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Who is a Network Technician?
Networking is an investment in your business. It takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come ~ Diane Helbig
Individuals who opt for a career as Network technicians are in charge of an organization's network system. The person is responsible for setting up, running, maintaining, updating, and repairing computers and network equipment. They set up and manage an organization's internet, intranets, and extranets, as well as maintain, resolve, and supervise the usage of LANs and WANs. It is their responsibility to monitor and improve the connectivity and efficiency of the network. Network technicians are in charge of both network and system issues. People can contact them anytime they have a problem, no matter what time of day it is.
Quick Facts for Network Technician
Information Technology
Average Salary in India
Suitable for
Male, Female
Individuals can take up a career as Network Technicians, it is not gender-specific. Men, women, and others can choose a career as Network Technicians. In India, a male and female Network Technician enjoy equal benefits because gender is insignificant in this career.
Any special needs
Everyone, including those with physical disabilities, is appropriate for individuals who opt for a career as Network Technicians. The career as Network Technicians is well suited to everyone, even those with special needs. They should have the desire to show the world that in all conditions, they can accomplish their goals.
Table of Contents for Network Technician
What is the role of Network Technician?
Individuals who opt for a career as Network technicians, also known as computer support specialists or computer network technicians, oversee an organization's computer network's everyday operations. These technicians assist with the installation of hardware and software. They provide technical assistance to clients and end-users through a variety of channels, including phone and live chat support. They also protect the computer network from cyber-attacks by downloading antivirus software and making sure it is maintained on a regular basis.
Manage network servers
Network technicians have access to a variety of programs that are used in a network. They design and maintain a company's network servers. Server blocks, crisscrossing network cables, and major malfunctions with the software and hardware components that run a company's networks can all be experienced by network technicians.
System analysis
Through the different activities involved in research, system analysis offers an avenue for alternatives within the system. To create a network configuration for a computer, network technicians analyze the device's details. System analysis is a planning technique that is often used in projects to ensure that a solution is implemented that meets the needs of the customer.
Types of a Network Technician
In this section, we have discussed the types of Network Technicians.
Computer Systems Engineer: Professionals who upgrade, alter, install, and evaluate software programs and hardware devices in a computer system are known as computer systems engineers. They write codes in programming languages that computer software can understand. Computer systems engineers are in charge of advising customers on how to install the right software or hardware on their computers to meet their needs.
Computer Systems Administrator: Computer systems administrators ensure that the workplace internet and mail server are up to date and running, as well as handling emails sent and received from all employees. When a company's network users experience a technological problem, computer systems administrators are the first people they contact. To meet business requirements, they install and upgrade computer components of a computer system.
What is the workplace/work environment of Network Technician like?
Does Network Technician require travelling?
Employment Shifts
Full Time, Part Time
Employment Nature
Contractual, Permanent
Work Place
Presence in Geographical Area
Semi-urban, Urban
Time Pressure
Weekly Hours of Work
Min 40 Hours
How to become a Network Technician?
Steps to become a Network Technician
For those intrigued by the intricate workings of computer networks, a career as a Network Technician in India beckons. This comprehensive guide on How to Become a Network Technician in India outlines essential steps, skills, and qualifications to navigate the realm of information technology and embark on a rewarding career.
What are the skills and qualities required to become a/an Network Technician?
This article describes how to become a Network Technician. Here, in this section, we have discussed some of the requirements to become a Network Technician.
Technical Skills: A thorough understanding of computer programming, software, and related technology is required of network technicians. To solve the problem and develop to be more impactful, effective technical skills and principles should be used. Technical abilities and expertise needed to accomplish specific tasks.
Communication Skills: Individuals who opt for a career as Network Technicians can often work individually, depending on their organisation, position, and project, but one can also work in groups and collaborate with software and hardware engineers, technicians, and other associates. Network Technicians must be able to communicate both verbally and in writing. They must be able to translate technical information to employees.
Attention to Detail: When operating on computer networks, Network Technicians must be precise in order to prevent errors. Clearly, these features play an important role in the daily lives of Network Technicians. An eye for details and due diligence for accuracy should be part of their daily routine.
Popular Online IT Courses and Certifications
Which certifications and internships can be helpful in becoming Network Technician?
We have mentioned below certifications that individuals may opt for who want to establish a career as a Network Technician.
Internship Availability
After graduation or during the semester break, students may apply for Network Technician internships. An internship is a chance for ambitious students to work for a set period of time in a business. Interns are usually students or recent graduates, and most internships last one to three months, with some lasting up to six months. Graduates are employed by a number of businesses in order to gain experience with emerging technology. The real-life experience is something that every student should be aware of.
Career Path Progression for Network Technician
Server Administrator: Server administrators manage a company's database servers to ensure that they operate smoothly. This is accomplished by updating software, maintaining hardware, developing and implementing new system architectures, resolving technical issues, tracking server operation, and auditing server protection.
Network Administrator: Network administrators determine an organization's objectives, install and manage the hardware and software required to achieve those goals, and troubleshoot any issues that occur during the project. They ensure that new users are properly trained in network usage and coworkers are properly sharing files so that they would not damage the network.
Network Technician Jobs and Salaries
Server administrator
- Average Salary 50000
- Junior Level Salary 25000
- Senior Level Salary 90000
Job Description
A server administrator manages server operating system such as email services, web services. He or she is also responsible for debugging any problems related to hardware, operating system and other applications.
Salary Description
A server administrator's salary is majorly based on the business that an individual works for. The salary increases with an increase in years of work experience. On average, a server administrator earns seven to eight lakh per annum. He or she receives more than five lakh a year at the initial stage and gets more than twelve lakh at the senior career level.
Network Administrator
- Average Salary 20000
Job Description
Network administrators set up, maintain and troubleshoot a company's network infrastructure. They will determine a company's requirements and track communication processes to ensure that information is properly distributed within the company.
Salary Description
The salaries of Network Administrators depend on career growth. The Network Administrators receive on average up to Rs. four lakhs a year. They get more than Rs. two lakhs a year at the early stage but finally get more than Rs. seven lakhs at the senior level.
What is the job outlook for Network Technician?
Over the last decade, network technician jobs have been in high demand, as businesses have increased their IT networks. New networks are being built and updated, and existing networks will continue to provide employment opportunities for network technicians. Besides that, advances in healthcare technology could expand new job opportunities. The job market for aspiring Network Engineers is quite promising. Individuals who opt for a career as Network Technicians with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree are now in demand. The majority of companies seek candidates who are trained and also have taken courses in this particular field.
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Frequently Asked Questions for Network Technician
Que. What is the role of a network technician?
Ans.Designing and installing functional computer networks, connections and wiring are among the duties of a network technician. They ensure the network's long-term efficiency, diagnose problems device failures and identify bottlenecks.
Que. Does networking require coding?
Ans.Network operators would not be learning to program. They are not required to do so. Programmers can build software that collects data and offers user interfaces for change settings.
Que. What is a network analyst job?
Ans.Companies hire network analysts to make them improve and manage their IT infrastructure. Analyzing network requirements, setting up computer networks in one or more locations, and configuring computer hardware and software for efficient network connectivity are among their responsibilities.
Que. What is a network service technician?
Ans.Network support technicians perform activities such as network construction and maintenance. They also diagnose computer problems as well as provide employees with technical assistance and advice. The aim of this job is to build and maintain well-functioning network systems that aid in the smooth functioning of the organization.
Que. What is the highest salary for network technician?
Ans.The highest salary for a network technician varies based on factors like experience, certifications, and industry demand but can be lucrative in the information technology sector.
Que. Is network technician a good job?
Ans.Yes, being a network technician can be a rewarding job, offering opportunities for growth in the ever-evolving field of information technology.
Que. What does a network technician do?
Ans.A network technician is responsible for configuring, maintaining, and troubleshooting computer networks, ensuring seamless connectivity and resolving technical issues.
Que. What skills do you need to be a network support technician?
Ans.To be a network support technician, essential skills include proficiency in network protocols, troubleshooting abilities, and knowledge of hardware and software.
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