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Root Pressure Theory

Root Pressure Theory

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 26, 2024 03:39 PM IST

What Is Root Pressure Theory?

The root pressure theory is the positive pressure developed in roots due to osmotic forces. When transpiration is at a minimal rate, usually at night, this pushes up the water through the xylem vessels towards the aerial parts of the plant. The concept of root pressure was first provided in the 19th century by Stephen Hales, a great physiologist and clergyman.

The amount of root pressure is important in explaining the mechanism through which water and nutrients are uptaken into the plant from the soil, more so in cases when a transpiration pull is not present. This process in plants facilitates the movement of water and nutrients and is important for plants to be fed—the right amount of nutrients heading to the right areas to support the overall health and growth of the plant.

Mechanism Of Root Pressure

The mechanism of the root pressure involves the following:

Absorption Of Water And Minerals

Absorption of water and minerals is done through:


Plants absorb water from the soil by the process of osmosis. Water moves from higher potential, a typical example being from the soil to one with a lower potential like the root cells.

The movement is driven by the osmotic gradient created by a higher concentration of solutes inside the root cells than in the soil.

Active Transport

The uptake of minerals and their nutrients into the root cells from the soil requires energy (ATP).

This active uptake of minerals further reduces the water potential inside the root cells, therefore more water can be taken in through osmosis.

Generation Of Pressure

Pressure is generated by:

Symplastic And Apoplastic Pathways

Water moves through the root cortex by two routes: symplastic via the cytoplasm of cells through plasmodesmata) and apoplastic via the cell walls and intercellular spaces).

The symplastic pathway occurs using direct movement from one cell to the next; in contrast, the apoplastic pathway passes through the extracellular spaces and cell walls, before it reaches the endodermis.

Role Of Endodermis And Casparian Strip

The endodermis is the layer of cells surrounding the vascular tissue of roots with the Casparian strip. It's a ring of suberin—a waxy substance—acting like a seal in the apoplastic pathway. Thus, it compels water and minerals to cross through the plasma membranes of the endodermal cells to continue into the symplast.

This membrane is, in fact, semi-permeable as it permits only the necessary nutrients and water to pass into the xylem and filters away the rest of the toxic compounds.

The positive pressure produced by the ascent of water and minerals in the xylem vessels itself forces the water upward to the plant, and this is known as root pressure

Factors Affecting Root Pressure

The root pressure is affected by the following factors:

Soil Conditions

The condition of the soil is based on the:

Moisture Levels

Adequate soil moisture is needed in the production of root pressure. A thoroughly wetted soil provides a greater volume of the available water to be taken up osmotically by roots.

Dry soils, holding a low amount of moisture, offer less available volume of water that may be absorbed by roots and hence lead to low levels of root pressure.

Soil Type

Soils have different water-holding capacities and the porosity in the soil might cause differences in root pressure.

Loamy soils, which hold a balanced amount of water and drain out the excess, generally favour the production of more root pressure compared to sandy soils that have low water holding capacity and leak out quickly

Plant Physiology

  • There is a huge variation found in many species of plants over the amount of root pressures obtained.

  • Some are adapted to produce a higher force to facilitate water transport in certain conditions of the environment.

  • For example, herbaceous plants generally produce more root pressure than woody plants.

  • The anatomy and architecture of roots, root hair density, and the presence of specialised tissues, such as endodermis, influence the development of root pressure.

  • A well-developed root system with plenty of root hairs will increase the area for water and nutrient uptake and so would enhance root pressure.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors include:


  • Mostly the abiotic factors would be used to explain how temperature influences the rate of transpiration.

  • The temperature affects the rate of biochemical processes, through which water and nutrients are absorbed.

  • As the temperature rises, there is increased energy within root metabolism that will raise the root pressure.

  • Conversely, low temperatures will result in low rates of such processes, and subsequently low root pressure.

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Atmospheric Pressure

  • The variation in the atmospheric pressure indirectly changes the root pressure by changing the rate of transpiration.

  • The low atmospheric pressure results in a decrease in the rate of transpiration, which allows more accumulation of water in the roots hence increasing the root pressure.

  • This is generally a minor effect as compared to those of the soil moisture and temperature

Birch Sugaring

The collection of the sap from birch trees and its concentration into syrup is similar to maple sugaring.

Time of Season:

Weather Dependent. The sap typically starts flowing when daytime temperatures go above freezing temperature and below freezing temperature at night.

Tree Selection:

  • Birch trees of preferred diameter of 8-10 inches.

  • More precisely this is paper birch, yellow birch, and black birch.


  • One should make a small hole in the trunk, about 2 to 3 feet off the ground.

  • Insert a spile into the tap hole—a spile is a small metal or wooden spout that allows the sap to flow from the tree.

Collecting Sap

  • Hang a bucket from the spile or attach a system of tubing to capture the falling sap.

  • Sap flow can be as high as 1-2 gallons per day per tree during peak flow.

Sap Processing

  • Sap that is collected is boiled down to concentrate

  • It has a sugar content and produces syrup.

  • Birch sap is more diluted than maple sap. It requires more sap to secrete syrup, up to 100 gallons to get 1 gallon of syrup.


  • Birch syrup is a sweetener, and flavouring, hence its addition to food for cooking and baking purposes.

  • It has a unique taste, slightly tangy. It is markedly different from maple syrup.

Mineral Content:

  • Rich in minerals and nutrients, birch sap contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, and manganese.

  • Sold for human consumption for added health benefits and flavour.

Ecological Impact:

  • Sustainable tapping is done otherwise trees are damaged.

  • Be careful not to damage to help trees stay healthy and continue to produce as much sap as possible for as many years as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is root pressure and how is it generated?

Root pressure is a positive kind of pressure developed in the roots of plants. It results due to the process of osmosis, which involves the process of water absorption from the soil into root cells. Also, the reduction in the water potential in root cells as a result of the active transport mechanisms of the transportation of minerals from the soil to root cells makes more water enter. This increase in water creates a positive pressure; that, when favorable, may exert enough pressure that will push the water up through the vascular system of the plant.

2. How does root pressure contribute to water movement in plants?

Sometimes, the root pressure aids in the resourcing of water from the root region up to the stem and leaves; mainly this takes place during a time of very low rate of transpiration, such as at night. Pressure could push the water up via the xylem vessels to aid in the watering and transportation of food within the plant.

3. What factors affect root pressure in plants?

The following are some of the aspects that affect root pressure:

  • Soil Moisture: Any rise in the soil moisture elevates the root pressure. This is because there is an additional volume of water to be absorbed.

  • Soil Type: The different soils have different water availabilities, and hence the levels of the root pressures that exist are different. Sandy soil allows fast drainage and reduces the pressure whereas clay soils retain the water and raise the pressure.

  • Plant Species: Plants differ in their root pressure due to differences in the morphology of the root and physiological requirements.

  • Root Anatomy: The anatomy of the roots themselves, not least that of the root hair and surface area, impacts on the amount of water absorbed, and thus pressure produced.

  • Temperature: An increase in temperature may stimulate metabolic activity of the roots, and therefore greater root pressures, although low temperatures will depress it.

  • Atmospheric Pressure: Changes in atmospheric pressure ultimately change the water movement in plants and thus change root pressure, too.

4. What is the evidence for root pressure?

The following is the evidence for root pressure:

  • Guttation: Droplets of water, early in the morning or late in the evening along the margins of leaves. Root pressure forces out such droplets via specialised structures called hydathodes.

  • Bleeding: Some sap flows out from the plant stem on cutting or pruning from the site of a cut. This flow is powered by root pressure that pushes water and dissolved nutrients upward.

5. Why is root pressure not sufficient for water movement in tall trees?

No, because root pressure alone cannot push the water to the top of tall trees; it produces limited pressure. In the case of tall trees, the cohesion-tension theory is the main mechanism of water transport. It explains that water is pulled upward through the xylem due to the cohesion force existing between water molecules, and tension is supplied by transpiration—evaporation of water from the surface of leaves. This pull can create a continuous column of water extending from the roots to the leaves, enabling water to reach great heights it could not achieve with root pressure alone.


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