe the effects of pollution or habitat changes which may generate alteration in the health and metabolic performance of animals.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the respiratory quotient (RQ) and why is it important?

The respiratory quotient refers to the amount of CO₂ produced about that of O₂ consumed during metabolism. That will be important during respiration in telling the substrate being oxidised, be it carbohydrate, fat, or protein.

2. How does aerobic respiration differ from anaerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen and produces far more ATP than anaerobic respiration, a process that does not use oxygen. This form of anaerobic respiration gives off low ATP at the same time lactic acid or ethanol.

3. What are the main stages of aerobic respiration?

The major stages are glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport.

4. How is the respiratory quotient measured?

Respiratory quotients are measured, for example, by the following direct methods of respirometry, calorimetry, which is an indirect technique, and the current techniques/means using gas analysers.

5. Why do different substrates have different RQ values?

Because of the variations of the substrates in carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, metabolism leads to the formation of different pathways, which turn into various amounts of CO₂ produced to O₂ consumed, hence the difference in RQ values.


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