- Introduction to Accounting
- Basic Accounting Terms
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Self study
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Video and Text Based
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The syllabus
Introduction to Bookkeeping & Accountancy
Fundamentals of Accounting
- Entity| Going Concern Principle| Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP) 1
- Let's Revise
- Money Measurement|Cost Principle|GAAP|2
- Let's Revise
- Revenue Recognition|Objective Evidence Principle|GAAP|3
- Dual Aspect|Matching Principle|GAAP|4
- Accrual Basis|Cash Basis Principle|GAAP|5
- Accounting Period Principle|Revision of All Accounting Principles|GAAP|6
- Accounting Conventions|GAAP|7
- Classification of Accounts|Real|Personal|Nominal
- Golden Rules of Debit & Credit
- Accounting Equation
Process to Prepare Financial Statement of a sole proprietor
- Glimpse of Procedure to prepare financial statements
- Source Documents -1|Receipt & Payment Vouchers|Credit and Debit Notes
- Source Documents - 2 |Bank Documents
- Introduction to Journal | Recording of Transactions in Books
- Journal Entries | Accounting entries of Recorded Transactions
- Introduction to Subsidiary Books | Recording of transactions in different books
- Cash Book - Types of subsidiary books
- Petty Cash Book - Type of Subsidiary books
- Ledger | Transferring transactions from Primary Books
- Bank Reconciliation statement | Comparison of Bank Book & Cash Book
- Quiz on Bank Reconciliation Statement - 1
- Trial Balance | Finalizing of Ledger Balances
- Depreciation - Adjustments in financial statement
- Provisions & Reserves - Adjustments in financial statement
- Errors & Rectification - Adjustment in financial statement
- Quiz on Errors & Rectification
- Closing Stock - Adjustments in financial statements
- Bad debts - Adjustment in financial statements
- Adjustments in Financial statements | Incomes & Expenses
- Quiz on Adjustments in financial statements
- Financial Statements - 1 | Format of Financial Statement
- Financial Statement - 2 | Recording of Balances in Statements & Accounts
- Quiz on Financial Statements -1
- Quiz on Financial Statement - 2
- Reading of Financial Statement
- Comparing & Analyzing two financial statement
- Finding missing information by comparing Financial Statements
- Deriving Cash/Bank Summary from 2 years statement
- Deriving Missing financial Statement from available information
- Quiz on Whole Accounting Cycle
Partnership Accounting
- Types of Business Organization
- Introduction to patnership
- Partnership Final Account - Problem solving - 1
- Partnership Final Account - Problem solving - 2
- Admission of a Partner | Reconstitution Of Partnership Firm
- Admission of a Partner | Problem - Solving - 1
- Admission of a Partner | Problem - Solving - 2
- Retirement Of a Partner | Reconstitution of Partnership Firm
- Retirement Of a Partner | Problem-Solving
- Calculation of Profit Sharing Ratios
- Interesting & Challenging Quiz | Profit Sharing Ratio
- Valuation of Goodwill
- Interesting & Challenging Quiz | Valuation of Goodwill
- Accounting treatment of goodwill
- Interesting & Challenging Quiz | Accounting Treatment of Goodwill
- Dissolution of partnership
- Dissolution of Partnership Firm - Problem Solving
- Piecemeal Distribution
Accounting of Non-Profit Organisation
- Introduction to Non-Profit Organisations
- Non-Profit Organisations - Problem solving
Accounting from Incomplete Records
- Single entry system
- Single entry system - Problem Solving
Accounting of Bill of Exchange
- Introduction to Bill of Exchange
- Interesting & Challenging Quiz | Bill of Exchange
- Accounting Entries of Bill of Exchange - 1
- Accounting Entries of Bill of Exchange - 2
Company Accounting
- Introduction to Joint Stock Company
- Sources of Funds | Shares | Debentures
- Issue of Shares - Accounting Entries - 1
- Issue of Shares - Accounting Entries - 2
- Issue of Shares - Problem Solving - 1
- Issue of Shares - Problem Solving - 2
- Introduction to Debentures
- Accounting Entries of Debentures
- Forfeiture and Re-issue of shares
- Redemption of Debentures
Cash Flow Statements
- Cash Flow Statements: Introduction, Importance & Basic Concepts
- Operating, Investing, Financing Activities Format
- Direct Method Preparation in Cash Flow Statement
- Indirect Method Preparation in Cash Flow
Complete course of Consignment Accounting and Problem Solving
- What is Consignment? Introduction to Consignment
- Let's Revise
- Basic Terminologies of Consignment Accounting
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