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RNA World - The Genetic Material and the Origins of Life

RNA World - The Genetic Material and the Origins of Life

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 03, 2024 11:32 AM IST

What Does It Propose?

The RNA World Hypothesis proposes that RNA, not DNA, served as the first genetic material and exerted a central role in the early evolution of life on Earth. It is postulated that an RNA molecule can act as both a repository for genetic information and a bio-catalyst and hence can represent a predecessor to modern biological systems. Understanding the world of RNA is crucial to explaining the fundamental questions of the origin of life and the emergence of cellular complexity.

RNA World - The Genetic Material and the Origins of Life
RNA World - The Genetic Material and the Origins of Life

What Is RNA World?

According to the RNA world hypothesis, RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a very important molecule that initially performed the living purpose in all living cells. It is a nucleic acid made by nucleotides, just like DNA. The differences in the structure of RNA molecules are.

Diagram: RNA Hypothesis

The diagram below shows the flow of genetic information as per the RNA world hypothesis and Central dogma of molecular biology.


Types Of Rna

  • mRNA (Messenger RNA): Just carries genetic information from DNA, through ribosomes, to the synthesis of proteins.

  • tRNA (Transfer RNA): tRNA transfers amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis.

  • rRNA (Ribosomal RNA): It forms part of the ribosome, and functions in the synthesis of proteins.

Rna As Genetic Material

RNA being the genetic material has various lines of evidence, signifying that it may have given rise to DNA in early evolution:

Evidence supporting RNA as the first genetic material: The following would balance out the fact that, while RNA could carry genetic information, it could also catalyse reactions.

Role of RNA in early evolution: Similar to how RNA is capable of contributing to genetic coding, during that time, the role of the RNA molecules was that of the genetic material and as the ribozymes in early life, which allowed the existence of self-replicating and self-adapting life forms.

RNA Replication

RNA replication is primarily carried from the ways by which it differs from DNA replication and simultaneously preserves the RNA World hypothesis:

Mechanisms Of RNA Replication:

  • Involves RNA-dependent RNA polymerases that catalyse the production of RNA from an RNA template.

  • RNA can be synthesised without an available primer and it is error-prone, therefore contributing to the genetic diversity.

  • The stability and efficient transmission of genetic information over many generations of early life forms is attributed to the efficiency of RNA replication.

RNA And Protein Synthesis

The involvement of RNA in protein synthesis is the key to the universal process of life:

Transcription is a process in which the information available in DNA is copied to mRNA. Later, mRNA is translated to protein by the respective ribosomes.

The molecule that carries the message from DNA to the ribosome is mRNA. The catalytic core, on the other hand, is made of rRNA, which holds the frame and finds the attachment locus for amino acids to form polypeptide chains.

rRNA is present in the ribosomes that constitute the catalytic core and plays a major role in the synthesis of proteins for the functioning of the cell.


Overall, the RNA World is proposed as the primaeval genetic material from which life on Earth evolved. Some directions for future areas of development lie within understanding the catalytic potential of RNA and what part it played in the early processes of evolution. It is hoped that deeper insights into the origins and diversity of forms of life will emerge from an understanding of RNA. This structured approach encompasses and represents what is considered the significance of RNA as the genetic material, according to the RNA World hypothesis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the RNA World hypothesis?

The RNA World hypothesis posits that RNA served as the first genetic material; the basis for it has been an idea that RNA is proven to possess the ability to store information and at the same time to be able to catalyze chemical reactions and eventually evolve into living organisms on Earth. 

2. Why is RNA regarded as the first genetic material?

RNA is believed to be the first genetic material because it can store genetic information and catalyse, both of these functions are required for the simplest life that existed during that period.

3. How does RNA differ from DNA?

RNA is normally single-stranded in shape, contains ribose sugar, and uses uracil in place of thymine, while DNA is usually double-stranded in shape, contains deoxyribose sugar, and uses thymine.

4. What evidence supports the RNA World hypothesis?

This supports the fact that the RNA World hypothesis has the quality of RNA catalysis in terms of chemical reactions such as ribozymes and the principal participation of RNA in some indispensable key biological pathways of the cell.

5. What criticisms exist in the RNA World hypothesis?

Some of the criticisms that come into play with the RNA World hypotheses are the stability of RNA under prebiotic settings and the ability for RNA self-replication in a manner of nowhere matching abiogenesis.


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