- Features and uses of Python
- Program execution
- Installation of IDE
- Identifiers and keywords
- Types of comments
- Data types
- Variables
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Input and print statements
Post Graduate Program in Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS)
Join the course to learn everything about motion planning and trajectory generation in autonomous vehicles.
32 Weeks
Quick Facts
particular | details | |||
Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course overview
The Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) programme by Skill Lync is an 8-months programme. It has been divided into five courses, each comprising 12 modules and covering two projects. You will also need to perform a numerical experiment and submit a detailed synopsis report.
The Master's Certification Program in Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) online course is available in three plans with different features and benefits. You can choose the one you prefer and learn online. Regardless, you will get dedicated technical support from Skill Lync throughout the course.
Moreover, the Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) certification course extensively covers Python programming, ROS/GITHUB/LINUX, numerical optimisation, data structures, algorithms, path planning, and trajectory optimisation.
The Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) course is a career-focused course, which offers a guaranteed boost to your resume. Once you finish the training successfully, you will receive a course completion certificate from Skill Lync to highlight your new skills and knowledge.
The highlights
- 32-weeks programme
- Two projects
- Hands-on exercises
- Five modules
- Course completion certificate
- Special guidance by technical experts
- 1-on-1 demo
- Flexible course fee
- Industry-relevant skills
- Project-based learning
- Dedicated technical support
Program offerings
- Dedicated technical support
- Course completion certificate
- Hands-on exercises
- Demo available
- Flexible fees
Course and certificate fees
- Skill Lync has three different plans for the Master's Certification Program in Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) course.
- Each course has a different fee plan that is stated per month for 10 months.
Master’s Certification Program in Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) fee structure
Course Plan | Fee amount in INR (per month for 10 months) |
Basic (9 Months Access) | Rs. 17,500 |
Pro (18 Months Access) | Rs. 22,500 |
Premium (Lifetime Access) | Rs. 27,500 |
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
Skill Lync
Who it is for
The Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) online course will benefit individuals aiming to pursue a career in:
- Data Mining
- Computer Vision
- Machine learning
- Autonomous driving
Eligibility criteria
Skill Lync will award you a course completion certificate upon successfully completing the Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) training course. However, if you’re in the top 5% of the class, you’ll get a merit certificate.
What you will learn
By the end of the Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) programme, you will have gained deep knowledge of the following:
- Numerical Optimisation
- Core and Advanced Python Programming
- Autonomous Vehicle Controls
- Data structures & Algorithms
- Introduction to ROS/Github/Linux
- Path Planning & trajectory optimisation
The syllabus
Course 1: Core and Advanced Python Programming
Week 1 - Introduction to Python, Python Basics
Week 2 - Strings, Decision Control Statements
- Definition of string
- Operations accessing string elements
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Conditional expressions
- If, If..else, If..elif
Week 3 - Repetition Statements and Console Input-Output
- Use of while and for
- Break and continue
- Pass and else statements
- Formatted input and output
Week 4 - Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionary
- Use of while and for
- Break and continue
- Pass and else statements
- Formatted input and output
Week 5 - Functions and Recursion, Functional Programming and Lambda Functions
- Defining a function
- Types of arguments
- Global and local variables
- Functions as arguments
- Implementing Lambda functions
- Map, Reduce, and Filter functions
Week 6 - File Input-Output and Modules
- Read-write operations
- With the keyword
- File opening modes
- Moving within a file
- Serialization
- File and directory operations
- Importing a module
- Variations of import
- Third-party packages
Week 7 - Classes and Objects
- Class variables
- Methods
- Operator overloading
- Reuse
- Containership
- Inheritance
Week 8 - Exception Handling, Iterators and Generators
- Iterables and iterators
- Syntax errors and exceptions for:
- try-except
- else
- finally blocks
Week 9 - Data Analysis with Pandas
- Installing Pandas
- Loading files
- CSV files
- JSON files
- Dataframes
Week 10 - Numeric and Scientific Computing using NumPy
- NumPy: Introduction
- OpenCV
- Images and NumPy Arrays
Week 11 - Graphical User Interfaces with Tkinter
- Introduction to Tkinter
- Setting up a GUI with widgets
- Connecting GUI widgets with callback functions
Week 12 - Interacting with Databases
- SQLite: Introduction
- Connecting and inserting data to SQLite via Python
- Selecting, deleting, and updating SQLite records
Course 2: Autonomous Vehicle Controls using MATLAB and Simulink
Week 1 - Course Overview and Classical control
- Course overview:
- Introduction
- Overview of Automotive Systems Engineering
- Program Management – Systems Engineering
- Classical Controls Theory Overview
- Stability Pole Zeros
- Transient Performance
- Disturbance and Tracking
- PID Systems
- Gain Selection and Tuning
- Examples Comparing P, PI, PD, PID
Week 2 - Longitudinal Controller Design
- Longitudinal Dynamic Model
- Aero Drag and Rolling Resistance
- Linearizing Longitudinal Model
- Controller Design in Simulink
- Normal Cruise Control Project
- Performance Analysis Using Step Response
Week 3 - Adaptive cruise control model
- Design and Develop ACC Control Algorithm and Model in Simulink
- Feature Overview: Implementation, Sensor Sets, etc.
- Headway Control Model
- Speed Control Model
- Switching Logic in State Flow Techniques
- Controller Design and Tuning
- Performance Tuning using Feed-Forward Method
Week 4 - Advanced ACC - ACC Feature Modification
- Add Additional Functionality to the Model to Improve ACC Performance.
- CACC overview: Cooperative ACC Model
- Logic Implementation
- A Complete Model with Ego Vehicle and Target Vehicle in Simulink
- Simulation Scenarios and MIL
Week 5 - Lateral Control for Vehicles - Geometric Method
- Geometric Control Methods
- Pure Pursuit Controller
- Lane Keep System Using Pure Pursuit
- Stanley Controller
- LKS Using Stanley
Week 6 - Lateral Controller Model for Vehicles- Dynamic Modeling
- Lateral Control Model Elements and Overview
- Bicycle Model
- Tire Model
- State Equation for Lateral Control Model
- Introduction to MPC
- Controller Design using MPC
- Integration and Modelling in MATLAB
Week 7 - Lane Centering Assist
- Develop a Level 2 Model for Lane Centering Assist
- Lane Center Assist Logic
- Feature Boundary Diagram and Functions
- Steering Path Polynomial
- Mode Manager and Fault Manager Design
- Switching Logic for Scenarios
- Model in Simulink
Week 8 - Complete Level 2 Feature Model - Autopilot
- Combine the Models Developed Previously into a Single-vehicle Model and Simulate Scenarios with all Active Features
- Introduction to System Architecture
- Introduction to Electronic Horizon, HD Maps
Week 9 - LCA Modification: Assisted Lane Biasing and Assisted Lane Change
- Assisted Lane Biasing Logic and Implementation
- Assisted Lane Change Logic
- Path Planning for ALC
- Path Planning Function with LCA Model
Week 10 - Combined Controller - 5 DOF
- Combined Model of Lateral and Longitudinal Control
- Vehicle Dynamic Derivation for State Matrices
- State-Space Mathematics for 5 DOF System
- Implement a Single Controller System in Simulink
Week 11 - Advanced Topics in Controls for Autonomous Driving- Part 1
- Predictive Speed Assist
- Introduction to Predictive Speed Assist and Intelligent Speed Assist
- Curve Speed Control Derivation
- Pseudo Code for PSA and ISA
- Integration of PSA with Velocity Control Logic
- Control for Roundabout Scenarios
- Minimum Risk Manuevers
Week 12 - Advanced Topics in Controls for Autonomous Driving- Part 2
- AV Special Applications
- Off-road Mining
- Logistics and Supply Chain
- Agricultural Activities
- Smart Mobility
- AV Special ODs
- Toll Gates
- U-turns in Dead-end
- Other Control Techniques
- Cascade Control
- Nonlinear MPC
- Sliding Mode Control
- Future Topics for Research
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Machine Learning Applications in AVs
Course 3: Introduction to ROS/GitHub/Linux
Week 1 - Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles
- Introduction to Self-driving Vehicles
- Levels of Autonomy
- What is ROS?
- Why is ROS important for auto vehicles?
- Integration of ROS with Self-driving Vehicles
Week 2 - Introduction to Linux System
- Introduction to Linux
- Difference between Windows and Linux
- Distributions in Linux
- Install dual OS on Windows Laptop - Install Ubuntu
- Explain the working of Ubuntu
- Introduction to Shell Commands
- Introduction to Git
Week 3 - ROS Introduction
- ROS Architecture and Philosophy
- How to install ROS?
- Abstractions in ROS
- Applications of ROS
Week 4 - Programming Basics for Robotics
- Why python for robotics?
- Python/C++ Essentials
- How to create variables?
- Different Operators
- Conditional Statements and Loops
- If, else, and elif
- For loop
- While loop
- Functions
- Lists, tuples, and dictionary
- OOPs (object-oriented programming)
Week 5 - ROS File System Concepts
- ROS Filesystem Level
- Navigating in ROS (catkin, rosbuild)
- Creating Packages
- Building Packages (catkin_make)
- Package Dependencies
Week 6 - ROS Computation Graph Concepts -I
- ROS Graph Concepts
- Nodes
- Master Node
- Slave Node
- rostopic
- What is a topic in ROS?
- rostopic list/echo
- Messages and message structure
- Services(using rosservice) and Parameters(using rosparam)
- Bags (rosbags, rqt, rosplay, and rosrecord)
Week 7 - ROS Computation Concepts and Visualization
- Writing Publisher Node and Subscriber Node
- Working with Publishers and Subscribers
- 2D Visualization
- Plotting Message Data using rqt_plot
- Real-time Plotting using plotJuggler
- 3D Visualization
- rViz
- Gazebo simulator
Week 8 - ROS for Autonomous Vehicles
- Sensors
- Different Types of Sensors
- Sensory Data
- Visualization of Sensory Data in Rviz
- Dataset available - KITTI, nu scene, COCO, etc
- Introduction to the autonomous driving simulator: CARLA
- Installation of CARLA
- Integration of ROS and CARLA
- ROS bridge installation
Week 9 - Mobile Robotics: Basics
- Wheeled Vs Legged Robots
- Differential Drive Robot Basics
- Kinematic Bicycle Model
Week 10 - Mobile Robotics: Perception
- Introduction to Computer Vision
- OpenCV in Python
- Vision-based Sensors
- Feature Extraction
- Object Detection and Tracking
Week 11 - Mobile Robotics: Localization and Mapping
- Need for Localization for Autonomous Driving
- Grid Maps
- Sensors - Wheel Encoders and IMU
- Accumulation of Errors
- Kalman Filter and Uncertainty
Week 12 - Mobile Robotics: Path Planning
- Vision-based Navigation
- Path Execution and Obstacle Avoidance
- Static and Dynamic Obstacles
- Understanding of Cost and Grid Maps
- Path Planning Algorithms
- A*
Course 4: Numerical Optimization
Week 01 - Strategies for optimization problem formulations (modeling)
- Mathematical Formulation
- Example: A Transportation Problem
- Continuous versus Discrete Optimization
- Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization
- Global and Local Optimization
- Stochastic and Deterministic
- Optimization Convexity
Week 02 - Unconstrained Optimization
- Unconstrained minimization problems
- Gradient descent method
- Steepest descent method
- Newton’s method
Week 03 - Conjugate Gradient Methods
- Linear Conjugate Gradient Method - Properties & rate of convergence
- Conjugate Direction Method - Properties & rate of convergence
- Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods - Properties & rate of convergence
- Fletcher–Reeves Method
- Polak–Ribiere Method
- Variants Global convergence and numerical performance
Week 04 - Quasi-Newton methods
- The BFGS Method
- Properties
- Global Convergence of the BFGS Method
- Superlinear Convergence of the BFGS Method
- Implementation
- Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Methods
- Limited-Memory BFGS Method
Week 05 - Non-Gradient Optimization
- Pattern search method - Stochastic methods
- Single-stage stochastic optimization
- Multistage stochastic optimization
- Markov decision problems
Week 06 - Least-Squares Problem
- Linear Least-Square problems and nonlinear least-square problems
- Gauss-Newton method
- Convergence
- Levenberg–Marquardt method
- Convergence and implementation
Week 07 - Constrained Optimization
- Local and Global Solutions
- A Single Equality Constraint
- A Single Inequality Constraint
- Two Inequality Constraints
- First-Order Optimality Conditions
- Second-Order Conditions
- A geometric viewpoint
- Lagrange multiplier method
Week 08 - Duality
- The Lagrange dual function
- The Lagrange dual problem
- Geometric interpretation
- Saddle-point interpretation
- Optimality conditions
Week 09 - Lagrange Multiplier Algorithms
- The Quadratic penalty method
- Non-smooth penalty functions and l1 penalty method
- Augmented Lagrangian method
- ADMM algorithm and convergence properties
Week 10 - Convex Programming
- Linear optimization problems
- Quadratic optimization problems
- Geometric programming
Week 11 - Dynamic Optimization Technique (dynamic programming)
- Formalizing the dynamic-programming approach
- Dynamic Optimization using Analytic and Evolutionary Approaches
- Numerical experiment with a varied dimensional problem
- Optimal capacity expansion
- Continuous state-space problems
- Reading assignments
Course 5: Path Planning & Trajectory Optimization Using C++ & ROS
Week 1- Introduction
- Graph-Based Algorithms
- Breadth-First Search Algorithm
- Depth-First Search Algorithm
Week 2- Configuring Space for Motion Planning
- How to Use the Configuration Space?
- Representing Configuration Space as a Graph
- Planning using Visibility Graph
- Finding the Shortest Path.
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm, A*, Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Week 3- Random Sampling-Based Motion Planning
- Various Types of Rapidly Exploring Random Tree(RRT)
- Application of RRTs
- Path Planning using the RRT Algorithm
- Setting up the Ubuntu Environment
Week 4- Robot Operating System
- Setting up ROS
- Following Instructions on the ROS Website
- Adding ROS to the Docker Container
- Introduction to Cmake
- Programming using ROS
- Introduction to 3-D Visualization Tool - Rviz
- Difference between
- Middleware
Week 5- Motion Planning with Non-Holonomic Robots
- Path and Speed Planning
- Trajectory Representations
- Splines
- Clothoid
- Bezier Curves
- Polynomials
- Introduction to Frenet Frame
- Planning in Frenet Frame
- Boundary Value Constraint Problem and Methods
- Pointwise Constraint Problem and Methods
Week 6- Mobile Robot Collision Detection
- Collision Detection for Static Obstacles
- Motion Prediction for Dynamic Obstacles
- Motion Prediction in Frenet Frame with Kalman Filters
- Collision Prediction for Dynamic Obstacles
Week 7- Hierarchical Planning for Autonomous Robots
- Route Planning, A*, D*, D* lite
- HD Maps, SD Maps
- Behavior Planning - State Machines, Decision Tree, Behavior Tree, etc.
- Behavior and Motion Planning Integration
Week 8- Trajectory Planning
- Polynomial Planners
- Motion Planning with Differential Constraints
- Lattice Planners
- Collision Checking
- Trajectory Selection (Cost Functions)
Week 9- Planning Algorithm
- Vehicle and Tire Model
- Optimal Control
- MPC Planners
Week 10- Planning in Unstructured Environments
- Unstructured Planner: Hybrid A*
- Parking Planner
- Automated Driving Open Research (ADORe)
Week 11- Reinforcement Learning for Planning
- Machine Learning
- Markov Decision Process
- Policy Evaluation
- Value iteration
- Reinforcement Learning
- On/Off Policy, Model-based/Model-free Monte Carlo
- Bellman Optimality, SARSA
- Q-learning, Epsilon Greedy
- Decision Making for AVs
Week 12- Conclusion
- Overview of the Topics Learned
- Paper Review
- Non-Traditional Applications
Admission details
- Go to the Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) course page using the link here: https://skill-lync.com/computer-science-engineering-courses/masters-certification-program-motion-planning-trajectory-generation/about#pricing.
- Locate the three-course plans at the bottom. Pick the one you prefer and click ‘Enroll Now’.
- Fill out the pop-up form and submit it to unlock premium access to the course.
Filling the form
You’ll be required to complete a short form to access the Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) training course. All you need to do is add your mobile number, name, and email address.
How it helps
The Master's Certification Program in Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) will equip you with all the core optimization concepts of motion planning in autonomous vehicles. You will also get a certificate to display your expertise in the job market.
Moreover, after completing the course, you can expect a CTC ranging between 2.5 to 6 LPA. If you’re an experienced professional, you can get a hike between 10-45%.
Does Skill Lync provide demo sessions for the course?
Yes, you can request a demo here: https://skill-lync.com/computer-science-engineering-courses/masters-certification-program-motion-planning-trajectory-generation/about#pricing.
Will I get a Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) certificate?
Skill Lync will provide you with a course completion certificate.
How many courses does this master’s Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS) programme include?
There are a total of five courses.
Does Skill Lync provide internships for the Master's Certification Program in Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation (ADAS)?
Yes, you can get a 3-months paid internship with the Premium course plan.