Unreal Engine 4 : Complete Creation of Two Natural Scenes


Learn how to use the Unreal Engine with Speedtree to render natural scenes in real-time.




₹ 199 995

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

Unreal Engine 4: Complete Creation of Two Natural Scenes online course focuses on teaching students how to make their sceneries with advanced rendering, as well as how to build all vegetation models such as trees, ground vegetation, or more generic vegetation such as ferns or clovers. The course will also teach students how to use Unreal Engine 3's hidden features and how to build models in 3ds Max using the Megascans library textures.

Unreal Engine 4: Complete Creation of Two Natural Scenes online certification is created by Michael Gerard - Vegetation Artist & Instructor and presented by Eduonix, an ed-tech organization aimed at providing skill development courses. The course is designed for individuals who are interested in designing the in-game environment for video and other graphic projects.

Participants taking Unreal Engine 4: Complete Creation of Two Natural Scenes online training are expected to have a basic understanding of Unreal Engine 4, including item placement and camera movement. Participants are advised to have a personal computer running Windows 10 (64 bits) with installed software such as Unreal Engine 4 (version 4.22.3 or higher), Speedtree 8.4, Quixel Mixer, Bridge, Photoshop or equivalent, Winrar or 7zip to decompress resources, and optionally, a 3D modelling software (Blender / 3DS Max / Cinema 4D / Maya). Students who are interested in taking the course must purchase a subscription.

The highlights

  • Self-paced course
  • English videos with subtitles
  • 50.83 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • 270 online lectures
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Accessible on portable devices

Program offerings

  • Self-paced course
  • English videos with subtitles
  • Pre-recorded video content
  • 270 online lectures
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Accessible on portable devices

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 199  ₹995
certificate availability


What you will learn

After completing the Unreal Engine 4: Complete Creation of Two Natural Scenes certification course, learners will have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of Unreal Engine, Speedtree, and how they are utilized to create natural scenes and models in video games such as landscapes, vegetation, and assets. Candidates will be able to depict a scene while real-time rendering, adjust the lighting appearance, textures, and renders using Photoshop, build any foliage assets with Speedtree, textures with Quixel Mixer, and HDRIs with Nvidia Ansel.

The syllabus

Section 1 : Introduction

  • Final Render 
  • Resources
  • About Copyrights 
  • Complete Project Overview 

Section 2 : Speedtree - Common Trees

  • Interface Overview 
  • Creation of Our Trunk
  • Add Texture on Our Trunk
  • Add Relief With Displacement
  • Add Branches
  • Creation of Our Fronds Clusters (Part.1)
  • Creation of Our Fronds Clusters (Part.2)
  • Creation of Model From Clusters
  • Tweak Settings
  • Add Wind to our Tree
  • Configure AO and LODs
  • Export and Test in UE4
  • Anchor Points Overview
  • Randomize Function
  • Creation of Second Model
  • Creation of Dead Fronds and Third Model
  • Creation of Third Model
  • Add Wind to Third Model

Section 3 : Speedtree - Dead Trees

  • Creation of our First Dead Model
  • Creation of Our Second Dead Model (Part.1)
  • Creation of Our Second Dead Model (Part.2)
  • Add Some "Decorations"
  • Add Peelings in Our Trunks

Section 4 : Speedtree - Saplings

  • Creation of Our First Model
  • Creation of Other Models
  • Set Wind 

Section 5 : Speedtree - Export to UE4

  • Export and Test in UE4
  • Tweaks and "Reimport"

Section 6 : Unreal Engine 4 - Foliage Material Master

  • Creation of Material Function "FoliageSet" (Part.1)
  • Creation of Material Function "FoliageSet" (Part.2)
  • Add Base Color and First Test
  • Add Parameters (Emissive, Roughness, Specular...)
  • Configuration of Normal
  • Gradient Function Update
  • End of Our Material Function
  • Set Billboards
  • Clean Function
  • Creation of our Function of Bark
  • Creation of All Instances
  • Clean Trees Folder

Section 7 : 3ds Max / Speedtree / UE4 - Grass Sets Creation

  • Setup 3ds Project
  • Creation of our First Two Models
  • Creation of our Third Models
  • Export to Speedtree and Setup Project
  • Creation of Our Tall Grass Set (Part.1)
  • Creation of Our Tall Grass Set (Part.2)
  • First Test in UE4 and Improve of Vegetation Material Master
  • Configure LODs, AO and Wind
  • Creation of Our Medium Grass Set
  • Creation of Our Small Grass Set
  • Final Export in UE4 (Merged)

Section 8 : 3ds Max / Speedtree / UE4 - "Dry" Plants Sets Creation

  • About Models Creation
  • 3ds Max - Model 01 Creation 
  • 3ds Max - Model 02 Creation 
  • 3ds Max - Model 03 Creation 
  • Speedtree - First Set Creation (Part.1)
  • Speedtree - First Set Creation (Part.2)
  • Speedtree - Complete Second Set Creation
  • Speedtree - Complete Third Set Creation

Section 9 : Unreal Engine 4 - About Optimization (Part.1)

  • UE4 - Issues With Merged Textures
  • Unreal Engine 4 - Visual Comparaison
  • Unreal Engine 4 - Statistics Comparaison

Section 10 : 3ds Max / Speedtree / UE4 - "Plants" Sets Creation

  • (s) 3ds Max - Creation of the First Model
  • (s) 3ds Max - Creation of the Second Model
  • (s) 3ds Max - Creation of the Third Model
  • (s) 3ds Max - Creation of the Fourth Model
  • Speedtree / UE4 - Complete First Set Creation
  • Speedtree / UE4 - Complete Second Set Creation
  • Speedtree / UE4 - Complete Third Set Creation
  • Speedtree - Fourth Set Creation (Part.1)
  • Speedtree / UE4 - Fourth Set Creation (Part.2)
  • Speedtree / UE4 - Fourth Set Creation (Part.2)

Section 11 : Unreal Engine 4 - Landscape Master Material

  • Triplanar Overview
  • Creation of our Function Layer (Part.1)
  • Creation of our Function Layer (Part.2)
  • Creation of our Function Layer (Part.3)
  • Creating of Layer Grass
  • Setup Distance Fade
  • Creating of Dirt & Rock Layers
  • Creating of the Blend Hierarchy
  • Creating of our Paint Layers
  • Implementation of Automatic Foliage

Section 12 : Quixel Mixer - Landscape Textures Creations

  • Interface
  • Ground Texture (Part.1)
  • Ground Texture (Part.2)
  • Combined Export to UE4
  • Ground Variration
  • Add Tessellation in Landscape Material Master
  • Get Better Tessellation
  • Dirt Texture
  • Dirt Variation Texture
  • Rock Texture
  • Riverbed Texture

Section 13 : Unreal Engine 4 - Environment Master Material

  • Creation of our EnviroSet Function (Part.1)
  • Creation of our EnviroSet Function (Part.2)
  • Clean our Function
  • Creation of Blending Function (Part.1)
  • Creation of Blending Function (Part.2)
  • Creation of Vertex Function (Part.1)
  • Creation of Vertex Function (Part.2)
  • Creation of Moss Cover Function (Part.1)
  • Creation of Moss Cover Function (Part.2)
  • Creation of Moss Cover Function (Part.3)
  • Creation of Moss Cover Function (Part.4)
  • Creation of Wetness Function & End of our Material
  • Creation of Bump Function and Final Test

Section 14 : Complete Asset Setup Workflow

  • Bridge / 3ds Max - Setup Asset
  • Photoshop - Texture Combined Creation
  • Unreal Engine 4 - Import and Test

Section 15 : Generic Plants Creation

  • (s) 3ds Max - Models Creation
  • Speedtree - Fern01 Creation
  • Speedtree - Fern02 Creation
  • Speedtree - Fern03 Creation & Export
  • Speedtree - Clovers Creation
  • Speedtree - River Plants 01 (Part.1)
  • Speedtree - River Plants 01 (Part.2)
  • Speedtree - River Plants 02
  • Unreal Engine 4 - Clean Project

Section 16 : Unreal Engine 4 - Decals Material

  • Unreal Engine 4 - Creation of Our Decals Master Material

Section 17 : Unreal Engine 4 - Scene Creation

  • Creating Terrain and River
  • Placing of Trees
  • Add Landscape Reliefs
  • Add Texture Variations
  • Improve Variations
  • Setting the Landscape Grass Foliage (LGT)
  • Improve Tree Placement
  • Adding Volumetric Fog
  • Enable Dynamic Indirect Lighting (LPV)
  • Getting a Sharper Visual with Post Process Material
  • Add Vegetion around the River
  • Add Rocks
  • Add Decals
  • Add Small Details (pinecone, sticks, mushrooms...)

Section 18 : Unreal Engine 4 - Setup Lighting

  • Configure Post Process
  • Add Color Grading (LUT)
  • Add Reflection
  • Create First HDR (Nvidia Ansel)
  • Rework Tree Placement
  • Adjust Foliage Color

Section 19 : Unreal Engine 4 - Take Renders

  • Setup Renders (Consol Commands)
  • First Render (Ansel)
  • Custom CineCam Overview
  • Second Render
  • Other Renders

Section 20 : Unreal Engine 4 - About Optimization (Part.2)

  • Actor to Optimize
  • Set LODs
  • Enable Shadow Contact
  • Reduce Texture Resolutions (LOD Bias)
  • Alternative Reflection
  • Reduce Tessellation Density
  • Reduce Volumetric Fog
  • Enable Early Z-Pass

Section 21 : Unreal Engine 4 - Extra Additions

  • Alternative Wind
  • Interact Foliage

Section 22 : Learn How to Create a "Lost Road" scene

  • About This Part Preview
  • Overview Final Project Preview

Section 23 : Unreal Engine 4 - Material Updates

  • Update of Layers Function
  • Add Mask Variation
  • Update Biome Layers
  • Get Better Blending Automatic Material
  • Update of Enviro Master Material

Section 24 : Speedtree / Unreal Engine 4 - Pine Creation

  • Chapter Overview
  • Clusters Setup
  • Cluster Creation (Part.1)
  • Cluster Creation (Part.2)
  • Second Cluster Creation
  • Render as Textures
  • Atlas Creation
  • Trunk Creation (Part.1)
  • Trunk Creation (Part.2)
  • Adding Main Branches
  • Adding Secondary Branches
  • Top Tree Creation
  • Add Small Branches to the Trunk
  • Update Atlas
  • Add Moss to Small Branches
  • (Tips) Change Parent Curve
  • LODs + Wind + AO Configuration
  • Export and Test in UE4
  • Trees Update
  • Second Model Creation
  • Sapling Creation
  • Bush Creation
  • Final Export in UE4

Section 25 : Speedtree / Unreal Engine 4 - Dogwood Creation

  • Chapter Overview
  • First Cluster Creation (Part.1)
  • First Cluster Creation (Part.2)
  • Second Cluster Creation
  • Flowered Cluster Creation (Part.1)
  • Flowered Cluster Creation (Part.2)
  • Dogwood Atlas Creation
  • Bark Creation - Split Function
  • Adding Branches
  • Models Creation from Atlas Texture
  • Adding Leaves
  • Adding Moss
  • Branches Optimization
  • Ambient Occlusion, LODs and Wind Configuration
  • First Test in UE4
  • Creation of First Flowered Model
  • Creation of Second Models
  • Creation of Bush
  • Final Export in UE4 (Merged)

Section 26 : Remove Noisy Alpha (Speedtree Export)

  • How to Remove Noisy Alpha

Section 27 : Speedtree / Unreal Engine 4 - Ground Foliage Creation

  • Chapter Overview
  • First Grass Cluster Creation (Part.1)
  • First Grass Cluster Creation (Part.2)
  • Second Grass Cluster Creation
  • First Plant Cutout
  • First Plant Cluster Creation
  • Second Plant Cutout
  • Second Plant "Clear" Cluster Creation
  • Second Plant "Dark" Cluster Creation
  • How to Change Color Range in Photoshop
  • Third Plant Cluster Creation
  • Twigs Cluster Creation
  • Atlas Creation (Part.1)
  • Atlas Creation (Part.2)
  • Atlas Creation (Part.3)
  • Atlas Creation (Part.4)
  • First Grass Patch Creation
  • Second Grass Patch Creation
  • First Plant Patch Creation
  • Second Plant Patch Creation
  • Third Plant Patch Creation
  • Twigs Creation (Part.1)
  • Twigs Creation (Part.2)
  • Final Export in UE4 (Merged)

Section 28 : Unreal Engine 4 - How to Get a Better Placement for Automatic Foliage

  • Chapter Overview
  • Creation of "Vegetation Mask" Function
  • Creation of "Vegetation Logic" Function
  • Adding the Function to our Master Material and Test

Section 29 : Quixel Mixer / Unreal Engine 4 - Create Landscape Textures

  • Chapter Overview
  • Creating the Grass Texture
  • Creating the Dirt Texture
  • Creating the Rock Texture
  • Export and Test in UE4

Section 30 : Quixel Mixer / 3ds Max / Unreal Engine 4 - Road Creation

  • Chapter Overview
  • Creating the Road Base Texture
  • Creating the Road Cracked Texture
  • Creating the Road Model
  • Export and Test in UE4
  • Texture Retakes and Final Test

Section 31 : Unreal Engine 4 / Photoshop - Decals

  • Chapter Overview
  • Creating the Master Material
  • Configure Patches for Road
  • Create Dogwood Leaves Decal in Speedtree
  • Create Pine Needles Decal in Speedtree
  • Create RDAO and Final Test

Section 32 : Unreal Engine 4 - Scene Creation

  • Road Placement
  • About Procedural Foliage Spawner
  • Add Reliefs to the Landscape
  • Add Road Variation Textures
  • Procedural Pines Placement
  • Add Ground Foliage
  • Add Fog
  • Enable Nvidia Ansel and Generate the HDRI
  • Dogwood Placement
  • Enable Dynamic Indirect Lighting (LPV)
  • Add Side Decals
  • Add Side Vegetation
  • How to Setup a Megascans Rocks
  • Add Rocks
  • Add Road Decals
  • Getting a Better Tessellation
  • Adding Final Details


Michael Gerard


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