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CFT Full Form

CFT Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 06, 2023 04:47 PM IST

What is the full form of CFT?

CFT stands for Complement Fixation Test. One of the most important conventional tests, blood serum diagnostic analysis, is used to find antibodies in a person's serum samples based on whether fixation is present or not. The main application of CFT is for illness diagnosis. The most widely used nomenclature among physicians and pharmacists around the world is the abbreviation CFT. This test has mostly been used to identify patient infections and stop the sickness from spreading. Depending on whether or not complement fixation takes place, the complement fixation test is an immunology diagnostic evaluation that can predict the presence of a certain antibody or antigen in clinical material.

Origin of CFT

Jules Bordet was the one who first came up with the concept for this test and used it to cure syphilis, a terrible illness that is incredibly common. However, August Paul von Wassermann, a German bacteriologist, Albert Neisser, a German dermatologist and venereologist, and Carl Bruck broadened the scope of CFT. Bordet-Wassermann is another name for the Wassermann response. The test is used to treat many illnesses, including liver disease.

The fundamentals of CFT testing

Only by closely examining the underlying ideas can we fully comprehend the purpose of CFT testing. The complement fixation test measures serum antibodies that do not react with antigens to produce any apparent precipitate. Therefore, using complements is essential for a good blood test. The normal serum contains large amounts of complements, which are made up of 9 necessary protein components.

Requirements for the CFT test system

Test system

  • Antigen: viral ag/cardiolipin/washed sheep RBCs(Red Blood Cells)

  • Hemolysin: Patient serum after inactivation

Complement ( Guinea Pig serum)

  • Signaling system RBCs from sheep-coated 4MHD hemolysin.

  • For incubation, use a water bath

  • Microscopic plate

  • Microtiter plate centrifuge adaptor

  • Barbiturates diluent ( normal saline added with calcium and magnesium)

  • Comparable color standards

Requirements for the indicator system of CFT

  • Microbial test tubes.

  • Plate adapters for centrifuges.

  • Saline solution with calcium and magnesium

  • Conventional colour conventions.

  • For incubation, use a water bath.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is a CFT(complement fixation test)necessary?

Finding the existence of antibodies is the goal of CFT testing. The CFT(complement fixation test) is a blood test that uses the serum to detect a specific antigen.

2. When is an indicator system of CFT inactivated?

The indicator system of CFT gets inactivated by heating it for around 30 minutes at 56 degrees Celsius.

3. What sets off the complement fixation in CFT?

Every antigen-antibody response involving the presence or development of a heterogeneous phase results in complement fixation (red cells, bacteria, precipitate).

4. What is applied to the indicator system in CFT?

Sheep RBCs are covered with the anti-sheep and are applied to the indication system.

5. What does the CFT suggest in a positive result?

The presence of antibodies and subsequent syphilis infection are both indicated by a positive result.

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