Top Career Options For A Political Science Major

Top Career Options For A Political Science Major

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Nov 07, 2024 01:01 PM IST

Schools start educating students about the constitution, political parties, manifestos, democracy, and political ideology early, when they teach Civics or Political Science to middle school students. Every few years children see their parents going to vote, and may even watch the political analyses of parties and votes on the news channels.

Top Career Options For A Political Science Major
Top Career Options For A Political Science Major

Apart from this, there is the constant threat of national security, war, conflict at the borders, and peace talks to ensure normalcy in states and countries across the world. There is certainly a dearth of good political scientists who understand the complexity of these matters. There is also a need to highlight the different applications of this subject and the various fields that need experts in political science. Hence, we shall now talk about some career options in political science.

Government Services

One of the key areas where political science majors can contribute includes positions in the government or administrative services. These are well-established, hierarchical, and stable jobs that serve as the foundation of the country and help in running the country effectively. Entry into government jobs is usually through exams conducted by government bodies like the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), and the like.


A psephologist works on understanding and analysing elections and polls. A keen understanding of political science, data analysis, and voter psychology with a very analytical mind is useful in pursuing this profession. Psephologists are in great demand during election times, and for conducting analysis and documentation throughout the year. This profession is relatively less established in India and there are a few key names in this field. Once you establish yourself, this can be a lucrative and rewarding career option.


Many political science students have a flair for journalism and news reporting. Honest and factual journalistic write-ups and news are the need of the hour. Students of political science have an edge in helping the masses understand the political stands of the different parties, and how this affects the well-being of citizens. A post graduate degree in journalism and communication usually helps in getting into this career option, although it may not be mandatory.

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Almost everyone is familiar with teachers of social studies and political sciences in schools. Teaching in schools requires you to be a postgraduate in Political Science, and also follow it up with a Bachelor’s in Education (BEd). College lecturers and professors need to have a Doctorate in Political Science and pass the National Eligibility Test (NET). Political scientists who take up teaching typically need to keep researching, writing, and publishing papers in prominent political journals, for their own growth and advancement. The more eminent academicians also serve as advisors in political strategy and national security to the Government of India.

Social Media

The media plays a vital role in making a candidate popular and credible. Political Science graduates who have a good understanding of social media are needed to manage political campaigns and build the credibility of politicians through media. Students of political science may acquire degrees and certifications in social media strategies and branding. You can either join political branding organisations or engage in consulting and freelance work. This can be a lucrative profession after you establish yourself in the market.

Conflict Management

An undergraduate degree in political science followed by a post graduate degree in Peace and Conflict Studies usually prepares a student well to work as a consultant who becomes an arbitrator or helps manage a dispute or conflict. An expert in conflict management may undertake projects with the United Nations and associated organisations. Several social science research organisations also welcome students with degrees in Political Science and Peace Studies to conduct and document more research studies. Additionally, there are non-governmental organisations that play a vital role in conflict prevention and management.

Gender And Diversity Inclusion

If the differential treatment based on gender, caste, race, skin colour, and the like are topics you feel passionately about, then pursuing a post graduate course in Gender Studies after a Bachelor’s in Political Science may be of great interest to you. The differential treatment and entitlements are essentially a result of power struggle and unequal division of benefits and rewards. These are real-world applications of political behaviour, psychology, and unconscious biases. Employment is usually available in universities, NGOs, government bodies, consulting firms, and organisations.

Policy Analyses

As the governing bodies develop and suggest policies in education, employment, budgets etc., it is essential for professionals to study and analyse these policies and their effects. A public policy analyst needs to be a critical thinker with excellent research, writing and analysis skills. Usually, a post graduate degree in Public Policy is essential after an undergraduate degree in Political Science to pursue this option. Further, you need to have a deeply analytical mind, the ability to understand the world and national politics, and a keen interest in working for the benefit of others.


Many political science graduates show a keen interest in law and litigation. In India, after an undergraduate degree in political science, you can pursue a 3-year LLB course. Law courses after class 12 are typically five years in duration.

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Students of political science and law can pursue careers in corporate law, civil law, criminal law, judiciary, and the like. Additionally, they can also pursue a career in legal journalism, which is a relatively upcoming area of work and focuses on providing legal literacy to the citizens of a country.

Labour Relations And Human Resource

Negotiations with labour, blue-collar workers, and factory unions are a natural extension of political science and its applications. These negotiations usually require a good understanding of relevant laws, political processes, class-based prejudices, and negotiation tactics. Students of political science can pursue a post graduate course in Labour Relations or Industrial Relations, to carve a career in this area. If you are good at understanding different facets of negotiation and can communicate with people in high-stress situations, this might be a good option for you. It is usually a well-paid corporate job.

Public Relations

The process of establishing and building a relationship with the media and public requires persuasive and impactful communication skills. Political Science graduates who understand the political ideology and philosophy of specific candidates and parties can draft compelling reports and articles in the media, to help establish and continue a relationship with the media. To pursue this career, you may want to complete a course in media and public relations.

Research And Publication

Social Science researchers are needed to conduct studies, understand trends, analyse data, compile records, and write research articles in books, journals, and for conferences. A political scientist who wants to join research needs a post graduate degree, or even more preferably, a doctorate. A publishing house may also take editors who are graduates, provided they have good writing skills and a keen eye for detail. To thrive in this career, you need to be a critical thinker, have insight, and excellent language skills.


The country needs honest and hardworking candidates to serve in positions of party membership and leadership. While there is no specific qualification needed by a politician, it helps to formally study political science to serve larger interests with the right intent. It is also useful to analyse and work through political processes in the parties. Leadership, communication skills, and resilience are other characteristics needed to become a politician.

Social Activism

Social Activists are individuals who pick specific issues that are of community interest, but are either being hurt or ignored by the government or the policies of the land. This could be related to geographical boundaries, usage of natural resources like water, deforestation, industrial pollution, and the like. A social activist needs to have great passion for the cause they are fighting for, and need to cast an influence on the affected communities and members for the latter to join them in their agitation. Persuasion skills, political skills, resilience, communication, and a strong network are often needed to be a successful social activist. There are no salaries or earnings in this field to start with. However, after the initial few years, you can ask for funding from organisations and individual donors, which may help you with finances and a modest lifestyle too.

Political Science is one of the most relevant subjects that is taught in school, in the sense that the need for its application, and subsequent results, are visible and evident. Its application in everyday life can help end war, avoid conflict, reduce discrimination, and look at more equitable distribution of resources through peaceful negotiations. We need many talented and well-intentioned political scientists to facilitate smooth growth of the country.


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