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Who is a Surgical Technologist?
Medication, surgery, and radiation are the weapons with which conventional medicine foolishly shoots the messengers called symptoms ~ Anonymous
If you aspire to be a part of the healthcare system but do not want to go through the long process of becoming a doctor then taking a career as a Surgical Technologist is a possible option. The field of surgical technology is filled with excitement as no day is the same.
As the field of healthcare is progressing and specialists for every possible field are being appointed, the career opportunities for a Surgical Technologist are growing as well.
If you want to know more about this career then we have discussed in this article, how to become a Surgical Technologist in India, skills, roles and responsibilities and Surgical Technologist eligibility.

Surgical Technologist in a Nutshell
When it comes to an operation theatre, several tasks are to be carried out before as well as after the operation or surgery has taken place. Such tasks are not possible without surgical tech and surgical tech tools. A single surgeon cannot do it all alone.
It is like a footballer who needs his team’s support to score a goal the same goes for a surgeon. It is here when a surgical technologist comes into the picture. It is the job of a surgical technologist to prepare the operation theatre with all the required equipment before the surgery.
Not only that, once an operation is done it is the job of the surgical technologist to clean all the equipment. One has to fulfil the minimum requirements of surgical tech qualifications.
Quick Facts for Surgical Technologist
Suitable for
Male, Female, Others
To become a surgical technologist, an individual from any section or gender can do so. It does not matter which gender he or she belongs to when it comes to taking up surgical technology as a career option.
A career as a Surgical Technologist in India is a profession where an individual’s gender is insignificant. Both men and women have taken up this profession and according to the statistics, women are more in number in the career as a Surgical Technologist in India.
Any special needs
For surgical Technologist jobs, it is better to be physically fit for a better and more efficient way of working. Differently, abled people cannot be a part of Surgical Technologist jobs.
As it is a field which requires the person in the profession to do a significant amount of physical work while a patient is going through Surgery. Therefore, one needs to be physically fit.
Table of Contents for Surgical Technologist
What is the role of Surgical Technologist?
Before surgery, a Surgical Technologist helps in the preparation of the operating room by setting up sterile surgical tools, and equipment such as curtains, medical gowns, latex gloves, and suction tubes, and finding solutions and drugs from the circulator.
A Surgical Technologist checks to make sure everything is working properly and performs repairs where necessary. A Surgical Technologist assists the surgeon by assisting him or her in wearing the medical gown and gloves and placing the patient in the drapes which have been sterilised to create a sterile field.
The Surgical Technologist roles and responsibilities during surgery are to transfer the tools and supplies sponges, scissors, and knives, provide medication to the surgeon, tissue samples for circular transfers and ensure there are no patient interruptions for surgical recovery.
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Active: Clean Hands
The surgical technologist is the first person to enter the operation theatre before surgery. At this stage of operation, the surgical technologist adheres closely to the following procedure:
He or she carefully drops work wardrobe,
A surgical technologist begins to prepare the room into a sterilised field.
Sort and compile carefully
The most important part of this active phase is the creation and maintenance of the sterilised environment. Empty fields can be moisture-sensing. To prevent this, the surgical technologist is responsible for arranging dry curtains around the operating table and keeping the entire surface in shape.
Interaction: The Third Hand
During the collaborative phase of surgery, a surgical technologist is still obliged to get the work going in the operation theatre, but also become a "third hand" to the surgeon and nurses during the procedure and to perform the following operations:
Help fix the medication and deliver it to the patient
Assist in retracting the patient's tissue
Transfers surgical tools to the surgeon as well as to the nurses during surgery
At any time during the surgery, if the tool is lost or contaminated, delays or a specific infection can cost the patient their life. This is why a surgical technologist needs to be diligent and always available
Postoperative: Tying Things Up
As the work concludes, surgical techniques work on the following:
Includes all the tools and instruments used during surgery to ensure that nothing is left to the patient
Suture incision and apply local anesthetic
Get rid of things like needles and gauze, and continue to keep the OR organism working properly until the patient is sent to the recovery ward
Prepare Patient for Surgery
It is the job of a Surgical Technologist to prepare a patient for the surgery with his or her team. One needs to get the patient dressed in sterile clothes. Not only that the patient has to be properly positioned in the operation theatre depending on the type of surgery that will take place.
Before some surgeries, the patient needs to have the right diet or should have an empty stomach, according to the surgery, a Surgical Technologist takes care of that as well.
Types of a Surgical Technologist
There are various other alternative career options similar to surgical technologists. We have mentioned below the types of a surgical technologists.
Lab Technician: A lab technician is someone responsible for maintaining the entire lab. His or her job responsibilities include maintaining the lab equipment, and cleaning them whenever needed.
Not only that, but a lab technician also makes sure that the lab looks the same before and after the operation has taken place. He or she is responsible for keeping everything in place once the lab is vacated.
Anesthetist Consultant: While a patient is being operated on, some amount of anaesthesia is given to prevent the patient from feeling pain. Anaesthesia helps in making the body part numb, preventing any movement from the patient’s end due to pain and ultimately making it easier for the doctor to operate.
But, a different amount of dose is required for different body parts. An anaesthetist technician is responsible for calculating and giving the correct amount of dose for the patient.
Surgical Supervisor: Once a surgical technologist has gained experience and practice for a few years he or she is eligible to become a supervisor and distribute responsibilities to the technicians who are at the junior levels.
A supervisor not only distributes work but also checks at the end of the day what was done by the juniors under him or her.
Surgical Research Assistant: When it comes to the field of healthcare, the research work tends to be never-ending. The same goes for the field of surgery.
The doctors, engineers, and technologists all aim at developing better medicines, equipment and several other things. A surgical research assistant helps a surgeon in the research field by assisting him or her in the project she is working on.
What is the workplace/work environment of Surgical Technologist like?
Whether an individual works in a hospital, at a school, or in a research centre, he or she will be spending much of the time indoors. When a surgical technologist is not working in an operation theatre he or she has to work with sensitised surgical tech tools and ensure the cleanliness of the operation theatre and its inner environment.
While working in the operation theatre one has to stand for long hours wearing gloves and operation theatre clothing which can get tiring. A surgical tech is also exposed to strong lights, communicable diseases, not-so-pleasant sight and odour.
Does Surgical Technologist require travelling?
Not Likely
The job of a Surgical Technologist does not require much travelling. One works in a hospital, research firm or maybe an educational institute. There is no requirement to travel in the job of a Surgical Technologist.
Employment Shifts
Full Time
Being a surgical Tech is a full-time job. The job of a Surgical Technologist falls under two shifts. It can either be a morning or a night shift which keeps rotating on a monthly or weekly basis. Candidates are required to enrol in a surgical tech degree programme to become a Surgical Technician.
Employment Nature
The nature of the employment of a career as a Surgical Technologist is full-time in nature. One works on a full-time basis both in a medical organisation or a research-based organisation. Unless one has to conduct a workshop for any educational institution, in that case, the work becomes contractual.
Work Place
Surgical techs generally work in hospitals under the supervision of surgeons where they perform surgery. A career as a surgical tech requires coordinating in team around him or her to assist during the surgery.
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Presence in Geographical Area
Semi-urban, Urban
A career as a Surgical Technologist generally provides employment opportunities in urban or semi-urban locations. Since, places with surgical tech tools, equipment and operating theatre units have hardly opened in rural areas.
Since there are hardly any surgical setups in a rural area, a Surgical Technologist mainly works in urban or semi-urban locations. In case of requirement, a Surgical Technologist might be called in a rural area to provide assistance.
Time Pressure
Time pressure is high for Surgical Technologists. Typically, a surgical tech is required to work a regular 40-hour per week, but he or she also might be required to be present on call on some nights, weekends, and holidays.
Depending on the operation, call responsibilities can get rigorous. In certain facilities that perform a large number of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary surgeries, surgical technologists may work in shifts to ensure that trained Surgical Technologists are available 24 hours a day.
Overtime Details
A Surgical Technologist's work hours vary greatly as they must answer the call of surgical and medical emergencies when needed. Many Surgical Technologists are also required to assist in philanthropic cardiac surgery missions. They might work overtime if the surgery stretches to be too long.
Weekly Hours of Work
Min 50 Hours
There are no fixed working hours for a Surgical Technologist. Ideally, he or she should work for 9-10 hours but the working hours often get stretched depending on the requirement as well as the operating schedule. Therefore, we can say that a surgical tech often works extended hours and overtime.
How to become a Surgical Technologist?
Steps to become a Surgical Technologist
If you are interested in working with surgeons, nurses and others in the operating room assisting them with the surgery, dressing at surgical sites and preparing operating rooms for surgery then a career as a Surgical Technologist is one of the best options for you.
If you want to be part of the healthcare sector and looking for information on details on how to become a Surgical Technologist in India then below we have provided step-by-step guidance for you.
What are the skills and qualities required to become a/an Surgical Technologist?
A career as a Surgical Technologist is considered a supportive role in the medical profession. To become a surgical tech one must complete a surgical technologist degree programme or acquire national certification for surgical technologist.
There are several skill sets required besides surgical tech qualifications. We have mentioned major Surgical Technologist skills that will support you to progress in your career.
Communication Skills: A surgical technologist must have a good command of his or her language. His or her job position needs to be able to explain the message to the recipient clearly and precisely.
Being able to communicate well eliminates the probability of errors being caused due to any sort of miscommunication between the surgical technologist and the surgeon or the nurses. And to be able to communicate well it is essential for the individual to be a good listener.
Attention to Detail: A surgical technologist is expected to have extremely high attention to detail. It is important in his or her job position that he or she does not miss out on anything while operation theatre is being prepared for the patient, during the operation or after the operation is conducted.
Service Orientation: For any individual who wishes to be a part of the healthcare industry he or she must be service-oriented as well as passionate about his or her work.
One must have the inner urge to help a person in need therefore it is one of the primary skills required to be a surgical technologist. The job involves an individual being responsible and responsibility comes from the ability to be work-oriented.
Leadership: There are times when a surgical technologist is promoted then he or she has to lead the juniors assigned under him or her. In such cases, the surgical technologist must possess leadership skills wherein he or she is capable enough of guiding the juniors about the work at hand.
Decision-Making Skills: There are several instances where a surgical technologist is supposed to make decisions in the operation theatre. He or she needs to be calculative as well as decisive about the decisions made well as calculate the risks in taking those decisions.
It is a field where no risks can be taken as people’s lives are at stake therefore everything needs to be done with precision.
Patience: An operation theatre has a lot going on during the time of surgery. A surgical technologist needs to remain calm while doing his or her job. Haste can often lead to errors that cannot be overlooked in case of a healthcare situation.
Not only does one have to be calm during the procedure but a surgical technologist is required to have a calm sense of mind while preparing the operation theatre before surgery as well as while cleaning it once the surgery is done.
Popular Online Medicine Courses and Certifications
Which certifications and internships can be helpful in becoming Surgical Technologist?
We have provided below a few relevant Surgical Technologist courses. Aspirants who want to become Surgical Technologist may pursue these courses to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
Internship Availability
Internships are crucial as it is the best way to gain entry-level experience in a career as a surgical technologist. They provide the candidates with a real-world experience. Especially when it comes to the field of healthcare, an internship is mandatory as people’s life is at stake.
An individual who aspires to be a surgical technologist is supposed to go through a training period which is a minimum of six months long, it differs from the kind of organisation one is working for. As in the case of a research-based institution, it can last as long as a year.
There are several ways through which a candidate can get an internship. It could be either through his or her college, through an online portal or sometimes by even contacting the firm of his or her choice. One could choose any of these methods depending on his or her preference.
What is the job outlook for Surgical Technologist?
A career as a Surgical Technologist has the potential for significant job growth in the healthcare field. In India, several surgeries take place daily. The healthcare industry is considered one of the most revenue-generating industries in the country.
The job growth is more significant for the Surgical Technologist in a private setting than in a government organisation. The job of a Surgical Technologist can become very stressful, especially in the cases of long-lasting surgeries which require surgical tech tools instantly.
The field of surgery is considered one of the most stressful fields in the healthcare industry. Therefore, there are several job growth opportunities available for the candidates who wish to be a part of it as otherwise, the field won’t be as desirable as it is right now. The field of Surgical Technologists has a very positive job market scenario.
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Frequently Asked Questions for Surgical Technologist
Que. How long does it take to become a surgical technologist?
Ans.Surgical technologists have 3 options for their level of education: a certificate, diploma, or associate's degree. A surgical technology certification degree programme usually takes between 12 and 24 months to complete. While a degree programme is usually three years long.
The minimum requirement for surgical tech qualifications is successful completion of a surgical technologist degree or surgical technology cert degree (diploma) programme to establish a career as a surgical technologist.
Que. Do surgical technologists do stitches?
Ans.Surgical Technologists during surgery carry out functions like passing instruments and other sterile supplies to surgeons and nurses. One may hold equipment like retractors, cut sutures, and help count sponges, needles, and supplies but they do not have to do stitches.
Que. Is the job of a surgical technologist a good job?
Ans.There are great opportunities to earn a good living as a surgical technologist, to earn more with experience, and to enjoy benefits like health care in full-time positions. The work may get stressful at times due to long operations but the remuneration amount that comes with it is good.
Que. Are surgical technologists in high demand?
Ans.The field of healthcare is constantly growing. Therefore a surgical technologist who is a part of healthcare service has a high demand as well.
With the growing number of healthcare services, experts in every field are being appointed to provide better healthcare standards to the people.
Que. What are top surgical technologist colleges in India?
Ans.Numerous surgical technologist colleges offer surgical technology courses, some of the top colleges are BMCRI, Bangalore, SGGST University, Gurgaon, SRM University, Chennai, DMCH, Ludhiana, JIPMER Puducherry and Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
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Questions related to Surgical Technologist
how can i become a Surgical technologist after 12th in India?
Hello aspirant,
Candidates must join in a surgical technologist college that offers a surgical technologist degree programme in order to become surgical technologists. In order to work in operating rooms under the supervision of a surgeon, they might also choose to obtain national certification as surgical technologists.
For more information you can visit our site by clicking on the link given below.
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