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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Candidates can find the Farm Machinery course on the Swayam website. Swayam was envisioned by the Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development of the government of India to make access to education possible for all economic strata of society. 

Swayam does not charge any course fee and the courses are created by researchers and scholars from India’s topmost institutes. But candidates who would like to get a certificate from Swayam need to pay an exam fee to be eligible for the end-term proctored exam, which is a compulsory requirement for getting Swayam certified.

The Farm Machinery course by Swayam is designed for people involved with agricultural engineering. They learn about the components and structure of basic modern horticultural equipment along with the basic principles of modern technology like sensors, embedded systems, image processing, and microcontrollers. 

The course contents consist of basic principles and the correct utilization of modern techniques. Custom hiring, use of machines, and small farm mechanization techniques are also discussed in detail with real-life examples.

The Highlights

  • Reading material (print/download)
  • Video lectures
  • Online discussion forums 
  • Self-assessment tests and quizzes
  • Duration, of course, is 12 weeks
  • Undergraduate level course
  • Transfer credits to university courses
  • Proctored end-term exam to be given in person 
  • IIT Kharagpur and NPTEL will validate the certification

Programme Offerings

  • assignments
  • tests
  • quizzes
  • Government accepted certificate
  • group discussions
  • Real-Life problem-solving Skills.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Kharagpur

The certificate exam fees for the course is given below -

Course name

Course fee

Farm Machinery(with certificate)

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

Candidates that clear the end-term exam and complete their course assignments are given a certificate of completion for the Farm Machinery course by Swayam. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of engineering
  • Candidates will learn about the design, structure, and components of horticultural machines and equipment
  • They learn about modern technologies like image processing tools, microcontrollers, sensors, embedded systems
  • The use of machinery, custom hiring, and mechanization of small farms is also taught in-depth
  • The course also gives many examples and solutions to teach candidates real-life problem-solving skills

Who it is for

The Farm Machinery course is mainly mapped out for:

  • Machinery manufacturing sector professionals
  • Practicing engineering employees
  • Researchers can also take this course to improve their job prospects and their skill set.

Admission Details

Steps to register self for the Farm Machinery course on the Swayam website

  • Visit the course catalog on the Swayam website :
  • Press the button for ‘Sign-in/Register’
  • Use password and username to login to existing Swayam account
  • If there is no existing account, then enter email id, username, and password and create a new account
  • Verify the email id for the new account with the verification code sent by mail
  • Candidates who would like to get a certificate to have an added step of registration and payment of exam fee for the end-term exam

The Syllabus

  • Importance of farm machines in the contest of enhance production, multiple cropping labour scarcity etc.  

  • Ploughing and first opening of the soil the design and component details

  • Machinery of seedbed preparation operation.

  • Equipment for sowing and planting and inter cultivation

  • Variable Rate Fertilizer Applicator
  • Microprocessor Based Herbicide Applicator
  • Spraying etc

  • Equipment for irrigation

  • Machinery for crop harvesting design and operation 

  • Root crop harvesting machinery

  • Machinery for horticultural crops

  • Equipment for crop protection and disease control

  • Machinery for transport and material handling

  • Machinery for land drainage, reclamation and estate maintenance

Evaluation process

Candidates need to register themselves for the exam. During registration, candidates have to choose from a list of exam centres, a location which will be easy for them to reach. The exam is proctored and has to be written in-person on the declared time and date. Final marks that will be put on the certificate – 75 percent comes from exam score + 25 percent is taken from average assignment score.

Calculation of average assignment score – 25 percent of the average of best 8 assessments of a candidate out of total 12 assessments conducted. Calculating the exam score - 75 percent of the marks received by a candidate in the certification exam of 100 marks. 

Candidates can be eligible for the certificate only if their average marks from assignments are more than 10 out of 25 marks and they score more than 30 out of 75 marks in the end-term exam. If any one of these stipulations are not met then candidates will not get the certificate (even if they score more than 40 out of 100 marks in the end-term exam)


IIT Kharagpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What are the credentials of Professor V.K.Tiwari, the course instructor?

Professor V.K.Tiwari completed his B.Tech, M.Tech, and PhD from India’s prestigious IIT system. He has been a faculty member of IIT Kharagpur for more than 35 years. He teaches farm machinery, design, farm power, engineering ergonomics, and precision agriculture.

2: Is the Swayam certification valid?

Swayam is a government-run online educational portal. The Farm Machinery course certification is verified by both IIT Kharagpur and NPTEL. The credits from the Swayam course can also be transferred according to UGC guidelines.

3: Can the end-term exam be answered from home?

Candidates have to go in-person to the examination centre chosen by them and answer the end-term examination question paper.

4: How to get more details about the Farm Machinery course by Swayam?

Press the ‘Swayam Helpline/Support’ option on the bottom of the Farm Machinery course webpage. A pop-up box will ask candidates to select the Swayam National Coordinator for the course. NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is the course coordinator for the Farm Machinery course by Swayam. 



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