Careers In Sociology: Avenues, Job Roles, Real-Life Examples

Careers In Sociology: Avenues, Job Roles, Real-Life Examples

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Nov 18, 2024 04:02 PM IST

A popular subject right from high school onwards, Sociology focusses on individuals and groups within various social contexts. It is an extensive study of social life, social causes and consequences of human behaviour, social change, and much more. Deep diving into race, caste, ethnicity, class, and various other social silos is an essential aspect of Sociology and the subsequent careers in Sociology.

Careers In Sociology: Avenues, Job Roles, Real-Life Examples
Careers In Sociology: Avenues, Job Roles, Real-Life Examples

While a large number of students grow fond of Sociology as a subject as they get exposure to it in high school, they are often not aware that interest and proficiency in the subject can help them craft a promising career in Sociology. In fact, it is one of the most relatable subjects as it addresses social problems and challenges that people can easily identify with.

With the help of some real-life examples (names changed), this article highlights some of the areas that can be pursued after a degree for careers in Sociology. Let us take a look.


This is one of the most interesting careers in Sociology. Saman completed her graduation in Sociology. Being a quick worker and exceptional writer, she decided to pursue a postgraduate degree in journalism. In her career in Sociology, she is currently working for the online department of a leading Indian magazine that focuses on social issues and dilemmas. She writes and researches social viewpoints and challenges and has a column every week. Her last column was about the psychological impact of live-in relationships on both partners, for which she interviewed and spoke to over 10 couples living in different cities in India. Her training and sensitivity to social issues during her undergraduate years helps her craft her column and communicate effectively with her readers.

Communications And Public Relations

If you are a graduate in Sociology, good at initiating and maintaining contacts, and feel you can handle the pressure of media and the news, then one career in Sociology for you could be that in public relations To become a public relations specialist, you need to be willing to work long hours, have exceptional people skills, stay updated with the market and like networking and socialising.

As a student wanting to pursue a career in Sociology, you are likely to understand your audience better and build a more effective and fruitful rapport to meet your organisational objectives. You may want to pursue a postgraduation in Public Relations, though it won’t be a mandate.

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News Anchors, Show Hosts, Jockeys

News anchors, hosts, and radio jockeys need exceptional language and people skills. They need to project their voice and communicate heartfully to their audience in different shows and on varied topics. As a Sociology graduate, you will be well-equipped to host shows on policy and people-related matters and bring more awareness on social challenges and issues. The rising number of channels and shows make this a career worth considering, given that engaging with the masses on pertinent topics is something you enjoy. To pursue this career in Sociology, you may also start a podcast or social media channel of your own to spread awareness on specific topics of interest.

Non-Government Sector

Nathan is keenly following the news regarding the anti-abortion stance of the US government in 2022. He is reading the news to understand different perspectives and is chatting with his cousin who is residing in the US. He is wondering how this law will impact the socio-emotional and economic health of teenagers, families, and society at large. Nathan is majoring in Sociology in a leading university in India and is keen to understand sexual behaviours among the youth. To pursue a promising career in Sociology he plans to work in the non-government sector and contribute to sexual education and awareness amongst the teens and youth in India. He is a keen writer and has been blogging on the topic of lack of adequate sexual awareness and education for the past few years. Many students who pursue a career in Sociology opt for the non-government sector either as fundraisers, development officers or project associates who implement social interventions and projects. These could be full-time or contractual engagements.


Nicole is a north-eastern student who is pursuing a doctorate in a reputed university in the north of India. Over the years, she has learnt to call the city her home, has made many friends, and has a good support system. However, this was not the case when she arrived six years ago from her home in the north-east. She was often bullied, harassed, or even socially ignored. She soon realised the challenges of students who come from smaller and remote corners to the main cities. She is currently pursuing doctoral research on how minority communities change and adapt to the norms and requirements of larger cities. Alongside her research to further her career in Sociology, she is also teaching postgraduate students in her university. She hopes to become a professor in the same university in a few years and make the department more welcoming to students who come from remote corners of the country.

She will of course need to clear the National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) and publish a few research papers to qualify for a teaching role. She is open to both private and government universities for employment opportunities.

Some of Nicole’s postgraduate friends who did not wish to pursue research, have opted for Sociology job opportunities to teach in schools at the higher secondary level. They are undergoing a BEd program to equip them with the necessary degrees and training.

After the pay commission revisions, teaching careers are sought after in India. Working for institutions and schools that adhere to the pay commission norms turns out more lucrative for aspirants.

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Corporate Sector

Sociology job opportunities for graduates and postgraduates in the subject can be sought in human resources departments at large organisations. Many companies visit campuses to recruit employee engagement officers, wellness officers, trainers and students who want to make a career in the corporate world. You may join soon after a degree in Sociology or pursue an additional degree or diploma in Human Resources to qualify for this position. Corporate roles are usually lucrative, and you may also pursue certifications and courses online to continuously upgrade and skill yourself. Many consulting organisations also recruit sociology graduates who have strong analytical and writing skills to contribute to their intellectual capital and research wing. You may also support consultants who are client-facing with backend research and data analysis that helps the team provide consulting inputs.


If you have a good eye for detail and are equally good with numbers and content analysis, then the role of a social sciences researcher is great in context of career opportunities in Sociology. Researchers are often hired contractually in India in the social as well as education sector. Most research projects are funded with clear objectives and deliverables, making it a huge learning experience. Your research and analytical experience can be useful in future studies, social science research organisations, conducting market research as well as pursuing careers in the government and non-governmental sectors. Management consultants and think tanks also hire researchers for their studies and publications. Graduates with good data handling and writing skills looking for Sociology job opportunities are considered for this role.

Indian Administrative Services

Many Sociology graduates looking for career opportunities in Sociology who have a keen interest in working for the upliftment of the nation attempt the UPSC exams and try to join the government ranks. The process for this is competitive and tedious, however, the respect, job stability and monetary rewards make it worthwhile for many. As a government officer, you have the power and position to effectively design and implement policies for national and social development.


As a Sociology graduate, there are many career opportunities in Sociology. If you find that you enjoy working with individuals and guiding them you may choose to work as a counsellor with a school, an underprivileged home, or any organisation from the social sector. Additional certifications, and preferably a degree in Psychology are needed to function effectively as a counsellor.

The relevance of Sociology as a subject to learn and understand cannot be emphasised enough. Greater awareness of social problems and how they can be tackled, addressed, or alleviated is both an occupational as well as a life skill.

So, read, research, evaluate what you want, go on and make that career work for the upliftment of society.

Dr. Srividya is an Organisational Psychologist, Career, and Personal Growth Coach. She works with teens, parents, adults, and returning professionals, to help them align their personal and professional needs, and desires, and overcome personal and professional challenges. She can be reached at


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