Master These Top Data Analyst Skills For a Successful Career

Master These Top Data Analyst Skills For a Successful Career

Edited By Chandana P | Updated on Mar 19, 2025 09:49 AM IST

The role of data analyst has become indispensable in today's world. Organisations are heavily relying on decisions that are data-driven. This in turn fuels the demand for data analysts in the current job market. The initial step to build a successful career in data analysis, is to develop key skills required to become a data analyst. In this article we explore the most important data analyst skills in detail.

Master These Top Data Analyst Skills For a Successful Career
Master These Top Data Analyst Skills For a Successful Career

Who Is A Data Analyst ?

A Data analyst is a skilled professional who interprets data sets by analysing and identifying the trends, patterns and correlations. They are responsible for deriving data driven conclusions for organisations to optimise their business. Data analysts transform raw data into applicable information to help the organisation make an informed decision.

Role of a Data Analyst:

  • Database Management

  • Data Cleaning

  • Data Analysis

  • Data Extraction

  • Data Visualisation

Top Skills For A Data Analyst

Data analysis is one of the most desired and sought-after careers today. Knowledge and expertise in certain skills are required to become a data analyst. Lets discuss important skills needed for a data analyst to thrive in this field.

1. SQL

SQL or Structured Query Language is a domain specific language that is used to communicate with the database. It is one of the most important skills required to become a data analyst, as many of the interviews for data analyst roles include a technical SQL interview round.

Key Aspects:

  • Relational database

  • Query and Sub-query

  • Joins

  • Clauses/Operators

  • Aggregate functions

  • Query Optimization

  • Triggers

2. Data Visualization

Data visualization involves presenting data in a visually appealing manner. Data analysts should be able to transform data into understandable and interesting charts, graphs and dashboards. This is one of the most in demand data analyst skills required to land a higher paying job role. To excel in the field of data analysis, it is recommended to learn tools such as:

  • Power BI

  • Excel

  • Tableau

3.Programming Languages

Understanding of Programming languages is an important data analyst skill. Programming languages are an important factor for data analysis to optimally manipulate and analyse data. One of the most common and widely used programming languages is Python.

Key Aspects

  • Fundamentals of Python include:

  • Lists and Dictionaries

  • loops and Modules

  • functions

  • Variables and Data Types

Other Programming Languages:

  • R- Used for statistical analysis, data visualization and machine learning

  • SAS- Used to perform complex statistical analysis

4 Statistics

Statistics is an essential part of data analysis. This is one of the fundamental skills needed for data analyst to understand and carry out their responsibilities effectively. It is important for freshers to have a significant grasp of statistical methods such as,

  • Descriptive statistics

  • Probability Theory

  • Correlation and regression


Excel is an important tool for data analysis that helps in manipulating, analysing and visualising data. Excel proficiency is one among the top skills for data analysts that can help you land in a position that pays you well.

Key Aspects:

  • Pivot Tables

  • Conditional Formatting

  • Filters


  • Chart

  • Data validation

  • Macros

6. Machine Learning

Machine Learning involves enabling computers and machines to mimic the way humans think without specifically programming. Machine Learning is used to derive patterns in large data sets and is used for advanced analysis. While not strictly mandatory, machine learning is one of the valuable data analysis skills required for success.

Key Aspects

  • Supervised learning

  • Unsupervised learning

  • Neural networks and deep learning

Common Machine Learning Algorithms:

  • Decision tree

  • Linear regression

  • Logistic regression

  • Support Vector Machine, and more

The demand for data analysts is on the rise. If you are thinking about pursuing a career in data analysis, developing top skills for data analysts like SQL, Programming, Excel and Statistical Analysis will be highly rewarding.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Data analysis a good career choice?

Yes, It is high in demand and comes with great benefits and a higher salary even at the entry-level.

2. How much does a data analyst earn in India?

In India, a data analyst with experience ranging from 0 to 6 years can earn between Rs. 1.8 Lakh - Rs. 12.4 Lakhs per annum. This can vary according to the experience, qualification, and location of the organization.

(Salary Source: Ambitionbox)

3. What is the difference between a data analyst and a data-scientist?

Data analysts analyze existing data and gather insights while data scientists develop advanced models to predict trends.

4. What is the educational background required for a data analyst job?

Typically a bachelor's degree in data science , statistics, mathematics, or computer science  is required to become a data analyst.

5. Does a data analyst job require coding skills?

Coding skills are not always mandatory in data analysis but can be beneficial in this field.


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Yes. No doubt it will be beneficial. It is only going to open doors for you when you move towards getting a job. The certificate of data analytics will make your resume more complete.

Combination of BBA and data analytics is always good and does help in the future. With the help of certificate in data analytics, you can get into business analytics if you have great analytical skills.

Hello aspirant,

Hope you are doing well

Both the courses you mentioned are equally good .

The job roles offered for both the courses are pretty good.

Firstly it is important to know the course in which you are interested and then take up that .

Hope this helps you

All the best!

BSc Data Science is a 3 year full-time course that comes under the domains of Computer Science, Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

Data Science is an interdisciplinary subject that includes the use of Statistics , Big Data Analytics , Machine Learning and related aspects in order to understand the problem or phenomena with respect to a set of real-world data.

This course is highly popular among students in India and Abroad because of its increasingly high demand and diverse future scope in tech companies, consultancies, market research companies and energy sector.

Admission to this course usually takes place on the basis of merit and performance in the university level Common Entrance Tests. The minimum eligibility required is the completion of Class 12 with Science stream (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics).

IT is a particular subject with data science.


BSc Data Science focuses on statistics, big data analytics, machine learning and related aspects which make you understand the problems/phenomena with respect to a set of real world data whereas BSc IT revolves around the processing and management of information in a systematic way through the subjects technical communication skills , data structure using c language, content management system, etc.
So you can have a rough idea about the two courses but which one is better is something only you can decide as you will know better which subject interests you more.

Hello Apu sarkar, Both the Universities are best for bsc and infastructure is also good but facilities are more in TIU like sports campus, wifi campus, and many more and they all are not in MAKAUT and placement is also good at TIU. So I personally preferred you to go for TIU.

Hope it will be helpful for you :)

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